Department of Computer Science

Alumni (Computer Science)


Welcome to the alumni pages of the Department of Computer Science!

Let's stay in touch! Whether your diploma is still hot off the press or already slightly yellowed, we look forward to hearing from you.

Alumni network

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University-wide alumni pages

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Registration in the Alumni Network

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Change of alumni data

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Unternehmen & Koorperation & Forschung

Graduation ceremony


Graduation Ceremony

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Photo Galleries Graduation Ceremonies



H-BRS GameJam - Let the games begin!

Vom 15. August um 10.00 Uhr bis zum 18. August 10.00 Uhr habt ihr 72 Stunden Zeit, ein Spiel zu einem spezifischen Thema zu entwickeln - Drei Tage voller kreativem Chaos, Nervenkitzel und jede Menge Spaß.

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GameJam 2024

Aktuelle News für Alumni

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Tue, 23. July 2024

Mitmachen bei der Online-Studie: Emotionale Erfahrungen in virtuellen Szenen

Einladung zu einer spannenden Online-Studie, die in Kooperation mit dem Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan und der German Jordanian University durchgeführt wird. 

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A2S institute at the DIGITAL@School event

Thu, 11. July 2024

Robot-assisted learning programs presented at the DIGITAL@School Campus 2024

Various learning activities that were developed in the context of the MigrAVE project were presented to an audience of young students between 3rd and 10th grade

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Dr. Alexander Marquardt (IVC) präsentiert den mit Vago Solutions gemeinsam entwickelten KI Avatar mit eigenem deutschen Sprachmodell

Thu, 27. June 2024

Great interest in AI avatar at the Museumsmeilenfest in Bonn

At the Museumsmeilenfest, Dr Alexander Marquardt from the Institute for Visual Computing (IVC) at H-BRS presented the prototype of an innovative AI avatar together with Dr Daryoush Vaziri and David Golchinfar, the two founders of the company Vago Solutions. This avatar is based on the German language model SauerkrautLM, which was developed by Vago Solutions.

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UNB Predident Paul Mazerolle (l), Kenneth Kent and UNB Vice-President David MaGee

Fri, 14. June 2024

Kenneth Kent receives UNB's -Award for Excellence in Research

University of New Brunswick in Canada honours Prof. B. Kenneth Kent, Honorary Professor at H-BRS in the Department of Computer Science, for his outstanding achievements in research.

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Digitaltag - Projekt CrossComITS präsentiert sich mit zwei Lesungen

Fri, 14. June 2024

CrossComITS presents stories on cyber security at Digitaltag 2024

In cooperation with the Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung an Sieg und Rhein, Prof Dr Wolfgang Heiden presented entertaining stories about cybersecurity in two readings at the Digitaltag 2024 as part of the CrossComITS project at H-BRS in Siegburg.

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Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Informatik

Homepage of the Department, Event Management, Press Relations, Brochures, Flyers etc.


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