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CSR & NGO Management (MBA)

Admission requirements and deadlines for the MBA Program CSR & NGO Management

MBA Application requirements CV
The prerequisite for admission to the MBA Program CSR & NGO Management is a first academic degree (e.g. Bachelor's degree) with at least 180 credit points. If the first professional degree comprises less than 180 credit points, the Practical Term module must be completed. For further detailed information about the eligibility criteria, the application deadlines, and step-by-step instructions on the whole application process, please read the information below.

Eligibility​ Criteria for the MBA Program CSR & NGO Management

MBA Woman working at her laptop

To apply for the MBA Program CSR & NGO Management, you have to provide proof of the following documents:

 A university degree (minimum: Bachelor’s degree)

One year of post-graduate work experience (at least)
Please note: traineeships, national service, internships, au pair, or volunteer jobs cannot be considered relevant work experience.

Proof of English proficiency
Test of Adequate English skills proof of level B2 (CEFR, e.g. IELTS Academic/Indicator min. 5.5 or TOEFL iBT min. 72)

Proof of sufficient funds (for the entire study period)

Annual application, admission and enrolment deadlines

MBA Deadlines Sandglass

Annual deadlines for application

If visa required: 29 February
If no visa is required: 31 May

Regular admission period

Decisions on admission or rejection will be announced up to four weeks after the successful completion of the admission interview. 

Annual deadlines for enrolment

Enrollment starts annually on August 1st. 
​The latest enrolment is possible until September 11th.

Required Documents to apply for the MBA Program CSR & NGO Management

If you are planning to apply for the MBA Program CSR & NGO Management, you should be able to provide the following documents and certificates to complete your application. In case your documents are in a language other than English or German, translations need to be submitted as well. Please read the following instructions carefully and consider the additional information in the menu at the end of this page. A complete application requires the following documents:

  1. Degree certificate(s), transcript(s), and description of the grading system
    (in case your degree is issued in a language other than English or German, translations of your records need to be submitted as well)
  2. Job reference letter
    (to prove a minimum of 12 months of full-time work experience after acquiring the first academic degree)

  3. English language certificate
    (required test results: IELTS Academic/Indicator min. score of 5.5, or TOEFL iBT min. score of 72; No language test certificate is required for native speakers & applicants whose former university program was fully taught in English (please provide an official document from your university). Please note: Regarding Master's programs with a required English language level of B2 (CEFR) also your university entrance qualification will be accepted as proof of level B2 (CEFR), provided that it explicitly shows English language skills at level B2 (this usually applies to German university entrance qualifications, e.g. German Abitur)

  4. Curriculum Vitae

  5. Letter of motivation

  6. Copies of your passport (incl. flipside)

  7. APS certificate
    (applies only to holders of university degrees from Vietnam, India, and China; or further information and test dates, please check the APS Bureau in Beijing (for applicants from China) or the APS Bureau in Hanoi (for applicants from Vietnam), or the APS Information for Applicants from India)

Further useful information on the application and admission process

If you wish to apply or enroll in the MBA program, please refer to the following information for your application and admission process:

Application process

Applicants for the MBA program must go through a three-step application process. As follows, you can see a step-by-step overview of the admission process in our MBA Program:

  1. Step: Online Application
    Application documents must be complete and translated into German or English language. 
  2. ​Step: Admission interview
    The invitation to the admission interview will be sent via e-mail. Receiving this invitation also means that you have made it to the next round of the admission process.
  3. Step: Admission and Enrolment
    ​Becoming a student of the MBA Program and being equipped with an overall information package (admission letter, visa support letter, etc.) for your successful start in our MBA Program.

How to apply for the MBA Program CSR & NGO Management?

To apply for the MBA Program, please follow four simple application steps:

  1. Prepare all required documents (see requirements above and instructions below)
  2. Scan them, name your documents and save each as a PDF on your computer
  3. Go to the online application website, sign in and upload your PDF documents
  4. Submit an online application 
  5. Have a telephone interview with us
  6. Get admitted and prepare enrolment

Language and certification of application documents

Language of application documents 

All documents, also the Motivation Letter and the Curriculum Vitae must be submitted in the English language (this applies also to German applicants). 

