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Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)

Simulation Lab

Modeling and simulation of technical systems is a cross-cutting activity that supports research tasks in various technological fields, with a focus on methodology and the efficient utilization of hardware resources.

Modeling and Network Simulation

The planning and design of interconnected technical systems typically start virtually. Mathematical models of individual components need to be identified and combined into an overall model. The overall model allows for comprehensive system simulation and optimization. The Simulation Lab consolidates and provides expertise in the areas of modeling, as well as the use and development of simulation and optimization software. Current applications include, for example, coupled energy and heat networks.

With independent method developments, the Simulation Lab is capable of addressing and solving the latest technical problems through computer-aided methods. This naturally leads to close collaboration between natural and engineering scientists, as well as between experimentalists and simulators in different research fields.

Windrad - Lattice-Boltzmann-Methode (LBM)

New Simulation and Production Techniques

New multiscale simulation methods or optimization algorithms dealing with various types of minimization problems allow us, for example, to select the optimal design solution from a multispace simulation result and identify optimal solutions. This can drastically reduce development costs, enhance the performance and reliability of new products, and contribute to the optimization of manufacturing techniques. In combination with new production techniques such as 3D printing, simulation techniques are a prerequisite for a new integrative approach to the development and production of new products.

Prof. Dr. Dirk Reith im Server-Raum

Powerful Computing Clusters

For activities in the Simulation Lab, highly powerful computing clusters of the university are utilized, which ranks among the largest High-Performance Computing Facilities at German universities of applied sciences (as of 2019). The following are the key technical facts:

  • Approximately 5,300 hardware threads
  • Approximately 48,000 GPU cores
  • Total RAM of approximately 16.5 TB
  • Total main memory of approximately 460 TB

„No modeling and simulation, no technical innovation. In the Simulation Lab, we focus on the backbone of system development and look in all directions: technical innovations, sustainability, scalability, and cost optimization.”

Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Menn - Professor of Engineering Mathematics, especially Optimization of Technical Systems (Photo: @PhilDera)

Prof. Anna-Lena Menn

Research and Cooperation


In many corporate strategies, collaboration with research institutions has long been established as a crucial element of Open Innovation. Whether it's specific research ideas or support for entrepreneurial challenges, the university is positioned as a scientific partner, providing expertise.

If you are interested in collaboration, feel free to get in touch.

Selected research projects


DirkReith_FBEMT_2019-01_Foto_Elena-Schulz (DE)

Dirk Reith

Computational Science and Engineering , Managing Director of the TREE Institute, Presidential commissioner for institutional research co-operations, Faculty Advisor BRS Motorsport

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


B 223


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

bruch-olaf_fbemt_foto_y.weber_.jpg (DE)

Olaf Bruch

Honorarprofessor für Virtuelle Produktentwicklung


Sankt Augustin


A 040


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Steinebach-Gerd FBEMT 20150701 StA Foto S.Flessing.jpg (DE)

Gerd Steinebach



Sankt Augustin


B 251


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Anna-Lena Menn



Sankt Augustin


B 229


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 8659751
Portraet Tanja Clees EMT 20180201 Foto E. Tritschler (DE)

Tanja Clees

Engineering, particularly Informatics for Engineers, Modeling and Simulation, TREE - Member of Executive Board, Research Professorship

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


B 245


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Fraunhofer SCAI


Sankt Augustin


Schloss Birlinghoven

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 (2241) 14-4074
Schenk-Martin  FBEMT 20150701 StA Foto S.Flessing.jpg (DE)

Martin Schenk

Research Associate - Department EMT, PhD student

Research fields


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 329