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Institute for IT-Service (ITS)

Service departments (ITS)

The Institute for IT Service is divided into five service areas: ServicePoint, Network Development, Software and Application Development, System Development and Projects.
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The ServicePoint is the Institute of IT Service’s central point of contact for H-BRS staff. Here their IT enquiries are accepted in person or by phone/e-mail/ServicePoint ticket. These enquiries are then processed by the ServicePoint directly or forwarded to the appropriate contact at the Institute for IT Service.


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Network Development is responsible for the conceptualisation, installation and configuration of the entire IT infrastructure at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. These tasks specifically include the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of the campus-wide communication networks and the data and test centre operations at the Rheinbach and Sankt Augustin campuses. The Institute for IT Service’s Network Development department is also responsible for planning and monitoring the audio and video infrastructure and the lecture room and media technology.

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Software and Application Development is responsible for developing and maintaining the systems programmed in-house and for programming interfaces with external systems. This service area also encompasses the administration of student databases and technical support for the H-BRS website


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System Development creates, tests and implements the integration of external software solutions into the university's system environment. This service area deals with projects such as identity management, IT security and replacing the ticket system.

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The Institute for IT Service manages central IT projects in close cooperation with those of the university’s organisational units involved. It also provides expert support and IT consulting for other university projects, from implementing new campus management software to establishing a data centre in Rheinbach. The project environment at the ITS is very varied. Here is an overview of our current projects.