Department of Management Sciences

Professor im Ruhestand Hans-Jochem von Beckerath
Department of Management Sciences (Sankt Augustin Campus)/Economic Law and Tax Law
Department of Management Sciences
Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
Subject areas
- Corporate Tax Law, Tax Procedural Law, Company Law
Research areas
- Taxation of limited partners, Taxation of partnerships based on the transparency principle, Income from capital assets, Models of tax reforms
Current projects
- Fiscal treatment of company pensions, Prohibitions on the deduction of taxes
Important publications
Kommentierung der §§ 2b, 3-3c, 15a EStG in: Kirchhof/Söhn/Mellinghoff, Großkommentar zum EStG, Loseblatt
Kommentierung der §§ 2b-3c, 9, 9a, 15a, 20, 24c, 43-45e, 50b-h EStG, in : Kirchhof, Kompaktkommentar EStG,1.-5. Auflage
Kommentierung der §§ 40-48 FGO in: Beermann/Gosch, Kommentar zum Steuerlichen Verfahrensrecht, Loseblatt
Finanzgerichtliches Verfahren, in: Handbuch Verfahrensrecht, Stollfuß-Verlag
Halbeinkünfteverfahren, in: Freidank/Tanski, Accounting, Controlling & Finance, Loseblatt