University and District Library
Electronic (Laboratory-) Notebooks
From notebooks and wikis to (material) databases, hundreds of solutions exist to support research. In order to find your way in this wide array, you need a lot of time, which you would rather invest in the generation of results. The Library's Research Services team can support you in this process.
The choice of the right tool depends on many factors. Where should the data be stored? Do you want to work collaboratively? Which data must be stored? Are there legal limits? - and much more.
The use of a well-structured laboratory notebook helps to make the work comprehensible for oneself and others and thus to save time on the one hand and to work in the sense of good scientific practice on the other hand.
To get a first impression of the world of electronic laboratory notebooks, take a look at the Harvard Biomedical Data Management page, where 32 popular solutions are compared.
Further comprehensive information about electronic lab books can be found in the Guide to Electronic Lab Books of the ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
H-BRS offers its researchers access to the electronic lab book RSpace. We are happy to assist you in getting started.
Curious now? Just contact us!

Forschungsservices der Bibliothek
Research Services of the Library
Sankt Augustin
A 202.7, A 202.8
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 -686/-9687/-9876Contact
Research Services of the Library
A 202.7, A 202.8