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New study sees H-BRS remain in first place for student satisfaction

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Tuesday 14 January 2025

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) produces very satisfied graduates: in a new study commissioned by the NRW Ministry of Science, it outperforms all other universities in North Rhine-Westphalia in terms of student satisfaction. There are differences between the types of university: Universities of Applied Sciences as a whole are rated better than universities when it comes to student satisfaction.

First place for ‘general student satisfaction’: according to a recent study, H-BRS achieved an average of 3.2 points on a scale of zero (‘very dissatisfied’) to four (‘very satisfied’). The graduates surveyed for the study placed the University of Applied Sciences with campuses in Sankt Augustin, Rheinbach and Hennef in first place among all universities surveyed in North Rhine-Westphalia.

These and a wealth of other figures have been compiled by the Institute for Applied Statistics (ISTAT). The institute surveyed graduates from the 2020 graduating class for the recently published study ‘Study and Career in North Rhine-Westphalia’. It is the fifth study of its kind, commissioned and financed by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The study also compares universities and universities of applied sciences (HAW).

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Practical training: H-BRS students draw up life cycle assessments for everyday products. The university offers around 40 degree programmes. Photo: Eric Lichtenscheidt/H-BRS

The high satisfaction ratings of the H-BRS are also reflected when analysing the individual subject groups. From social sciences to natural sciences to computer science: H-BRS consistently receives the best ratings of all UAS in NRW. The front-runner here is Engineering at H-BRS, which achieved 92.5 per cent high or very high student satisfaction. For the UAS in NRW as a whole, the figure is 78.6 per cent. The social sciences also left the field of competitors far behind. 81.1 per cent of H-BRS graduates describe themselves as highly or very highly satisfied. The average value is 72.4 per cent.

‘I am very pleased that students perceive and appreciate the quality of teaching at our university,’ says Professor Marco Winzker, Vice President of Studies, Teaching and Digitalisation.

‘I also attribute this to the fact that we are constantly discussing teaching and have created appropriate structures, including our Centre for Innovation and Development in Teaching. Newly appointed professors are given the freedom to participate in further didactic training. We have established the ‘Teaching Day’ and award teaching prizes. All of this shows the high regard in which teaching is held at our university.’

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A new study commissioned by the NRW Ministry of Culture and Science ranks H-BRS first in terms of student satisfaction. Photo: Eric Lichtenscheidt/H-BRS

The self-assessment of student satisfaction brings together a wide variety of experiences made during the degree programme. The support provided by lecturers plays just as much a role as the university's facilities, organisation, practical relevance, exam grades and much more. The H-BRS has obviously impressed once again with its overall programme. In the previous ISTAT study, which analysed the 2018 graduating class, the university also achieved first place in the ‘general student satisfaction’ category of all universities surveyed in NRW.

The ISTAT study also shows that there is a difference in student satisfaction between universities of applied sciences, such as H-BRS, which was founded in 1995, and universities. According to the study, North Rhine-Westphalian HAW graduates state more frequently that they are (very) satisfied with their studies overall (77.8 per cent). In the case of universities, 70.2 per cent of respondents said the same. This difference between the types of higher education institution is also evident at federal level.

According to the study, graduates of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences not only look back on their studies with satisfaction, they also feel at home in the region. Around three quarters of them looked for their first job in NRW. The Cologne region ranks first on the popularity scale, followed by the Rhein-Sieg district and the city of Bonn.

ISTAT study: ‘Study and career in North Rhine-Westphalia’

The latest study ‘Study and career in North Rhine-Westphalia’ examines the academic success and career entry of graduates from the 2020 graduating class. The results are based on data from 17,523 graduates from 29 NRW universities and 13,714 graduates from 41 universities in other federal states. H-BRS has been participating in this nationwide research project since 2012, in which graduates are surveyed one to two years after graduation on their retrospective assessment of their studies and career entry.

Press images

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A new study commissioned by the NRW Ministry of Culture and Science puts Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in first place for student satisfaction. Photo: Eric Lichtenscheidt/H-BRS
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Practical training: H-BRS students draw up life cycle assessments for everyday products. The university offers around 40 degree programmes. Photo: Eric Lichtenscheidt/H-BRS
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Students learn how to use modern camera technology in the H-BRS film studio. Photo: Eric Lichtenscheidt/H-BRS
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Every season, H-BRS students design and build an electric racing car with which they take part in international races. Photo: BRS Motorsport
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Students studying computer science at H-BRS can specialise in robotics and AI. Photo: Eric Lichtenscheidt/H-BRS
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The ‘Visual Computing & Games Technology’ Master's programme at H-BRS teaches the technological foundations of computer games. Photo: Eric Lichtenscheidt/H-BRS


Marco Winzker 1 (DE)

Marco Winzker

Vice President Teaching, Learning and Digital Transformation/Teaching area digital technology and fundamentals of electrical engineering


Sankt Augustin


E 248


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 603
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Martin Schulz

Science editor


Sankt Augustin


E 240


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9560