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Vice President Transfer, Innovation and Sustainability (VP4)

H-BRS Sustainability

News and review

24 July 2024

The International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE) at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) is offering a Voluntary Social Year (FSJ-P) in current research on sustainable development. The FSJ-P is scheduled to start on 1 September 2024. Applications are now open.

8 July 2024

On Friday, 5 July 2024, four vice presidents and one vice rector for sustainability met with their sustainability and climate protection managers from NRW universities at the Rheinbach campus. Professor Michaela Wirtz, Vice President for Transfer, Innovation and Sustainability at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, had invited them to share their experiences.

1 July 2024

Presentation of the sustainability initiatives of the Sustainability Alliance for Applied Sciences (NAW.NRW) at the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. On 26 June, the 21 universities of the NAW.NRW had the opportunity to present the initiatives at the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. At this event, entitled "Sustainability as Responsibility", the guests were welcomed by State Secretary Gonca Türkeli-Dehnert and Prof Hartmut Ihne, spokesperson for NAW.NRW.

13 June 2024

In the interdisciplinary supplementary subject "Green Campus - Together for a sustainable, climate-resilient and liveable university", students developed sustainable design ideas for the H-BRS campus in Sankt Augustin. They mapped waste and noise pollution as well as climatic impacts, conducted interviews and surveys and learnt how engagement and data generation contribute to sustainability and community development.

29 May 2024

Call for applications: Female Digital Camp 2024
Topic: Digital product development with a focus on sustainability through prototyping and UI/UX design

From 5 to 23 August, the camp will focus on creativity, prototyping and UI/UX design. Over the course of three weeks, participants will gain an insight into digital product development at E.ON. Small groups will develop practical digital solutions that will be presented to a panel of experts in a final pitch.

22. Mai 2024

IZNE joins the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF). The main aim of the programme is close cooperation between scientists and practitioners. The plan is to develop application-orientated solutions that meet the needs of society.

17 May 2024

Exchange with Professor Ronny Freier from the TH Wildau on new approaches to the sustainability management of municipal budgets and on student projects with municipalities.

16 May 2024

Since the summer semester 2024, the International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE) has been offering the course ‘Green Campus: Together for a sustainable, climate-resilient and liveable university’. Prof Wiltrud Terlau and her team have now received funding for a ‘good teaching idea’, which will be implemented in the form of a podcast next semester.

15 May 2024

Germany is looking for skilled labour. And skilled workers from abroad are looking for suitable jobs. So it could be quite simple. A research team at H-BRS has investigated why this is not the case.

14 May 2024

Opening of the Sustainability Week in Sankt Augustin with Sven Plöger. Various events will be offered from 13 May to 17 May.

14 May 2024

The Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) and the University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD) in Ghana signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on implementing an E-Learning Certificate in Research and Innovation on Sustainable Land Management in Africa within the framework of the INTERFACES project.

30 April 2024

Professorin Stefanie Meilinger vom Internationalen Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (IZNE) spricht darüber, warum das „Recht auf Reparatur“, das die EU gerade auf den Weg gebracht hat, sinnvoll ist, welchen Beitrag die Hochschule leisten kann, und sie erklärt, welcher Faktor die größte Auswirkung auf die Ökobilanz von elektrischen Haushaltsgeräten hat.

25 April 2024

Ute Schmitz zur nachhaltigen Umgestaltung des Campus

18 March 2024

Dr Simone Bernatzky will start her professorship in July 2024 in the teaching and research area: "Sustainability and Controlling". She would like to establish sustainability as a key topic in the Department of Economics.

14 March 2024

Report by WDR-Lokalzeit on the project "MIAAS - Mobility Intelligence as a Service" with Paul Bossauer.

13 March 2024

Due to bark beetle infestation, many trees have had to be felled in recent years. Reforesting destroyed forest areas is very expensive and time-consuming. Drones can make reforestation easier. The scientists are now carrying out practical tests so that a prototype of such a drone can be completed by the end of 2026.

28 February 2024

Articles ordered via interlibrary loan are now delivered digitally. Since March 1, 2024, the library has made ordered articles available for download as PDFs.

20 February 2024

More trees, more green spaces, more seating, better quality of stay: the remodelling of the campus grounds has begun. It mainly affects areas that are currently paved or otherwise sealed.

4 January 2024

In the "NAkSU" research project (new analysis methods for complex safety and environmental data), initial data is being collected using mobile and stationary sensors. The climate data is used to determine changes and influencing factors in the area of microclimate, for example through large-scale construction measures, and to make climate developments predictable.

3 January 2024

Environmental and biodiversity research with citizen participation at H-BRS: Zukunftsfonds NRW is supporting the project "Participatory insect research through creative citizen participation in museums (PInBiM)". With the help of visualization and 3D scanning methods, citizens are to be involved in the collection and research of insect populations. The project partners are the Museum Koenig Bonn and the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB).

Translated with (free version)

15 December 2023

Doctorate on "Material and system development for the integration of metal hydride-based hydrogen storage in gas-to-power systems".

15 December 2023

Markus Loewe is an expert on social protection in low- and middle-income countries. He conducts research on social security systems in developing and emerging countries at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in Bonn.

14 December 2023

Collaboration between committed gardeners from the Rhein-Sieg district and scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the International Center for Sustainable Development

13 December 2023

NRW university network: Second parliamentary breakfast in the NRW state parliament with representatives of the Sustainability Alliance for Applied Sciences (NAW.NRW) and members of the state parliament.

6 December 2023

SWR2 interview about Paul Crutzen with Prof. Meilinger: "From the hole in the ozone layer to the Anthropocene"

5 December 2023

From the hole in the ozone layer to the Anthropocene - Prof. Stefanie Meilinger in an SWR2 interview about Paul Crutzen

3 December 2023

Professors Katja Bender and Stephanie Meilinger presented the EnerSHelF project, which was completed in spring 2023, at COP28 in Dubai. The example of Ghana was used to show the role that photovoltaics can play in supplying energy to healthcare facilities.

16 November 2023

5th lecture series of the NAW.NRW in WS 2023/24

"Space travel as the basis for the sustainable management of our planet"
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Bernd Dachwald from the Department of Aerospace Engineering at FH Aachen