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Administrative unit 2: Human Resources

Travel allowance for students

Information on student travel allowance can be found on this page.

Please submit applications for travel assistance abroad three weeks before departure.
If you are travelling abroad, please send an e-mail to for any necessary certificates and information.

If the dean's office of the relevant department and the relevant professors support a grant for a student's business trip, a travel allowance can be awarded. The forms provided for this purpose are deposited here on the intranetsite unfortunatly only in german.

The amount is determined by the respective department, but is at most based on the NRW State Travel Costs Act, Landesreisekostenrecht NRW (LRKG NRW). The total amount with the corresponding cost centre must be approved in the application.

Advance payments are possible.

The application and settlement, including original receipts, are processed, checked and forwarded by the travel department to the Finance and Purchasing Department for instruction of the corresponding payment. If contact information of the student is available, the student will also be informed about the payment.

Cut-off period 6 months

Travel expenses claims of all kinds must be submitted within a cut-off period of six months. The first day of the deadline is the first day after the end of the business trip.

Paper applications can, of course, be scanned and sent to the travel expenses office: (link sends e-mail)

