Department of Engineering and Communication
Lecture series: The media makers 2024/25

The series will take place from 16 October 2024 to 15 January 2025 in lecture hall 7 in Sankt Augustin. Every Wednesday from 4.30 to 6 p.m., the Department of Engineering and Communication will host a guest speaker from the media sector. They come to H-BRS at the invitation of Dr Tanja Köhler, Professor of Digital Journalism and Audiovisual Media. The practitioners will present a different field of activity from the inside every week in the lecture series "Die Medienmacher:innen" (The Media Makers) and will also discuss the career prospects for university graduates.
The lecture series is not just for students: it is of interest to anyone who wants to find out about media professions and how they are changing as a result of digitisation.
External guests are requested to register at the e-mail address
After the presentations, all speakers will be interviewed and published in the magazine "Werksgelände". The interviews can be found here: "5-questions to ..."

Tanja Köhler
Professor, Digital journalism and audiovisual media, Vice dean of the department
Sankt Augustin
B 287
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 9627