Graduate Institute
PhD Supervisors

Are you currently supervising a doctorate or have you done so in the recent past?
Your membership also has advantages for your doctoral students:
If both you and your PhD student are members of the Graduate Institute, doctoral students can
- apply for a grant to reimburse travel costs.
- apply for a subsidy for the reimbursement of open access fees.
- apply for a writing grant.
The application form for professors to become members of the Graduate Institute is available in the LEA course H-BRS Graduate Institute.
You do not yet have access to the LEA course? Then please contact the office by e-mail ( so that we can send you the application form.
You do not currently supervise doctoral students but are interested in becoming a member?
Membership in the PK NRW

The doctoral college was founded in December 2020 and, as a central organisational unit of the universities of applied sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia (HAW), is to facilitate independent doctoral procedures and the awarding of the doctoral degree in the future.
As a professorial member
- you enable your doctoral students to choose between a cooperative doctorate and a doctorate via the PK NRW
- you can network productively with researchers from other HAWs
- your membership in the Graduate Institute of the H-BRS is automatically renewed as well
Contact Point
Contact Graduate Institute
Sankt Augustin
F423 , F425, F427
Opening hours
Mondays to Fridays: 9am-1pm by telephone or on campus with prior appointment