Department of Management Sciences

Department of Management Sciences
Sankt Augustin
G 135
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 / 865-9628Profile
Field of work:
- Supervison of scientific term papers and theses
- Conducting research and projects on the following topics:
- Mobility research
- Data markets
- Innovation- and Informationmanagement
- Usability & User Experience
- User Research
- Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
- Platform Economy
- Teaching electronic markets and internet economy
Research associate
Department of Management Sciences Campus Sankt Augustin
Research Projects
The aim of the project is to develop an innovative, sustainable, land-saving, climate-protecting and environmentally friendly mobility system (continuous, barrier-free and safe means of transport). The project area extends in a tangential brace starting from Hennef (area DB station with connection: Cologne, Bonn: mobility hub A) via the towns of Neunkirchen (portal mobility station) and Seelscheid (portal mobility station) to Overath (area DB station with connection Cologne, Gummersbach: mobility hub B).
Project management at the H-BRS
Paul BossauerWith MIAAS, a European open source platform for decision making based on mobility data is being developed. Key activities are the consolidation and exploitation of shared mobility and public transport data as well as the exploration and development of the required technical infrastructure and interfaces. In particular, a mobility intelligence dashboard will be developed and tested. One research focus is on end user development for machine learning. The goal is to support cities in establishing shared mobility together with public transport as a central component of their mobility strategy. MIAAS will simplify the planning of shared mobility services, improve the integration with public transport and facilitate the data exchange with mobility providers. All core components of MIAAS will be provided as open source. In addition, multimodal data sets for six focus cities will be published. In the future, standardized interfaces will help cities to request data directly from providers and to simultaneously provide regulatory information. Results are to be disseminated at conferences, trade fairs, workshops and in exchange with partners in Europe. Code, data and guidelines are to be published on a website in order to establish a mobility intelligence community in the mid-term. Scientific publications are planned in the fields of end user development, machine learning and multimodal mobility behavior. In addition, a productization by project partners is intended.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Alexander Boden Paul BossauerThe SME 4.0 Usability Competence Centre supports small and medium-sized enterprises in designing digital technologies in such a way that they can be used easily and experienced positively. The design of digital products and services requires optimised usability (U) and a positive user experience (UX). If suitable UUX methods are applied, this leads to higher productivity, greater customer satisfaction and increasing user enthusiasm.
Project management at the H-BRS
Dr Daryoush Daniel VaziriThe development of sustainable electromobility is one of the social challenges our time, which is considered in the research project eTa. The energy efficiency of vehicles is addressed in aerodynamic projects and optimized operating strategies. In particular, non-classic vehicle concepts are in focus. Alternative mobility concepts based on non-fossil fuels need new supply structures. The optimized expansion of the loading infrastructure is therefore another issue. But even the best mobility concept is useless if it is not accepted by society and implemented by politics and business. Therefore, acceptance questions are a central element of eTa, which will be further developed. The following areas are addressed primarily by the need to reduce energy consumption: Efficiency of the vehicles Alternative mobility concepts Efficiency of mobility concepts Technical acceptance In particular, these are questions which arise only from the combined consideration of these subject areas and are usually not fully answered in classical manner. Examples of this are optimization of hybrid controls for muscle-electric hybrid light vehicles and study of the aerodynamics of ultralight vehicles where results of the classic wind tunnel tests often do not correspond to the results of the practice. Other topics that we are dealing with are predictive operational strategies for electric combustion hybrid vehicles and loss optimization, optimization of multi-stage placement of charging stations, acceptance of alternative mobility concepts.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Alexander AsterothPublications
Alexander Boden, Gunnar Stevens, Lena Recki, Paul Bossauer, Dirk Schreiber (Hg.):
Verbraucherinformatik: Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder der digitalen Konsumgesellschaft.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1007/978-3-662-68706-2
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Lena Recki, Kalvin Kroth, Veronika Krauß, Lena Klöckner, Christina Pakusch, Paul Bossauer, Lukas Böhm, Felix Peters, Ariane Stöbitsch, Alexander Boden:
Digitale Verantwortung.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1007/978-3-662-68706-2_5 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-83281
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Erik Dethier, Paul Bossauer, Christina Pakusch, Dirk Schreiber:
Digitaler Haushalt und Markt.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1007/978-3-662-68706-2_3 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-83266
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Thomas Neifer, Paul Bossauer, Christina Pakusch, Lukas Boehm, Dennis Lawo:
Trust-Building in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: Design Case Study for Algorithm-Based Reputation Systems.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1007/s10606-022-09461-4 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-70305
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Thomas Neifer, Ariane Stöbitsch, Kalvin Kroth, Caroline Baja, Dennis Lawo, Lukas Böhm, Paul Bossauer, Alexander Boden:
Understanding Adoption of Last Mile Electric Micromobility in Rural Areas: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach.
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Lukas Böhm, Felix Peters, Paul Bossauer, Dennis Lawo, Christina Pakusch, Gunnar Stevens:
Designing a Mobility Intelligence System for Decision-making with Shared Mobility Data.
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Thomas Neifer, Paul Bossauer, Dennis Lawo, Robert Volkening, Andreas Gadatsch:
The Role of Marketplaces for the Transformation from Robotic Process Automation to Intelligent Process Automation.
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Thomas Neifer, Dennis Lawo, Paul Bossauer, Andreas Gadatsch:
Decoding IPaaS: Investigation of User Requirements for Integration Platforms as a Service.
