Department of Computer Science
Successful 19th FrOSCon 2024 on the H-BRS campus

The conference was opened by Andreas Kupfer, the first chairman of FrOSCon, together with his deputy Hinrikus Wolf. On behalf of the university, Prof. Dr Marco Winzker, Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Digitalisation, and Prof. Dr Michael Rademacher from the Department of Computer Science welcomed the participants to two days full of exciting presentations, discussions and workshops that dealt intensively with the latest developments and trends in the field of free software and open source.
Visitors had the opportunity to find out all about the latest developments in the open source world in a wide range of presentations and interactive workshops. Topics such as IT security, artificial intelligence, web development, data protection and ethical issues in connection with software were discussed in depth.

In addition to topics that are regularly included:
- Operating systems
- development
- administration
- Security issues
- Legal issues
- Desktop
- Education
- Cloud
there were also the main topics.

This year these focussed on the topics:
- In Rust we trust – Memory safe languages
- Grow your own – Open Source plant cultivation
- SBOM – Supply chain security in OSS
- Thinking outside the stack – eBPF and friends
- Bridging the Gap between politics and reality – Lobbying for free software
- AI AI, captain – LLM, machine learning & Co.

With her keynote speech on Running the internet, underfunded and under-staffed? How to achieve a sustainable open source ecosystem Jutta Horstmann addressed the current challenges we are facing.
Horstmann's keynote speech was a highlight of the conference and inspired further discussions about the future of the open source movement.
At the 31 project partner stands, participants were able to delve deeper into the subject matter and make contacts with like-minded developers and organisations. The wide range of topics and the opportunity for personal dialogue once again made FrOSCon an important community platform this year.
The commitment of the 400 volunteers, speakers and exhibitors ensured that the conference ran smoothly and created a friendly atmosphere. The organisers are delighted with the positive feedback and are already planning for 2025.
Next year, FrOSCon will be celebrating its 20th anniversary and we are expecting a very special programme.


Marco Winzker
Vice President Teaching, Learning and Digital Transformation/Teaching area digital technology and fundamentals of electrical engineering
Sankt Augustin
E 248
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 603
Michael Rademacher
Professorship of Computer Science, in particular Embedded Systems and Networks, Research Group Leader Fraunhofer FKIE
Sankt Augustin
F313 (entrance via car park behind the F-building)
Grantham-Allee 2-8
53757 Sankt Augustin
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