Certified translations

All certificates, records, and proofs of language skills must be submitted in their original language together with a certified translation into German or English. Applicants must always submit their documents in the official language of the country where they studied. If the original degree certificate, the academic transcript, or other relevant documents are not in English or German language applicants must provide an officially certified translation of the documents in English or German language. 

Certificates and translations must be certified. Official certification (in German: "Beglaubigung") can be provided by any public office with the right to bestow an official seal. In Germany, such offices are, for example, government administrators, notaries, local or city courts, or registry offices (called "Bürgeramt/Einwohnermeldeamt" in German). Outside Germany, official certification can be provided by a German diplomatic mission, notaries, or other universities. Such certification must contain, at a minimum:

  1. A confirmation letter that states that the copy is a faithful replication of the original
    (in German: “Beglaubigungsvermerk”)
  2. The signature of the person providing the certification
  3. Official seal

Letter of motivation

The letter of motivation is of central importance and can be crucial in the application process. Describe your motivation and elaborate on your intentions to make it clear why you are the ideal candidate for the MBA Program.

Answer the following questions in your Motivation letter

  • Why am I interested in this in this MBA program?
  • What qualifies me to enter the MBA program?
  • How can I enrich the MBA batch group?
  • What do I intend to achieve with the MBA grade after my studies?
  • What is my career plan for the future?

Consider the following formalities

  • The letter should be a maximum of one page long by using font size of 11 pt. 
  • Address the motivation letter to "To whom it may concern"
  • Avoid spelling or grammar mistakes - get your text proofread, if necessary
  • Paragraphs create structure and provide better clarity

Admission interview

The telephone interview is an important part of the admissions process in the MBA program. All qualified applicants must attend the telephone interview to complete their application process. The interviews serve to get to know our applicants better, question their motivation for MBA Studies, and test their English skills in a conversation chat. In the best case, after successful completion, the final admission will follow within a few days after the telephone interview.

Procedure of the interview

A request or registration for the interview is not required. The admission interview appointments will be set by the MBA Management Coordinators by personal e-mail invitation only. All admission interviews are conducted via WebEx video call.

Purpose of the interview

The main purpose of the interview is to gain a better understanding of your character, personality, expectations, motivations, and goals. Of course, at the end of the interview time, all participants in the interview have the opportunity to ask individual questions, be it about the curriculum, the semester organization, or the financing conditions of the tuition fees. 

Duration of the interview

Each interview is generally going about 20 minutes, however, the duration might vary depending on the individual case and the number of questions you might have at the end of the interview.

How to prepare for the interview?

Preparing for an MBA admissions interview is just like preparing for a job interview, however, it is unlikely that your interviewer will quiz you on obscure knowledge or specialized skills from the CSR, the NGO, or the Management sector. The interviewer is primarily interested in learning whether you are as compelling in person as you are on paper. 

Admission information

We will decide whether to admit a student three to four weeks after the successful completion of the admission interview.

If you are admitted, we will provide all the documents required for your visa application: notification of admission from our university (or alternatively a statement confirming that your prospects of gaining admission are good) and a visa support letter for your visa application at the German embassy/consulate. 

In the next step, admitted applicants have to send in certified copies of their original application documents. The documents attached to the application must be translated into either English or German. Any public office that has an official seal may certify the copies. This includes government offices (in German: "Einwohnermeldeamt"), parish offices, and notaries. Certifications cannot be performed by banks, lawyers, auditors, bookkeepers, or associations. Notarised certification may also be used. After official admission notification, all admitted applicants must send their papers by postal mail to the following address:

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
Registrar’s Office
Ms. Emine Erdogan-Saat
​Grantham-Allee 20
53754 Sankt Augustin

In case of further questions, do not hesitate to contact our MBA Coordinators or apply directly via our online application platform. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Further points of contact

Departmental Office Management Sciences Rheinbach Campus




B 131/ I 122


Von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach

Opening hours

Lecture period & examination phase, Monday to Thursday: 10:00 to 11:30 aund 12:30 bis 14:00

Friday: 10:00 bis 11:00

Lecture-free period, Monday to Friday: 10:00 bis 11:30
