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The University Development Plan 3 - 2021 to 2025

The University Development Plan 3 (Hochschulentwicklungsplan/HEP 3) of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg describes the strategic priorities of higher education development for the years 2021 to 2025. In particular, it is guided by the key concepts of "sustainability and social responsibility, digitisation, internationalisation and diversity".

Sustainable development

Titelblatt HEP3 (DE)

"The University Development Plan 3 is the result of an intense process that involved the entire university. Together we have developed the strategic guidelines with which we will continue our successful work of the past years and sets a new course. This is especially true for the topic of sustainability, which we are increasingly focusing on," explains Hartmut Uhne, President of the University.

The topic of "sustainability" already had a central place in the first university development plans for the years 2010 to 2020. The success of the university's orientation towards sustainability is reflected in a wide range of modules, study programmes, research institutes and projects of various kinds. This also includes green campus concepts on the premises, in the buildings and in the other infrastructures.

Aspects of sustainability will be taken up and expanded in the coming years in the core areas of teaching, research and transfer as well as in the design of infrastructures, buildings and processes. One of the goals is to ensure that all students are familiarised with general and subject-specific aspects of sustainability in their degree programmes and courses.

Digitisation/digitalisation as a key topic

Another dominant topic is digitisation/digitalisation, which will continue to shape the everyday life and activities of the university - whether it is teaching content or research, infrastructure or science communication, science transfer or discourses with society.

Digitisation has the potential to comprehensively shake up and change the traditional foundations of individual and social life. This applies to the possibilities of artificial intelligence as well as to the risks that are evident, for example, in the area of cyber security and critical infrastructures, social character and privacy. Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg has dedicated itself to supporting the digitalisation of society within the scope of its possibilities. It is committed to its social responsibility - a topic that HEP 3 also underlines. Hartmut Ihne: "With HEP 3, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg expresses that it is aware of the social responsibility of science and acts accordingly."

praesidium_nach_neuwahl_vize 202009 foto eva tritschler.jpg (DE)

HEP 3 focuses on the university's central fields of action. These include teaching, research, transfer, digitisation, internationalisation and diversity, social responsibility and sustainability as well as governance. It not only defines the university's own self-image, but also goals and measures. Whether it is the further development of university didactics or ensuring excellence in applied research, whether it is an impulse for start-ups or an international online Studium Generale - in addition to the major guidelines, HEP 3 describes a large number of projects and developments that will have a formative influence by 2025.

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