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Gunnar Stevens, Paul Bossauer:
Who do you trust: Peers or Technology? A conjoint analysis about computational reputation mechanisms.
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Christina Pakusch, Paul Bossauer, Gunnar Stevens:
The Unintended Social Consequences of Driverless Mobility Services: How Will Taxi Drivers and their Customers Be Affected?.
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Christina Pakusch, Paul Bossauer, Johanna Meurer, Gunnar Stevens:
Walking the Tightrope: Designing Autonomous Vehicles for Comfort and for Sustainability.
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Thomas Neifer, Dennis Lawo, Paul Bossauer, Margarita Esau, Anna-Maria Jerofejev:
Data Storytelling als kritischer Erfolgsfaktor von Data Science.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1365/s40702-020-00662-3 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-50756
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Paul Bossauer, Thomas Neifer, Gunnar Stevens, Christina Pakusch:
Trust versus Privacy: Using Connected Car Data in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing.
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Paul Bossauer, Dirk Schreiber, Thomas Neifer, Christina Pakusch, Gunnar Stevens:
Dezentralisierung der Sharing Economy – Potentiale Blockchain-basierter Sharing-Plattformen.
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Thomas Neifer, Andreas Schmidt, Paul Bossauer, Andreas Gadatsch:
Data Science Canvas: Ein Instrument zur Operationalisierung von Daten.
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Reiner Clement, Dirk Schreiber, Paul Bossauer, Christina Pakusch:
Internet-Ökonomie: Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele der digitalen und vernetzten Wirtschaft.
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Thomas Neifer, Andreas Schmidt, Paul Bossauer, Andreas Gadatsch:
Data Science Management: Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle von Data Science.
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Gunnar Stevens, Johanna Meurer, Christina Pakusch, Paul Bossauer:
Investigating Car Futures from Different Angles: An Overview of Methods Used to Study Human Factors of Autonomous Driving.
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Paul Bossauer, Thomas Neifer, Christina Pakusch, Paul Staskiewicz:
Using Blockchain in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing to Build Trust in the Sharing Economy.
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Gunnar Stevens, Paul Bossauer, Stephanie Vonholdt, Christina Pakusch:
Using Time and Space Efficiently in Driverless Cars: Findings of a Co-Design Study.
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Christina Pakusch, Thomas Neifer, Paul Bossauer, Gunnar Stevens:
P2P-Carsharing: Motive, Ängste und Barrieren bei der Teilnahme – eine explorative Studie.
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Gunnar Stevens, Paul Bossauer, Timo Jakobi, Christina Pakusch:
Mehrseitiges Vertrauen bei IoT-basierten Reputationssystemen.
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Christina Pakusch, Tobias Weber, Gunnar Stevens, Paul Bossauer:
Akzeptanz autonomer Verkehrsmittel: Eine Analyse relativer Mehrwerte selbstfahrender Autos im Vergleich zu heutigen Verkehrsmitteln.
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Christina Pakusch, Gunnar Stevens, Paul Bossauer, Tobias Weber:
The Users' Perspective on Autonomous Driving: A Comparative Analysis of Partworth Utilities.
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Christina Pakusch, Gunnar Stevens, Alexander Boden, Paul Bossauer:
Unintended Effects of Autonomous Driving: A Study on Mobility Preferences in the Future.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.3390/su10072404 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-37723
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Gunnar Stevens, Paul Bossauer, Thomas Neifer, Stefan Hanschke:
Using shopping data to design sustainable consumer apps.
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Christina Pakusch, Gunnar Stevens, Paul Bossauer:
Shared Autonomous Vehicles: Potentials for a Sustainable Mobility and Risks of Unintended Effects.
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Paul Bossauer, Stefan Hanschke, Gunnar Stevens:
Mehrwerte auf Basis digitaler Kassenzettel: eine verbraucherinformatische Studie.
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Gunnar Stevens, Paul Bossauer:
Dealing with Personal Data in the Age of Big Data Economies.
PDF Download (CC BY-SA 4.0) doi:10.1628/186723717X15069451170856 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-35447
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Gunnar Stevens, Paul Bossauer, Timo Jakobi, Christina Pakusch:
Second Dashboard: Information Demands in a Connected Car.
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Sebastian Wödl, Christina Pakusch, Paul Bossauer, Gunnar Stevens:
Auswirkung vollautomatisierter PKWs auf die Verkehrsmittelwahl.
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Christina Pakusch, Paul Bossauer:
User Acceptance of Fully Autonomous Public Transport.
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Gunnar Stevens, Johanna Meurer, Christina Pakusch, Paul Bossauer:
From a Driver-centric towards a Service-centric lens on Self-Driving Cars.
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Christina Pakusch, Paul Bossauer, Johanna Meurer, Gunnar Stevens:
Computergestützte Mobilitätsforschung: Fragestellungen, Daten und Methoden.
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Paul Bossauer:
Überprüfung der Methodik zur Anforderungsanalyse und Standortbestimmung.
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Christina Pakusch, Paul Bossauer, Markus Shakoor, Gunnar Stevens:
Using, Sharing, and Owning Smart Cars: A Future Scenario Analysis Taking General Socio-Technical Trends into Account.
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Paul Bossauer, Daryoush Vaziri:
Evaluation of BPM-Tools in terms of IT-Usability and IT-Accessibility.
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