E-Learning at H-BRS
Studying with LEA

LEA (Lernen und Arbeiten online, i.e. Studying and Working Online) is the central teaching and learning platform of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.
Our video gives you an overview of the first steps in LEA.
Access to your course materials
In the event that your lecturer supervises his course via LEA, you will find the corresponding online course in LEA. In the platform "Repository", the courses are stored according to departments >> study programmes >> semesters. As a member of a course you can conveniently access your course materials (scripts, exercises, tasks, etc.) at any time and from any place via the Internet.
Access to LEA courses
Participation in the courses is subject to various access regulations:
- Free access: There are no hindrances to joining these courses.
- Access based on a course password: In this case you have to enter a password to join the course. You will be provided with the password by your lecturer.
- Access on request: Please submit a brief request to join the course.
- No self-enrolment: Your lecturers will add you. If not, please contact your lecturers.
Once you have joined a course or your name has been added to the course list, you will find it directly on your "Personal Desk" in LEA without having to search the "Repository" for it.
Exchange of information
LEA has got an integrated mailing system, which you can use to send e-mails to your fellow students or lecturers without having to search for their e-mail addresses. The e-mails are sent internally using LEA, and they can just as readily be forwarded to e-mail addresses stored externally.
Within your courses, you often find forums that you can use to ask questions or give tips. The latter can then be accessed by other course participants and the lecturer and be answered or commented on. Furthermore, a forum can be used to have discussions.

How to set up student learning groups
Irrespective of the courses you are participating in, you can use LEA to set up your own learning group. Within such a group, you can jointly study, draw up texts, exchange documents and much more.
Contact, addresses, opening hours
E-Learning Support
A 107 / A 109 (Sankt Augustin) and C 101.7 (Rheinbach)
Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 9 am - 5 pm
Support hotline: Monday - Friday: 9 - 11 am and 2 - 4 pm