Graduate Institute
Travel Grants

The Graduate Institute of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences can provide financial support for doctoral students travelling to conferences if they actively participate.
- The doctoral candidate and the H-BRS supervisor are members of the Graduate Institute of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.
- The doctoral candidate is a member of the university.
- The H-BRS supervisor assures in a letter of support that he/she will assume the remaining financing and confirms that no third-party funds are been granted for this trip.
- The doctoral candidate makes a contribution to a conference in the form of a lecture, a poster presentation or a practical demonstration, which has been selected in a competitive procedure on a scientific basis.
- The doctoral candidate does not fulfill the conditions for a DAAD travel allowance of . the programme HAW.International: Kongress- und Messereisen or the application has been rejected.
Travel allowance
The amount of the travel allowance depends on the location of the conference. For
The maximum grant for conferences within Europe is 700 euros and for conferences outside Europe 1200 euros.
A travel allowance can only be claimed once per calendar year and per doctoral student. Only one doctoral candidate per working group can receive a grant for a conference. The research institutes (e.g. MAS, TREE, IVC, IDT/ISF, IZNE) are each considered as one group.
Application for a GI Travel Expense Grant
The application for a travel allowance will be submitted to the Graduate Institute of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences before the conference. The decision on the application will be made promptly and will be communicated to the applicant.
If a grant is approved, the applicant will state the cost centre of the Graduate Institute for the reimbursement of travel expenses in the travel expense account. A copy of the approved GI application serves as proof for the travel expense centre.
The application for the GI travel expense grant is available for download in the LEA course H-BRS Graduate Institute.
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
Graduate Institute