Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)

Dr Karl Kirschner
Research Scientist/Mentor and Teacher/International Chair (2017-'19)
Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE), Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)
Research fields
- Computational Chemistry
Sankt Augustin
C 228
Grantham-Allee 20
53754, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 267Profile
Fields of activity
- Institute for Visual Computing
- Visual Computing in Theoretical Chemistry
- Project FLOW: Newtonian molecular modelling. In order to generate reliable and accurate force fields, a large number of molecules must be analysed. These large amounts of data are visualised and analysed using the high-resolution HORNET display.
Curriculum vitae
Short CV
- 1999 PhD in physical chemistry at the University of Georgia (USA)
- Publications (peer-reviewed publications): 48 in total in approx. 23 different journals, 2 book chapters
- 2 U.S. patents for a pharmacologically active agent that inhibits breast cancer in animal models (mice)
- Research interests in the field of theoretical chemistry (see also detailed CV-Research Highlights):
- Force-field development for molecular modelling (e.g. Glycam06, Wolf2Pack)
- Biological modelling and drug design (e.g carbohydrates, lipids, breast cancer, ribosome)
- Modelling molecular nonbonded clusters (e.g. water clusters)
- Supervision of students in research projects: A total of 44 undergraduate students, 2 Master students, 2 doctoral students
- Previous courses include Physical Chemistry, Introduction to computational chemistry methods and The history of America's Adirondack Park
Research Projects
Bio-chemical research is increasingly dependent on accurate computer modelling and analysis. This field of research is by its very nature highly interdisciplinary, as basic physical laws must be implemented algorithmically in order to make relevant contributions in life science applications. The project and the associated initiative UMMBAS bundles the strong cross-disciplinary expertise at the H-BRS in method development, visualisation and the application of computer-based procedures for deciphering material science and biochemical issues.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Matthias PrellerPublications
Publications since 2015 (67 total since 1993)
- A Hagg and KN Kirschner. “Open-Source Machine Learning in Computational Chemistry”. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 63.15 (2023), 4505–4532
- M Müller, A Hagg, R Strickstrock, M Hülsmann, A Asteroth, KN Kirschner, & D Reith. “Determining Lennard-Jones Parameters Using Multiscale Target Data through Presampling-Enhanced, Surrogate-Assisted Global Optimization”. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 63.7 (2023), 1872–1881
W Fiedler, F Freisleben, J Wellbrock, & Kirschner, Karl N. “Mebendazole’s Conformational
Space and Its Predicted Binding to Human Heat-Shock Protein 90”. Journal of Chemical
Information and Modeling 62.15 (2022), 3604–3617 -
R Strickstrock, M Hülsmann, D Reith, and KN Kirschner. “Optimizing Lennard-Jones
parameters by coupling single molecule and ensemble target data”. Computer Physics
Communications 274 (2022), 108285 - F. Freisleben, F. Modemann, J. Muschhammer, H. Stamm, F. Brauneck, A. Krispien, C. Bokemeyer, K.N. Kirschner, J. Wellbrock, & W. Fiedler. "Mebendazole Mediates Proteasomal Degradation of GLI Transcription Factors in Acute Myeloid Leukemia," International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22, 10670
- Cesari, A.; Uccello Barretta, G.; Kirschner, K.N.; Pappalardo, M.; Basile, L.; Guccione, S.; Russotto, C.; Lauro, M. R.; Cavaliere, F. & Balzano, F. “Interaction of natural flavonoid eriocitrin with β-cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin: an NMR and molecular dynamics investigation,” New J. Chem., The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020, 44, 16431-16441!divAbstract
- K.N. Kirschner, S. Keil, K. Seuser, and C. Siefer, “Teaching Technical Journalism with an Engineering Foundation,” in 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Porto, Portugal, 2020, pp. 808-813, doi: 10.1109/EDUCON45650.2020.9125242. (Won Best Paper.)
