Communications and Marketing

H-BRS Newsroom

In the newsroom of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg you can find all press releases, news and events from the various units of the university, a compilation of interviews and portraits, a social media wall, our latest films and videos, references to some old gems from the archive and much more.
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Overview of all H-BRS press releases

All university news

Gruppenfoto Promotionsstipendium 24/25 (Juri Küstenmacher)

Award ceremony for doctoral scholarships 24/25

IZNE auf dem Sustainability Science Summit Berlin 25

Sustainability Science meets Development Studies: How can synergies between both research programmes be strengthened?

Prof. Kronenberg auf dem Campus Hennef

Informationsabend mit Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg am Campus Hennef

Portraits and interviews

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25 Jahre Transfer: Udo Scheuer in Ruhestand

Cassandra Moers Doktorandin Porträt

Cassandra Moers: Expertin für Zerreißproben

Paul Bossauer mit E-Scooter StA 2021 foto mirene schmitz

Paul Bossauer: Wie können moderne Mobilitätskonzepte Staus verhindern?

Dieter Franke EMT Portraet

Professor Dieter Franke über das Energeisparen

Prof. Margit Geissler Abschied aus Präsidium

Vizepräsidentin Margit Geißler zieht Bilanz

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H-BRS aktuell: Professorin Wiltrud Terlau über die erwarteten Extremtemperaturen

Professor Alexander Boden

H-BRS aktuell: "Wir brauchen dezentrale, flexible und individuelle Verkehrssysteme"

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Klaus Lehmann: "Raum für ethische Reflexionen"

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H-BRS aktuell: Interview mit Professorin Tanja Köhler

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Corinna Thomser: Hard steels and fiery dances (German)

Portraet Dirk Reith 2020 foto bernadett yehdou

H-BRS aktuell: Professor Dirk Reith zur E-Mobilität

171123 Vorlesung Wirtschaft Rheinbach Britta Krahn

Professor Britta Krahn on the psychology of gift-giving

Videos of the H-BRS YouTube Channel

Forschungsministerin Stark-Watzinger an der H-BRS (2022)
H-BRS im Kino: Unser aktueller Werbespot (2024)
Das Institut für Verbraucherinformatik (2024)
Das Institut für Sicherheitsforschung (ISF) der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
Never stop. BRS Motorsport. (2021)
Impressionen vom Sommerfest am Campus Sankt Augustin (2016)

Video series: New H-BRS appointees introduce themselves

Themenbild Neuberufene
Video series: New H-BRS appointees introduce themselves

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg has around 150 professors, and new ones are joining all the time. In a video series (German), the newly appointed professors who have started at the university since summer 2022 introduce themselves.

Podcasts of the university

Christina Kaiser im Podcaststudio mit Bildungsfenster Logo 2024
Consultant for e-learning Christina Kaiser in the podcast studio. Foto: H-BRS

The "Bildungsfenster" podcast primarily covers topics in digital teaching as well as literary interviews with authors. In the podcast series "Abenteuer Promotion", doctoral students talk about their adventurous journey towards their doctorate. Both podcasts are only available in German.


Current Events



Wegen Krankheit abgesagt! Zu Gast auf dem Sofa in Rheinbach: Leonie Schöler

Zu unserem großen Bedauern müssen wir die Lesung mit Leonie Schöler am 18.2.25 am Campus Rheinbach absagen. Die Autorin ist erkrankt.

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Leonie Schöler (c) Johanna Wittig, Cover "Beklaute Frauen" (c) Penguin-Verl.



Kinderuni: Medien richtig nutzen! Aber wie?

Kinderuni im Rhein-Sieg-Kreis 2025: 'Medien richtig nutzen! Aber wie?' Freut euch auf eine spannende Vorlesung zum Thema Mediennutzung bei Prof. Dr. Derya Gür-Şeker.

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Robocup Junior - Qualifikationsturnier

Am Samstag, 22. Februar 2025, ist die Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) Gastgeberin eines Robocup-Junior-Wettbewerbs.

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Start-up Spring School 2025

5 days on the way to your own business: that's the Start-up Spring School from the Transfer Center enaCom of the University of Bonn and the Start-up-Manufaktur. Here you develop your own ideas in teams with the help of our coaches, right up to the pitch. We provide you with everything you need to know about starting a business and the latest methods for developing innovations and your own business concepts.

Read more
Teaser Start-up Spring School



"AI wrap" with Dr Alexander Hagg

The second event in the "AI Wrap" series, in which regular short workshops on the use of artificial intelligence in research will be held from February 2025

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Workshopreihe 2025 KI Wrap Themenbild KI generiert

Weitwinkel. H-BRS Newsletter

Screenshot Newsletter Weitwinkel Nummer 12 2021-03

At the end of each each quarter, the newsletter Weitwinkel (=wide angle) of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg provides information on teaching, research, transfer and personnel. It informs about events, awards and other news in and from the H-BRS. We look forward to receiving subscribers, alas the newsletter is only availabe in German. To the archive and registration:

From the archive

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Argentina from Mexico, Mother of Robots (Interview)

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There and back again: H-BRS Student in Ghana (Interview)

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b-it bots are RoboCup world champions in 2019

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"Es war eine Pionierzeit" - Als die Hochschule laufen lernte

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With Luna from workshop to airfield

Contact persons

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Juri Küstenmacher

Web Editor, CMS Admin


Sankt Augustin


E 241


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Montag bis Freitag: 10 bis 15:30 Uhr


+49 2241 865 9712
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Daniela Greulich

Deputy Head of executive department Communications and Marketing/Press and Public Relations, Press Officer


Sankt Augustin


E 237


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 641
Dominik Pieper 2025 V2

Dominik Pieper

Head of Communications and Marketing


Sankt Augustin


E 239


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


Team Communications and Marketing


Sankt Augustin


E 237 - 242


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 17:00