Department of Engineering and Communication

Prof. Dr Corinna Thomser
Materials engineering, especially innovative materials
Department of Engineering and Communication, Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)
Sankt Augustin
B 241
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 320Profile
- Werkstoffkunde (MB, ET und NI)
- Methoden, Tools 2 (MB)
- Digitale Materialforschung
- Innovative Werkstoffe und Fertigungsverfahren
- Gefüge- Eigenschaftskorrelationen
- Werkstoffdatenbanken
- Integration lokaler Werkstoffeigenschaften in die Simulation der Prozesskette
Curriculum vitae
- 03/2017 - 02/2019
Lehrbeauftragte für das Fach Werkstoffkunde, Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln
- 08/2012 – 03/2019
Engineering & Projektmanagement, MAGMA GmbH, Aachen
- 06/2009 – 07/2012
Wissenschaftlerin, Forschungszentrum Jülich - Institut für Energie und Klimaforschung
- 03/2004 - 02/2009
Wissenschaftlerin (Promotion), RWTH Aachen, Institut für Eisenhüttenkunde
- 10/1998 – 02/2004
Studentin im Fach Werkstoffwissenschaft- und Werkstofftechnologie, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Research Projects
Wire or ribbon connections made of aluminum are usually used to transmit electrical power in control units and power electronics modules. Since the connection points of the wires and ribbons are usually located on substrates made of different materials and the components are frequently exposed to external temperature differences, cracks can form in the material during operation and lead to complete failure of the component, which cannot be remedied by simple design modifications.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Christian DresbachPublications
- Thomser, C.; Langenberg, P.; Kucharczyk, P.; Sturm, J.C.: Gießprozess-Simulation und bruchmechanischer Nachweis – aktueller Stand und Ausblick, Gießerei-Special, 02 (2017), pp.44-54.
- Hepp, E.; Thomser, C.: Virtual Optimization of Process and Material Properties for ADI, HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials, Vol. 72, No. 5 (2017), pp.278-284.
- Thomser, C.; Thorborg, J.: Heat treatment of steels – Virtual optimization of microstructures, mechanical properties, stresses and distortions, European Conference on Heat Treatment 2015 & 22nd IFHTSE Congress in Venice Italy, Conference Proceedings (2015).
- Skiera, E.; Thomser, C.; Linke, J.; Roungos, V.; Aneziris, Chr. G.: Thermal Shock Testing of Different Carbon Bonded MgO-C Materials by Application of an Electron Beam Test Facility, Refractories Worldforum 4, No.1 (2012), pp.125-129.
- Thomser, C.; Linke, J.; Matthews, G.; Riccardo, V.; Schmidt, A.; Vasechko, V.: Tungsten coatings under fusion relevant heat loads, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology 6 (2010), pp.54-56.
- Thomser, C.; Uthaisangsuk, V.; Bleck, W.: Influence of Martensite Distribution on Mechanical Properties of Dual Phase Steels: Experiments and Simulation, Steel Research International 80, No. 8 (2009), pp.582-587.