Department of Engineering and Communication

Prof. Dr Iris Groß
Dean of the Department of Engineering and Communication/Director of the Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation/Professor of Engineering Mechanics, Design Elements, CAD/Alumni Commissioner
Department of Engineering and Communication, Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)
Sankt Augustin
B 201
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 306Profile
Iris Groß is the Dean of the Department of Engineering and Communication.
She is Professor of Engineering Mechanics, Design Elements, CAD and as Director of the Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation. She contributes to the development of teaching methods and especially to digital assessment at the H BRS. As Alumni Comissioner of the university she supports the university's contact with its alumni.
She is as well a member of the University Council of the Bingen University of Technology, where she advises and supports in strategic matters relating to university development.
Her specialist work focuses on the following areas:
- Vibration technology and measurement
- Technical mechanics
- Component strength and stress analysis
- Conmpetency orientated Digital Assessment
Research Projects
The SKILLS project supports students and teachers in the use of digital opportunities. The goal of the SKILLS project is to promote learning success and study motivation through the development of competencies and the use of digital exams.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Iris GroßNEIS is a project of the consumer advice center of North Rhine-Westphalia, which is carried out in cooperation with universities at three locations in NRW. It is funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Iris GroßWithin the framework of the NRW-Ghana Partnership and the funding program "NRW-Partnerships for the Promotion of Technical Universities in Ghana", the Ministry of Innovation, Economy and Research (MIWF) has been funding the university partnership project "Partnership for Applied Sciences - PASS" between the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (consortium leader), the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, the International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef and the two Ghanaian universities Kumasi Technical University and Cape Coast Technical University through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) since 2017.
As part of the NRW-Ghana Partnership and the funding programme "NRW Partnerships for the Promotion of Technical Universities in Ghana", the Ministry of Innovation, Economics and Research (MIWF) has been funding the university partnership project "Partnership for Applied Sciences - PASS" between Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (consortium leader), Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Bad Honnef International University of Applied Sciences and the two Ghanaian universities Kumasi Technical University and Cape Coast Technical University through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) since 2017. The project has a duration of four years.
Renetta Garrison Tull, Jamie Gurganus, Dirk Reith, Libis Valdez Cervantes, Xu Lihui, Iris Groß, Michael Malschützky, Sundiata Jangha, Catalina Aranzazu-Suescun, Luis Alberto Cruz Salazar, Jose Texier, Jusmeidy Zambrano, Maria Mercedes Larrondo Petrie, Li Fan, L. I. Shuangshou, Qiao Weifeng, Wang Sunyu, Robin Cresiski, Yarazeth Medina, Krishna Vedula, Veena Kumar, Rovani Sigamoney:
Models for International Collaborations to Nurture Students into Global Engineers.
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Iris Gross, Doerthe Vieten, Alexandra Reher:
Internationalization at Home by Bringing English into the Lecture Hall.
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Doerthe Vieten, Alexandra Reher, Iris Gross:
Work in Progress: Course Design and E-Learning-Environment for Scientific Competency Development for Bachelor’s Degree Students Within the Framework of Self-determination Theory.
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Kevin Steinbach, Dominik Lechler, Peter Kraemer, Iris Groß, Dirk Reith:
A Novel Approach to Predict the Structural Dynamics of E-Bike Drive Units by Innovative Integration of Elastic Multi-Body-Dynamics.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.3390/vehicles5040068 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-75371
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Kevin Steinbach, Dominik Lechler, Iris Groß, Dirk Reith, Peter Kraemer:
Qualitative und Quantitative Untersuchung des Motorfreilaufs auf das dynamische Verhalten einer eBike-Antriebseinheit.
PDF Download (Meeting Abstract, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) doi:10.17185/duepublico/77405 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-69522
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Iris Groß, Alexandra Reher, Leona Brust, Doerthe Vieten:
Work in Progress: Implementing and Evaluating a Competency-Oriented Assessment in an Innovative Application-Oriented Course of Mechanical Engineering.
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Dieter Franke, Stefanie Meilinger, Iris Groß, Dirk Reith:
Bachelor’s Program “Sustainable Engineering” at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences: Development, Concept and Practical Experience.
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Iris Gross, Michael Malschützky, Tobias Held, Jan Behrendt, Daniel Röthgen, Martina Grein, Dirk Reith:
Self-reliant peer teaching as an additional dimension of university-level education for high potentials.
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Iris Gross, Ingo Gross:
Take Home Lab as a chance for practical experience and problem based learning in a remote working situation.
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Dirk Reith, Martina Grein, Daniel Röthgen, Jan Behrendt, Tobias Held, Michael Malschützky, Iris Gross:
How self-reliant Peer Teaching can be set up to augment learning outcomes for university learners.
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Iris Groß, Katja Kluth, Susanne Kundmüller-Bianchini, Andrea Schröder:
Towards OER: Etablierung einer OER-orientierten Digitalisierungsstrategie an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.
PDF Download (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) URL urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-56387
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Ingo Groß, Dirk Reith, Martina Grein, Iris Groß:
Deeper Theoretical Understanding by Means of Practical Experience in Electric and Electronic Circuits for Freshmen.
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Iris Groß, Klaus Lehmann:
Hochschuldidaktik - Reden über Verantwortung.
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Iris Groß:
Wie wir lehren, wie wir lernen.
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Dirk Reith, Tobias Haedecke, Elena Schulz, Lutz Langel, Lukas Gemein, Iris Groß:
Practical undergraduate projects within the BRSU race academy: An example for conducting a new tutored peer-teaching learning approach.
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Dirk Reith, Tobias Haedecke, Elena Schulz, Lutz Langel, Lukas Gemein, Iris Groß:
The BRSU Race Academy: A Tutored Peer-Teaching Learning Approach.
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Viktor Unruh, Vadim Helmel, Iris Groß:
Nichtlineares Resonanzverhalten der Axialschwingung eines Elektromotors.
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Malte Kraft, Iris Groß, Sigi Peez:
Modalanalyse und Systemidentifikation einer Antriebswelle am PKW.
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Norbert Jung, Oliver Schwaneberg, Sebastian Sporrer, Holger Steiner, Iris Groß, Tobias Scheer:
Adaptive, material-dependent height-control for protective hoods on panel saws.
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Dirk Reith, Claus Bachmeier, Iris Groß:
Be an engineer right from the start: An introductory project with Rube Goldberg machine and SCRUM.
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Iris Groß, Horst Rörig, Dieter Franke, Katharina Seuser:
The Blue Track sustainability in the study programs of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.
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