Metrological Evaluation and Testing of Robots in International Competitions (METRICS)

Research project at a glance
Departments and Instituts
Funding type
01.01.2020 to 31.12.2023
Project manager at H-BRS
Project Description
The main objective of METRICS is to organise challenge-led robotics competitions as clear, rigorous and effective evaluation campaigns for the four priority areas, namely healthcare, agile production, inspection and maintenance and agri-food. These competitions are a cornerstone for the effective design, manufacture, deployment and modification of robotic systems. To this end, METRICS will
- design metrology-grade methods for robotics evaluation,
- maximise the take-up of the evaluation and benchmarking tools,
- ensure the industrial relevance of challenge-led competitions,
- attract industrial stakeholders, academics and the general public to competitions,
- maximise the compliance of robots with ethical, legal, social, economic requirements,
- help to fill the normative gap for intelligent robotic systems by designing evaluation plans as representative standards, and
- structure the European robotics community around competitions in the four PAs and ensure its sustainability.
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