Department of Computer Science

Alumni (Computer Science)


Welcome to the alumni pages of the Department of Computer Science!

Let's stay in touch! Whether your diploma is still hot off the press or already slightly yellowed, we look forward to hearing from you.

Alumni network

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University-wide alumni pages

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Registration in the Alumni Network

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Change of alumni data

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Unternehmen & Koorperation & Forschung

Graduation ceremony


Graduation Ceremony

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Photo Galleries Graduation Ceremonies



Save the Date: Cyber Security & Privacy Symposium

Symposium for invited guests. Join us as we present and discuss current research impulses from the field of cyber security.

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Studiengangsbild-Studiengangsseite Cyber Security (DE)

Aktuelle News für Alumni

Bluedot FM  No. 13

Mon, 21. October 2024

Neue Bluedot FM Podcast-Folge: Prof. André Hinkenjann über die Zukunft der Computerspiele

In der 13. Ausgabe von Bluedot FM berichten die Reporter von der Gamescom über die Welt der Computerspiele und die zunehmende Bedeutung der Branche. Im Gespräch mit Prof. André Hinkenjann diskutieren die Moderator*innen über die Entwicklung der Games, den Master-Studiengang Visual Computing & Games Technology sowie die gesellschaftlichen Einflüsse, die Computerspiele heute haben.

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Gemeinsamer Erfolg in der Informatik: Polytechnische Universität Tschernihiw und H-BRS vertiefen Beziehungen durch DAAD-Praktikumsprogramm

Tue, 01. October 2024

Collaborative Success in Computer Science: Chernihiv Polytechnic University and H-BRS Strengthen Ties through DAAD Internship Program

For the second time, Mariia Dorosh, professor of Software Engineering at Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (CPNU), is visiting the Department of Computer Science at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) as part of the DAAD internship program. Her visit is a testament to the ongoing academic collaboration between the two institutions.

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Projektgruppe „d!nternal audit“

Thu, 26. September 2024

Examiner meeting at the Department of Computer Science: Focus on the opportunities and risks of digital innovations

In mid-September, the ‘d!nternal audit’ project group met for its biannual meeting on the Sankt Augustin campus. The meeting was hosted by Prof Dr Petra Haferkorn and Christopher Healey from the Department of Computer Science at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. The invited experts, including mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers, hold management positions in the internal auditing departments of well-known German companies. The meeting focussed on the opportunities and risks of digital innovations for their companies' business models.

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HBRS Forscher auf Summerbreeze Festival August 2024

Thu, 05. September 2024

H-BRS tests 5G communication system at SummerBreeze festival

Science meets metal festival: H-BRS researchers were in action at the Summerbreeze Open Air. They set up an independent communication network for the Malteser emergency services, enabling the paramedics to communicate with each other and with the incident command.

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IVC Strategiemeeting

Thu, 05. September 2024

Jährliches IVC-Strategiemeeting: Weichenstellung für die Zukunft

Am 2. und 3. September 2024 fand bereits zum achten Mal das Strategiemeeting des Instituts für Visual Computing (IVC) der H-BRS statt. 23 Mitarbeiter des Instituts nutzten die Gelegenheit, um gemeinsam auf das vergangene Jahr zurückzublicken, aktuelle Herausforderungen zu analysieren und neue strategische Ziele zu formulieren.

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Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Informatik

Homepage of the Department, Event Management, Press Relations, Brochures, Flyers etc.


Sankt Augustin


C 157


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin