Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies

Student Council Social Policy and Social Security (Sankt Augustin)


Sankt Augustin


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

The representation of the Student council for Social Policy and Social Security in Sankt Augustin

Current Members of the Student Council

Fachschaft Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung in Sankt Augustin

Top (from left to right): Maurice Althaus, Hannah Alef, Leonard Nürnberg, Lukas Stentenbach, Linda Schöne, Matthias Lyssy, Marius Hülsmeyer, Hanne Kossmann, Farina Becker, Leon Ueberall, Lilly Topp, Lukas Fiest

Bottom (from left to right): Victor Lubaki, Simon Strobl, Christian Kessler, Karl Schweppe, Antonia Koschny, Nina Droßard

The Student council for Social Policy represents the interests of the students in the Bachelor's programme Sustainable Social Policy and the Master's programme Analysis and Design of Social Protection Systems.

The members of the Student council are students of the Sustainable Social Policy programme. They work on a voluntary basis for the interests of the student body, such as problems with lectures, exams or lecturers. Furthermore, the Social Policy student council also takes care of the organisation of events, the introduction of first-year students and much more.

If you have a request, please feel free to write us an e-mail. Guests are also welcome at the monthly meetings of the student council.