Department of Engineering and Communication
Visual Technical Communication (BSc)

Programme content
The Visual Technical Communication degree programme is the first in Germany to combine visualisation, technology and communication. It is directed at anyone who mainly wants to work with visual formats in technical journalism and technical communication. The media world is digital and mobile. Already, many people access information mainly via their smartphone and prefer social media and video platforms such as YouTube as sources of information. Visual formats are becoming more important. Videos, photos, graphics and virtual reality (VR) will continue to revolutionise communication beyond language barriers.
First, students in the bachelor’s degree programme in Visual Technical Communication (BSc) learn the manual tools used by media professionals and become acquainted with the professional fields in technical communication. This content is supplemented by the MINT subjects - mathematics, computer science, the natural sciences and technology. Students further develop their theoretical and practical knowledge in forms of visual presentation, produce different film formats and acquire knowledge from corporate and market communication.
During the practical semester (5th semester), students gain direct experience of working for editorial boards, agencies and companies. As an alternative, they can also complete a study semester abroad. In an interdisciplinary creative module, they are presented with visualisation challenges. Students provide evidence of their skills as communication professionals through practical work in the media, which also serves as a reference when entering into the profession, before completing the degree programme with a bachelor thesis and the colloquium.
Perspectives and job prospects
The demand for specialists who are able to communicate complex technical material is high. Graduates of the bachelor’s degree programme in Visual Technical Communication (BSc) work as video journalists, social media editors and PR consultants on editorial boards in journalistic media, publishing houses, production companies, agencies and press and PR departments.
Building on the bachelor’s degree programme in Visual Technical Communication (BSc), the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences offers thee master’s degree Digital Communication and Media Innovation (MA) an.
Required language skills
All courses are held in German. A very good knowledge of German is required.
Study with us on a modern campus equipped with a digital multimedia studio. The Sankt Augustin campus is located in NRW and is easy to reach by public transport from Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf or Koblenz.
„What I appreciate most about my degree programme is all the practical work. Every semester we create great contributions and with the good technical equipment, media production is simply fun.”
Christina Grommes - Student of Visual Technical Communication

Study Facts
Bachelor's degree
Standard period of study
Seven semesters / 210 ECTS
Language skills
Sankt Augustin
Start of course
Winter term
Semester contribution
Language skills
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Contact points
Departmental Office Engineering and Communication
Sankt Augustin
A 157
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00 (core opening hours)
Friday: 09:00 - 14:00 Uhr (core opening hours)
Course guidance service Bachelor Visual Technical Communication
Sankt Augustin
B 205
Opening hours
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
Contact to the Registrar's Office
Opening hours
Telephone consultation hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, Monday - Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00
Personal consultation hours by appointment only
Student Council IWK
Sankt Augustin
A 041
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 12 - 13 Uhr
Sankt Augustin
Opening hours
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