Equal Opportunity
Programme: Green Light for Female Professors

The 4-part workshop series "Green Light for Female Professors" at Sankt Augustin Campus is expected to take place on the following dates:
- 1st kick-off event: Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 18:00 to 21:00
- 2nd workshop - 1.5 days: Friday, 24 May 2024, 14:00 to 18:00 / Saturday, 25 May 2024, 10:00 to 18:00
- 3rd workshop: Saturday, 15 June 2024, 10:00 to 18:00
- 4th workshop: Saturday, 29 June 2024, 10:00 to 18:00
Programme overview
This event provides an overview of all aspects of the appointment procedure at universities in NRW. The H-BRS is thus fulfilling its statutory equal opportunities mandate. If you intend to fulfill §36 of the Higher Education Act in the foreseeable future and would like to prepare yourself for an appointment to a professorship, you are very welcome to attend.

1st workshop: Kick-Off Event
- First getting to know each other.
- During the break, a small snack will be served.
- Kick-off: "Appointment procedure and application documents" (with Dr. Barbara Hillen, Equal Opportunities Officer).

2nd workshop: Trial lecture (1.5 days)
A major hurdle on the path to vocation is the mock lecture. What methods are appropriate? How should the event be divided? How does the dialogue with the students succeed? And most importantly, how does the applicant come across? This 1.5-day workshop will address these questions. Each participant gives a (short) presentation during the event and receives 360-degree feedback on her impact. After the event, the participants are not only oriented about the "rules of the game" of the mock lecture, but also know specifically what they should work on for their own appearance.

3rd workshop: Status communication
This one-day workshop focuses on communication situations that is stress ful for many female scientists in the application process. How do I deal with critical and sensitive questions? How do I behave when it seems to be no longer about the matter at hand? What signals should I (not) send as an applicant in order to appear convincing? After the workshop, participants will know how to use the rules of status communication to win the sympathy and respect of their counterparts. In particular, they have trained how to deal with critical situations in the mock course and in the job interview. Previous participants reported that they can also apply what they have learned well in other everyday situations.

4th workshop: Appointment interview
The appointment interview with the commission members has a particularly important function in the application process. In this workshop participants learn about what they should pay particular attention to in terms of content and strategy during preparation, try out strategies for typical questions for the respective situation, and practice critical points of the interview in teams using case studies. After this one-day event, participants will feel more confident, know what to look for, and be able to support each other in preparing for real-life situations. For this module, a female professor will be invited to report from her own process. This is at the same time a networking opportunity within "Green light" that nicely concludes the series and promotes contact between the cohorts.
Further information
The number of participants is limited to twelve and the series will only take place with a minimum of nine participants. We expect commitment and active participation from all participants. There is a cost contribution of 150.00 Euro/person. The workshop leader is Dr. Sylvia C. Löhken. The seminars will take place on the Sankt Augustin campus in room A 102.
Registration deadline: April 15, 2024 (binding)
Do you have any questions?

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