- K.N. Kirschner, D. Reith, and W. Heiden, “The performance of Dunning, Jensen, and Karlsruhe basis sets on computing relative energies and geometries,” Soft Materials, 2020, 18, 200-214
- Schenk, M.R.; Köddermann, T.; Kirschner, K.N.; Knauer, S. & Reith, D. “Molecular Dynamics in the Energy Sector: Experiment and Modeling of the CO2/CH4 Mixture,” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2020, 65, 1117-1123
- Krämer, A.; Pickard, F.; Huang, J.; Venable, R.; Reith, D.; Kirschner, K.; Pastor, R. & Brooks, B. “Interactions of Water and Alkanes: Modifying Additive Force Fields to Account for Polarization Effects,” J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2019, 15 (6), 3854-3867
- Mitchell, S. R.; Larkin, K.; Grieselhuber, N. R.; Lai, T.-H.; Cannon, M.; Orwick, S.; Sharma, P.; Asemelash, Y.; Zhang, P.; Goettl, V. M.; Beaver, L.; Mims, A.; Puduvalli, V. K.; Blachly, J. S.; Lehman, A.; Harrington, B.; Henderson, S.; Breitbach, J. T.; Williams, K. E.; Dong, S.; Baloglu, E.; Senapedis, W.; Kirschner, K.; Sampath, D.; Lapalombella, R. & Byrd, J. C. “Selective targeting of NAMPT by KPT-9274 in acute myeloid leukemia, Blood Advances, American Society of Hematology, 2019, 3, 242-255
- A. Bernardi, R. Faller, D. Reith, and K.N. Kirschner, “ACPYPE update for nonuniform 1-4 scale factors: Conversion of the GLYCAM06 force field from AMBER to GROMACS,” SoftwareX, 2019, 10, 100241
- K. Kirschner, J. Bode, and D. Reith, “The International Chair - Concept and Benefits of a New Interdisciplinary Faculty Position,” in 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2019, 775-780
- K. N. Kirschner, W. Heiden, and D. Reith. “Small alcohols revisited: CCSD(T) relative potential energies for the minima, first- and second-order saddle points, and torsion-coupled surfaces,” ACS Omega, 3(1):419–432, 2018
- A. Bernardi, K.N. Kirschner, and R. Faller. “Structural analysis of human glycoprotein butyrylcholinesterase using atomistic molecular dynamics: The importance of glycosylation site ASN241,” PLOS ONE, 12(11):1–17, 11 2017
- T. Köddermann, M.R. Schenk, M. Hülsmann, A. Krämer, K.N. Kirschner, and D. Reith. “Molecular dynamics simulation of membrane free energy profiles using accurate force field for ionic liquids.” In Scientific Computing and Algorithms in Industrial Simulations. Springer, Cham, 2017
- K. N. Kirschner, W. Heiden, and D. Reith. “Relative electronic and free energies of octane’s unique conformations. Molecular Physics, 115(9-12):1155–1165, 2017
- R. Elfgen, M. Hülsmann A. Krämer, T. Köddermann, K.N. Kirschner, and D. Reith. “Optimized atomistic force fields for aqueous solutions of magnesium and calcium chloride: Analysis, achievements and limitations,” The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 225(8):1391–1409, 2016
- M. Hülsmann, K.N. Kirschner, A. Krämer, D.D. Heinrich, O. Krämer-Fuhrmann, and D. Reith. “Optimizing molecular models through force-field parameterization via the efficient combination of modular program packages. In Q. R. Snurr, S. C. Adjiman, and A. D. Kofke, editors, Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation: Select Papers from FOMMS 2015, pages 53–77. Springer Singapore, Singapore, 2016
- K.N. Kirschner, D. Reith, O. Jato, and A. Hinkenjann. “Visualizing potential energy curves and conformations on ultra high-resolution display walls,” Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 62:174–180, 2015
Further Information