Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)
AWAKE - H-BRS Female Founders Programme
What you can expect:
- Financial support so that you can concentrate fully on your project.
- Workshops and trainings that strengthen you and your idea.
- A network that not only opens doors for you, but also allows you to grow.
With AWAKE, you don't just develop a successful business - you create something that counts. The future needs more women who take responsibility, take bold steps and make a lasting impact. Show us who you are and become part of AWAKE!
The application phase for AWAKE has been completed. All applications received are currently being reviewed.

The AWAKE start-up programme is specially designed for women in the pre-start-up phase. Over a period of six months, we will support you with monthly workshops and excursions focussing entirely on the start-up process. But that's not all! You will also be matched with an experienced mentor who will be on hand to help you with individual questions.
In addition to the programme, you have the opportunity to receive a three-month EXIST scholarship (certain conditions must be met for this). You can expand your network and knowledge even further in the complementary accompanying programme with networking events and inspiring talks by role models.
Let's realise your dreams together. Apply now for the AWAKE start-up programme!
Applications closed
Who can join?
- All women interested in starting a business (including those without an H-BRS background)
- A precise start-up idea is not a prerequisite. An idea can be developed during the programme.
- No restrictions on topics or industries: we look forward to your ideas and projects from all departments and fields of knowledge (e.g. high-tech, services or social innovations)
- Please note: Before the start of the programme, you must not have founded a company or started any business activities.
Workshop language is German
Scope of support
In our programme, you will not only gain valuable knowledge, but also benefit from the expertise of experienced mentors and a strong network. You also have the opportunity to receive a scholarship.
For more information on the individual points, click on the headings below:
6 months incubator programme
During our 6-month programme, you will be provided with a broad spectrum of start-up-relevant expertise. This includes workshops in various areas such as personal development, idea generation, prototype development, market research and business model development. You will go through the entire process, from the mere idea of starting your own business to the realisation of a fully validated product or service
2.000,- budget for equipment and materials
In addition to the scholarship, you will receive a one-off €2,000 for material resources (participation fees for events, travel expenses, coaching) to finance your project.
3 month scholarship (optional)
Optionally, you can receive three months of financial support through the EXIST Women's Scholarship:
- 1,000 per month for female students in the second half of their degree programme.
- 2,000 per month for women who have completed vocational training.
- 2,500 per month for female graduates.
- 3,000 per month for women with a doctorate.
Conditions: It is not possible to combine the scholarship with another scholarship, active employment of more than 20 hours per week or a support programme to finance the living expenses of the female founders at the same time.
Admission to the EXIST Women programme is a prerequisite for the scholarship. However, participation in the programme is also possible without the scholarship.
As a participant, you will be assigned a personal mentor with start-up experience.
You form a selected network with the other participants and benefit from the knowledge and experience of others. EXIST-Women also organises nationwide networking events where you can make contact with other female founders.
Sign up now for the online info event
Dates and deadlines
Application period
January 15 to February 9, 2025
Incubator programme
April 01 to September 30, 2025
Once a month on Thursdays from 3 to 7 pm (in presence)
- Expected dates: April 17, May 08, June 12, July 17, August 14, September 11
Supplementary Deep Dive courses (online)
- Expected dates: May 22, July 03, August 28
Information events
January 23 from 11am to 12pm and February 4 from 4pm to 5pm
Interested to join AWAKE?

The application phase for AWAKE is closed. We are happy to have received numerous applications! All submissions are currently being carefully reviewed in order to put together the next AWAKE cohort!
Information on the application process
Applications are submitted via our online form. You can find the complete conditions of participation further down on this page.
In addition to requesting certain information about yourself and your current status, we want to know who you are! Instead of impersonal text modules, we would therefore appreciate a short video in which you introduce yourself, present your idea - if you already have one - and tell us what you would like to achieve with the program.
In the section “Preparing your application” you will find further information about the video.
Please note: The online form does not have a save function.
You cannot save your entries and continue your application at a later date. We therefore recommend that you read our website and the conditions of participation carefully in advance and take sufficient time to complete the form.
It may be helpful to open this website in a second tab at the same time.
