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Department of Engineering and Communication

Welcome to the Department of Engineering and Communication!
Fachbereich IWK Studierende
Successful PhD Defence for Dirk Grommes
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A look back: H-BRS at Gamescom 2024
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2024-08-21 Gamescom H-BRS Stand #2
Technology and creativity at the open project day in the IWK department
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Tag des offenen Projekts SoSe 2024 IWK
Time to register for language courses in winter term 2024/25
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Student Council IWK
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Fachschaftsrat EMT 2023 Foto Elias Peters web
In the Department of Engineering and Communication (IWK) [formerly Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism (EMT)], we link engineering and communication sciences. In interdisciplinary degree programmes with a strong focus on hands-on experience, we aim to establish a close relationship with our students. Sustainability, energy efficiency and renewable energies are central fields of teaching and research.

Information for first semester students

Here you will find important contact points and dates for your start in the IWK department

Successful PhD Defence for Dirk Grommes

Screenshot Sophia und Daniel in TJ Und Dann 20240724 yt

Video-Reihe: Technikjournalismus – und dann?

Tag des offenen Projekts SoSe 2024 IWK

Technology and creativity at the open project day in the IWK department

Bachelor degree programmes

Studiengang Elektrotechnik (DE)

Electrical Engineering (BEng)

EMT Powerlab 20220601 foto eric lichtenscheidt 17 fs22.jpg

Electrical Engineering – Cooperative Study (BEng)

Maschienenbau Titelbild Flyer

Mechanical Engineering (BEng)

220511 HBRS IZNE -91

Mechanical Engineering - Cooperative Study (BEng)

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Sustainable Engineering (BEng)

EMT Projektwoche Labor regenerative Energiesysteme 20220525 foto eric lichtenscheidt 13 fs22.jpg

Sustainable Engineering - Cooperative Study (BEng)

DSC02888_TJ_FlyerFront_Frank Seidel

Technical Journalism (BSc)

Studiengang Visuelle Technikkommunikation Fachbereich EMT (DE)

Visual Technical Communication (BSc)

Master degree programmes

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Electrical Engineering (MEng)

Studierende_International-Media-Studies_Foto-DW (DE)

International Media Studies (MA)

Studiengang Mechatronik

Mechanical Engineering (MEng)

Studiengang Nachhaltige Ingenieurwissenschaften Master (DE)

Sustainable Engineering (MEng)

Technology and Innovation Communications, Master of Science 131011_hbrs_rb_sprachenzentrum_07 (DE)

Technology and Innovation Communications (MSc, expiring)

Mann im Studio_carlynn alarid via unsplash

Digital Communication and Media Innovation (MA)