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Institute for Safety and Security Research (ISF)

Write your thesis at the BEZ

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With its broad spectrum of topics and tasks, the BEZ offers diverse opportunities for theses for various courses of study.

Biometrics is still a fairly young technology with great potential for development, which gives rise to a wide range of fundamental questions that still need to be investigated. In this context, the BSI offers to supervise theses.

Examples of topics:

  • Presentation-Attack-Detection technologies (PAD): Forgery attacks pose a great danger to biometric procedures, which is why the use of procedures that detect them is essential. Possible work in the area includes:
    • PAD-technologies based on Deep Learning methods
    • Sensor fusion in multimodal biometrics or also in the combination of several sensors for authenticity recognition
  • Deepfakes: Automated manipulation of image and video material on the basis of AI methods, here essentially meaning face swapping.
  • Voice recognition: Speaker or voice recognition systems are used to recognize a speaker based on their speech characteristics.
  • Template Protection methods: Template protection methods are methods with which the reference stored in a biometric system for an identity can be secured so that an attacker who gains access to such a database cannot obtain any "useful" information from this reference.
  • Facial recognition
  • Biometric background systems

More information on the topic of final theses in the field of biometric procedures can be found on the BSI website.


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Norbert Jung

Professor for Applied Computer Science in particular Embedded Systems , Member of the Graduate School for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia (PK-NRW)

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


C 279


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 211
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Robert Lange

Engineering, esp. electrical engineering and electronic circuit technology, Research professorship, Director of Institute for Safety and Security Research (ISF)

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


B 225


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 352