Preparation of the application
The following information and questions are requested in our application form:
- General information about yourself
- for students: Information about ECTS credits earned
- If you are interested in the scholarship: Information about your current work situation (employment)
- What qualities are particularly important to you in your potential mentor (e.g. industry relevance, many years of experience, personality)
Video introduction:
Please submit a short video (max. 2 minutes) in which you introduce yourself, present your idea - if you already have one - and tell us what you would like to achieve with the program. For example, tell us what problem you would like to solve as a founder: what relevance does it have for your target group, if you can already define it specifically? In which industry or sector would you like to develop your idea? Do you already have entrepreneurial experience and qualifications? Don't necessarily stick to predefined questions or structures in the video, but show us who you are and what motivates you!
You can record the video in portrait or landscape format, using a smartphone, webcam or camera. After submitting the application form, send us the video by e-mail, WeTransfer or a comparable file-sharing provider. You can find more information in the form.
It's possible to submit the video in English, but please note that all workshops will be held in German!
Conditions of participation
- Women with a start-up idea or a well-founded interest in starting a business are eligible to participate in the AWAKE program. The establishment of a corporation and/or the commencement of business activities must not have already taken place prior to participation in the program. The AWAKE program is open to all topics and technologies and is not limited to specific subject areas.
- AWAKE is limited to 10 participants.
- All formally complete applications received by February 9, 2025 (11:59 p.m.) will be considered.
- The applications will be evaluated by a jury of experts in a one-stage process.
- Applicants will receive feedback on their participation by March 10, 2025 and will then have one week to confirm their participation.
- At the beginning of the program, a commitment contract is concluded between the participants and the start-up manufactory, in which the participants undertake to attend the regular workshop dates with a total attendance rate of 80% and to attend the regular appointments with the mentors. Otherwise, withdrawal from the support program may be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
- The participants indemnify the organizer against all conceivable claims by third parties that could be derived from the submitted documents in the event of any infringement of copyrights, statutory property rights, trade secrets and other rights.
(Subject to change without notice)
Zusatzbedingungen für die Teilnahme am Stipendium
Participation in the scholarship is optional and subject to the following conditions:
- A scholarship may be awarded to bridge a period of three months during which either no income is earned or no more than 20 hours per week are spent in paid employment.
- Female students must have completed at least half of the required coursework before the grant is awarded.
- A simultaneous combination of the scholarship with another scholarship, active employment of more than 20 hours per week or a funding program to finance the living expenses of the female founder is not possible.
- If a female founder has already received or is receiving other EXIST start-up funding or state funding for innovative start-ups, funding is no longer possible
Type, scope and amount of the scholarship:
The amount of the personal scholarship is based on the graduation of the female founders:
- Female students who have completed at least half of their studies: 1,000 euros per month.
- Women who have completed vocational training: 2,000 euros per month.
- Graduates with a university degree: 2,500 euros per month.
- Female founders with a doctorate: 3,000 euros per month.
- For dependent children of the women, 150 euros per child per month are granted as a child supplement
During the program, the participants receive a one-off €2,000 for material resources, such as participation fees for events, travel expenses or coaching to finance the start-up project.
All social insurance costs are included in the personal grant. The founders are responsible for their own social security contributions.
Schutz der Ideen und Datenschutz
- Die H-BRS und das CENTIM werden die persönlichen Daten der Teilnehmerinnen nicht an unbefugte Dritte weitergeben. Für das Förderprogramm werden folgende personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet, die nur von berechtigten Personen eingesehen und bearbeitet werden können:
- Name, Vorname
- E-Mail-Adresse
- Telefonnummer
- ggf. Beziehung zur Hochschule
- ggf. Name des Unternehmens/der Idee
- Die eingereichten Bewerbungen unterliegen dem Urheberrechtsschutz. Von den Teilnehmerinnen bereitgestellte Unterlagen werden von der H-BRS, insbesondere von allen beteiligten Jurymitgliedern vertraulich behandelt und ausschließlich zur Durchführung des Förderprogramms verwendet.
