International Office
Strategic University Partnerships

As part of the DAAD-funded Take-Off4Internationalisation (TOFI) project (2022-2023), the university has taken a close look at strategic university partnerships. Both a common understanding and a concept that defines strategic partnerships for H-BRS were developed and serve as a working basis for identifying and reviewing strategic partners.

Three central levels for strategic partnerships
Wide-Range: The partnership should be university-wide and centrally organised without restricting individual initiatives. It must involve several departments and target groups and include various formats of cooperation in teaching, research and/or transfer.
Depth: A strategic partnership is characterised by intensive cooperation, close networking and joint major projects. Established contacts and short communication channels are essential.
Governance: A strong commitment is required at department and university management level, supported by resources, institutional anchoring and a strategic memorandum of understanding.

3x2x2x1 formula for strategic partnerships
For a university partnership to qualify for a strategic partnership, the partnership must include at least three departments & divisions, two target groups and two fields of action (teaching, research, transfer) as well as at least one joint major project that is funded by DAAD, Erasmus+ or DFG, for example.
The aim of H-BRS is to identify and enter into further strategic partnerships in the coming years.
Cooperation with the German Jordanian University
General information
The GJU is a Jordanian state university with campuses in Amman and Madaba. It is based on the model of German universities of applied sciences, whereby the study programmes are based on German curricula. A unique feature of the GJU is the compulsory year in Germany for all students. Around 4,500 students from over 30 nations are currently enrolled on almost 30 degree programmes at GJU. The students have access to a network of around 100 German universities of applied sciences where they can spend their year in Germany.
Chairmanship of H-BRS in the GJU IT network
- Coordination of universities in IT degree programmes
- Advice on IT degree programmes at the GJU
Student exchange
- Since 2008 Department of Computer Science (FB02) - School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Extension of the cooperation to the Department of Economics (FB01) - students of the School of Management and Logistic Sciences
Summer schools
- Arabic language course at the GJU
- Intercultural and Social Entrepreneurship Exchange (ISEE)
Lecturer mobility
- Instrument of the GJU ‘Flying Faculty’ for the mutual exchange of teaching staff
- TOFI mobility funding for reciprocal stays
Joint projects to promote the transfer between university and society
Adaptation of the IT curricula at GJU to better meet the needs of local students
Projects to strengthen the open source concept in the region >> Promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship as well as innovation in teaching
Kooperation mit der University of Cape Coast
General Information
UCC is a public university that was recognised as the best university in Ghana and West Africa by Times Higher Education in 2021. UCC has been an important cooperation partner for H-BRS in various research and teaching projects since 2010.
Summer Schools
- Codeshare Teaching and Learning
- Become an International Negotiator (BAIN)
- Building Bridges Across Continents (BBAC)
Joint teaching
- in the Bachelor programme International Business (BSc.)
- Semester-long guest lecture from the Department of Engineering and Communication at UCC in the field of Public Relations
- Summer School ‘Codeshare Teaching and Learning’
Joint projects
- Applied Reasearch and Teaching for Sustainable Development in Africa (ART4Dev) - in the DAAD SDG programme
- Become an International Negotiator (BAIN)
- Building Bridges Across Continents (BBAC)
- Development of joint courses in the areas of finance, entrepreneurship, cost accounting, marketing and digitalisation
Further collaborations
- Business plan competitions (since 2013)>> Founding of numerous start-ups, some of which have been able to establish themselves on the Ghanaian market to date
- Joint conference ‘Universities, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa - UEED’

Contact persons for strategic partnerships
Permanent contact persons for strategic partnerships are available at H-BRS and the partner universities. As members of the steering group, they represent their university and contribute to the continuous monitoring and evaluation of strategic partnerships.
They are the first point of contact for disseminating and developing ideas for cooperation. They are happy to provide information and contacts if you are interested in a collaboration.

Sankt Augustin
E 056
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 739