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PhD Success via E-learning

Tuesday 21 August 2018

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On Tuesday, 7 August 2018, visiting scholar Shatha Abu Shanab successfully passed her doctoral exam at the University of Siegen. The title of her thesis is “Remote and On-Site Laboratory System for Low-Power Digital Circuit Design”.
In her thesis, Abu Shanab explores the use of a remote laboratory – i.e., a laboratory experiment that can be performed via the Internet –  for digital circuits in teaching, whereby she received supervision from Professor Marco Winzker at H-BRS. Professor Rainer Brück of the Department of of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Siegen was her first examiner. Professor Daniel Pittich, who represents the Didactics field at both the University of Siegen and H-BRS, was also a member of the doctoral committee.
Abu Shanab received support with her doctorate from the Erasmus-Mundus project “Avempace” as well as the university's Graduate Institute, from which she received a doctoral scholarship. Shatha Abu Shanab is on a sabbatical from her lecturing duties at the Palestinian Technical University and will soon be returning to Palestine to continue her career.