Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)

Successful matching event: H-BRS start-ups meet investors at the DIGITALHUB

Wednesday 1 March 2023

Financing options and investments are crucial for young companies even in the early stages. On January 18, start-ups from H-BRS, the University of Bonn and DIGITALHUB.de had the opportunity to meet investors, including banks, venture capitalists and business angels, and to discuss potential investment opportunities.

A total of 11 start-ups and 11 representatives of various investors, including banks, venture capitalists and business angels, met at DIGITALHUB.de on January 18. At the first exclusive matching event, hosted by Start-up-Manufaktur, the Transfer Center enaCom of the University of Bonn and DIGITALHUB.de, the focus lay on connecting investors and young companies. In a relaxed atmosphere, the young entrepreneurs had the opportunity to talk to well-known financiers from the region.

Investor-Matching-Event (Januar 2023)
Every five minutes, new conversations took place between start-ups and investors (Photo: Verena Billmann, University of Bonn)

The event began with a brief presentation of the individual types of financing, during which Andreas Brünjes (Sparkasse KölnBonn), Dr. Lars Fink (Business Angel) and Dr. Katharina Peters (HTGF) emphasized the special characteristics of financing via banks, business angels and VC. Even though differences in the types of financing became apparent, the three experts agreed on one point, which they passed on as a tip to the start-ups: the choice of the right (financing) partner should be made as early as possible in the course of the company's development and, in addition to the appropriate conditions, also take into account the personal fit.

Immediately afterwards, the program moved on to the highlight of the evening, speed dating. The start-ups were brought together in short intervals with a new conversation partner and had the chance to introduce themselves and their company and to get to know the investors at the same time. Although only five minutes were allotted for each round, lively conversations often ensued, so that the organizers had to call for the next round several times.

At the end of the evening, the participants enjoyed a buffet and drinks and took the opportunity to deepen their contacts.

Investor-Matching-Event (Januar 2023)
Reza Esmaillie and Robin Bayer (Detechgene) in conversation with Fritz Oidtmann. (Photos: Verena Billmann, Uni Bonn)

The startups in attendance were invited exclusively to the event by the organizing institutions. H-BRS was represented by three teams

  • Detechgene GmbH (Reza Esamillie, student in MBA Start-up Development, and Robin Bayer): Cartridge system for rapid, mobile and cost-effective detection of viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens.
  • Laokoon SecurITy GmbH (Andreas Krüger and Moritz Samrock, both students in MBA Start-up Development) : IT security solutions for hidden champions and the financial sector
  • Garrulus (Ahmad Drak and Maximilian Johenneken, both research assistants in FB Computer Science): Fast, reliable and cost-effective method for reforestation of damaged German forest areas.

The startups, which are at different points in their business development and also have different funding needs, all rate the evening as a great benefit and were grateful for the opportunity to meet numerous well-known investors in a relaxed and informal setting.

Key Visual Start-up-Manufaktur - H-BRS Gründungszentrum Neu

H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre

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Our Start-ups


Personenbild Karoline Noth_2025

Karoline Noth

Research assistant, H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre, Project Coordination Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin (SUPRA)




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