- Teilnehmende Frauen, die sich für das Programm qualifizieren, erklären sich mit der Einsendung ihres Beitrages dazu bereit, ihre Idee im Rahmen des Förderprogramms zu präsentieren und sind damit einverstanden, dass der Veranstalter zur Bewerbung des Programms Bild- und Videoaufnahmen der Teilnehmerinnen zu Informations- und Dokumentationszwecken erstellt, vervielfältigt und in Print- und audiovisuellen Medien veröffentlicht. Konkret sind Veröffentlichungen bei Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, auf der Hochschule Website und im Newsletter der Hochschule geplant.
- Durch die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb erklären sich die Teilnehmerinnen ausdrücklich mit den Teilnahmebedingungen einverstanden.
Weitere Informationen zum Datenschutz
Hiermit informieren wir Sie über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten. Zudem klären wir Sie über Ihre Rechte auf und teilen Ihnen mit, wen Sie bei Fragen kontaktieren können. Diese Datenschutzhinweise gelten ergänzend zur Datenschutzerklärung der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg: https://www.h-brs.de/de/datenschutz.
Wer ist der Verantwortliche für die Datenverarbeitung?
Verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung des Ideenwettbewerbs ist die Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (CENTIM), Grantham-Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin, vertreten durch den Präsidenten. Es bestehen folgende Kontaktmöglichkeiten: Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Grantham-Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin, E-Mail: praesident@h-brs.de, Tel.: +49 2241 865 0, Fax: +49 2241 865 609
An wen können Sie sich bei Fragen zum Datenschutz wenden?
Bei Fragen zur Datenverarbeitung können Sie sich an den Datenschutzbeauftragten der Hochschule wenden. Es bestehen folgende Kontaktmöglichkeiten: Datenschutzbeauftragte der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Grantham-Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin, E-Mail: datenschutzbeauftragte@h-brs.de.
Welche Daten werden verarbeitet?
Für das Förderprogramm werden folgende personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet:
Name, Vorname, E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer, ggf. Beziehung zur Hochschule, ggf. Datum der Gewerbeanmeldung/Name des Unternehmens.
Für welche Zwecke verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten und wie lautet die Rechtsgrundlage?
Die Daten werden für die Teilnahme am Programm verarbeitet. Konkret bedeutet dies, dass wir Ihre Daten zum Zweck der Abwicklung des Förderprogramms und zur Benachrichtigung der Bewerberinnen erheben und für den Zeitraum des Förderzeitraums speichern. Rechtsgrundlage für die Datenverarbeitung sind Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a-c EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO), wenn die Betroffene in die Datenverarbeitung eingewilligt hat bzw. ein Vertrag oder eine rechtliche Verpflichtung erfüllt werden soll. Die Einwilligung kann jederzeit widerrufen werden.
Wie lange werden die Daten gespeichert?
Wir speichern Ihre Daten grundsätzlich nur so lange, wie wir sie für die jeweiligen Verarbeitungszwecke benötigen, d.h. Ihre angegebenen Daten werden gelöscht, sobald der Zweck der Speicherung entfällt.
Welche Betroffenenrechte bestehen?
Sie haben als betroffene Person das Recht (1) auf Auskunft zu den über sie gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten nach den Regelungen des Artikel 15 DSGVO; (2) auf Berichtigung unrichtiger oder unvollständiger Daten nach Artikel 16 DSGVO; (3) auf Löschung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 17 DSGVO; (4) auf Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten; (5) auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten nach Artikel 18 DSGVO; (6) auf Datenübertragbarkeit nach Artikel 20 DSGVO; (7) auf Beschwerde bei der zuständigen Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörde (LDI NRW (nrw.de)) (8) Recht auf Widerruf der Einwilligungserklärung.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung: https://www.h-brs.de/de/datenschutz


Research fields
H 306
Von-Liebig-Straße 20
53359, Rheinbach
Contact hours
Montag - Freitag: 9:00 - 13.00
+49 2241 865 185
Sankt Augustin
F 413
Grantham-Alle 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 9943
Karoline Noth
Research assistant, H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre, Project Coordination Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin (SUPRA)
H 306
Von-Liebig-Straße 20
53359, Rheinbach
+49 2241 865 9850Location
Sankt Augustin
F 413
Grantham-Allee 20
Sankt Augustin
Further links