We tackle it!
Sustainability at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

„As a university, we see ourselves in a pioneering role and want to implement and exemplify sustainability holistically. Therefore, in addition to the statutory tasks of an University of Applied Sciences in teaching, research and transfer, the sustainability strategy must also focus on the administration and the campus itself with its infrastructure and campus life.”
From Sustainability Strategy
The film "Sustainability - not just a word".

Sustainability in teaching
The topic is already present in teaching. For example, students in the bachelor's and master's degree programmes in sustainable engineering deal with renewable energies, energy efficiency and environmental technology. In the Sustainable Chemistry and Materials programme, the focus is on research into resource-conserving materials. In the master's degree programme Materials Science and Sustainability Methods, methodological competencies for materials development, processing and analysis are taught, as are sustainability aspects related to more efficient materials, resource conservation and renewable raw materials. The part-time MBA programme Start-up Development and Impact Innovations focuses on the three core topics of Purpose, Sustainability and Social.
Students from the bachelor's degree programme in Sustainable Social Policy learn how to use scientific analysis to develop proposals for solutions to the challenges facing society and democracy internationally and in Germany - whether it's poverty, educational opportunities or health insurance.
In the interdisciplinary accompanying study programme "Study Responsibility", students can deal in depth with aspects of ethics, responsibility and sustainability. The university's Centre for Ethics and Responsibility (ZEV) is in charge of this program.

Sustainability in research and transfer
H-BRS's research activities are characterized by the topics of sustainability, resource conservation and energy efficiency. These focal points are listed on the research map of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK). Sustainability-oriented research and sustainability-oriented transfer are structurally anchored in particular in the International Center for Sustainable Development (IZNE) and the Institute for Technology, Resource Conservation and Energy Efficiency (TREE). TREE has developed a corresponding mission statement for this purpose. The research projects deal, for example, with transport systems for green hydrogen, with sustainable mobility or with the reforestation of destroyed forest areas with the help of drones. The focus is not only on the practical benefits for business and society, but also on the acceptance of sustainability issues.
Together with the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC) in Mainz, the university is researching how the transfer of knowledge from research to society can be improved, using the example of global climate and environmental change, in the "Smart Transfer" project.
With the "Forum Verantwortung" , which is run by ZEV, the university offers various public formats and interdisciplinary projects. In regularly held events, citizens can discuss ethical issues with renowned experts in the respective fields.

Digitalisation and sustainability
The combination of sustainability and digitalisation enables the development of new questions and technologies. Three directions of impact can be identified in particular. Digitalisation can be used to understand sustainability-relevant issues, it can be used in the adaptation of sustainable processes and technologies, and it can itself be designed sustainably. The keyword "Green IT" is resource-saving management, for example in software development, hardware procurement or with regard to energy consumption.
„We aim for our university to be perceived even more strongly as a relevant player in the field of sustainability-oriented research and to further expand its national and international reputation in this subject area.”
From the Sustainability Strategy
Transformation of education for sustainable development

Green Campus
The campus, buildings and administration are to be made climate-neutral, resilient and sustainable. The goal of the H-BRS is to reduce energy consumption in the direction of a CO2-free campus and to redesign the outdoor facilities in a climate- and biodiversity-friendly way. One example of implementation is the campus garden. With the support of the project "Sustainable Nutrition in Everyday Study (NEiS)", it was initiated by students and opened in the summer semester of 2021.
The libraries offer a wide range of literature on the topic of sustainability. If receipts are required, they are printed on BPA- and BPS-free blue receipts.
Waste is collected separately at the university. In addition, there are collection points in Rheinbach and Sankt Augustin for electronic waste, batteries, mobile phones, pens, crown caps and CDs and DVDs.

The H-BRS was again awarded the title of Fairtrade University in 2023.
Implementation of the sustainability strategy
The process has started. For questions, suggestions and opportunities to get involved, the sustainability team can be contacted at: nachhaltigkeit@h-brs.de.
Preserving our climate and biodiversity is a joint task. Accordingly, the H-BRS cooperates with other universities of applied sciences in the Sustainability Alliance for Applied Sciences (NAW.NRW).
H-BRS is a member of the network of the German Association for Sustainability at Universities (DG HOCH N).
In addition, as one of six Bonn institutions in the Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research, the university supports the implementation of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda on a scientific level.

Together with the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Museum Koenig Bonn, the online exhibition "Future Food Insects - Sustainability tastes" was created. In addition to information on insect nutrition, the interactive exhibition offers the opportunity to approach the topic from different perspectives.
Research projects and worth knowing

Michaela Wirtz
Vice president transfer, innovation and sustainability, Professor for Chemistry, espec. Instrumental Analysis and Physical Chemistry
Sankt Augustin
E 232
Granthamallee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
E 110
Von-Liebig-Str. 20
53359 Rheinbach

Sankt Augustin
F 404
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
Contact hours
+49 2241 865 9832
Angelika Fiedler
Project Manager Marketing and Public Relations "Sustainability Communication", Project Manager H-BRS Sustainability
Sankt Augustin
F 411
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 9821
Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865Documents
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