Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL)
Präsidiumskommission für Lehre und Studium
Quality development in teaching and learning is a central element of the university strategy at H-BRS. Therefore, the executive board has established a commission for this purpose to develops strategies, projects, and core measures in this area. The commission includes representatives of all university departments, the student representatives, and representatives of major third-party funded projects in teaching.

The most important topics in teaching, learning and further education at H-BRS are currently the study program portfolio and its further development, the challenges in teaching and learning due to digitaliaation as well as the development of higher education didactics in the field of competence- and student orientation.
The goal of teaching is to anchor knowledge in students in a sustainable and practice-oriented way, to enable them to think critically and analytically, and to prepare them for lifelong learning. The commission deals with the corresponding measures on these topics, for example, continuing education in higher education didactics, quality assurance in teaching, accreditations and re-accreditations of study programs, and the expansion of the university's e-learning portfolio.
Further Members
- Sara Dakhel, student member
- Ksenia Wozniak, student member
- Friedrich Fuß, external member
- Masharika Zamil, Student Committee (AStA) - Chairman
- Dennis Günther, Student Parliament (StuPa) - Chairman
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