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Department of Management Sciences

Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School

Codeshare Summer School 2023 Logo
Information about the Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School 2024 will be added soon.
Digital Learning Environment

The "Codeshare Teaching and Learning" digital teaching concept facilitates collaborative learning for international students. Inspired by code sharing, where airlines share a scheduled flight, cross-university courses are offered, allowing for shared learning and cultural exchange. This virtual global learning environment fosters the development of intercultural communication skills, vital in our increasingly globalized world.

The Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School offers the flexibility to attend innovative courses beyond the regular curriculum, where students have the possibility to participate  in virtual course sessions with other international students. Working with international lecturers and professors in intercultural groups offers participants the chance to gain international experience, familiarize themselves with studying and communicating in English, and make valuable international connections.  The courses consist of synchronous online sessions, pre- and post-coursework, and group work.

All courses are taught in English and are free of charge for students from H-BRS and project partner universities. The students can earn 2-3 ECTS (credit points) for successful completion of coursework. After completion, the participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Please note that recognition of credits at the home university must be verified individually.

H-BRS students participating in the Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School, originating from faculties outside the Department of Management Sciences, are required to personally contact the Examination Service (Prüfungsservice) in order to verify the recognition of credits.


Codeshare Teaching and Learning keyvisual 3zeilig

If you have further question, please contact the Codeshare Teaching and Learning Project Team!

Participating Universities

Coastal Carolina University Logo

Coastal Carolina University

University of Cape Coast

University of Cape Coast

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Logo

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

Hochschule Koblenz RheinAhrCampus University of Applied Sciences Logo

Hochschule Koblenz RheinAhrCampus University of Applied Sciences

Shenzhen Technology University Logo

Shenzhen Technology University

H-BRS Logo mit cyan Kreisen

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

Review Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School 2021

The first international digital Summer School 2021 was organized by Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in cooperation with the University of Cape Coast, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Koblenz, and Coastal Carolina University and took place from July 26 until August 20, 2021.

Over 180 students from the cooperation universities as well as students from further international partner universities registered for the eight Summer School courses.

An additional social and cultural program with a variety of online events was offered to all course participants to further connect and build an international network.

The Summer School courses mainly, but not exclusively, address students in the fields of Business and Management studies. Eight courses were offered on two main paths: "The Good Side of Finance" and "Digitisation in Business". Additionally, we offered the course "International Career Building".

All courses were fully taught online by professors and lecturers from four of the international project partner universities.

Each course was held in synchronous course sessions on five consecutive days, either in the morning or in the afternoon (local time H-BRS). In addition, students received asynchronous tasks to prepare for the course sessions.

The Summer School 2021 was funded by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) as part of the "Codeshare Teaching and Learning Project".

Since the received feedback was highly positive and the participants very much enjoyed the offered courses, the project is going to be successfully continued now.

Codeshare Summer School 2022 - tbd

Review Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School 2022

In August, the time had come again: The three-week "Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School" took place as part of the international teaching project sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst). The Summer School is structured based on the codesharing principle in the airline industry. Codesharing refers to when multiple airlines jointly offer a scheduled flight and integrate it into their flight schedule.

As in the previous year, courses from the curriculum of H-BRS and the participating partner universities were offered to students from all institutions. From the four main focus areas: "Technology and Digitization in Business", "Special Topics in Global Finance", "Sustainable and Ethical Business Practices", and "Innovative Business Practices", a total of ten different courses could be attended and each completed within a week. These diverse courses were taught by professors and lecturers from the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University, the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, the Coastal Carolina University in the USA, Koblenz RheinAhrCampus, and the newly added partner university, Shenzhen University of Technology in China.

The courses consisted of mandatory sessions that took place online over five consecutive days. During these sessions, issues were discussed and worked on by international teams. For many students, this was their first opportunity to establish international contacts and to familiarize themselves with different cultural perspectives. Another component of the courses was the pre and post-course assignments.

The project team, led by Project Manager Prof. Dr. Ralf Meyer and consisting of Project Coordinator Jana Kohl and student assistant Shona Krötz, also organized an international "Get-Together" and invited all participants.

Feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive. The extensive course offerings on significant, current, and engaging topics not integrated into regular study content were particularly appreciated. Longer course durations were desired for the upcoming years of the project to delve deeper into the subjects.

Of the over 180 registered participants, 109 students, representing 16 nationalities, successfully completed at least one course and received a participation certificate at the end of the Summer School. Students from Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University were able to credit the Summer School courses as an elective subject

Review Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School 2023

In August 2023, for the third consecutive year, the "Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School" took place. This international educational project offers students from around the world a three-week educational opportunity. As in previous years, the H-BRS and its partner institutions provided courses from their curriculum. These courses focused on four main themes: “Technology and Digitization in Business”, “Special Topics in Global Law and Finance”, “Sustainable and Innovative Business Practices for the Future”, and “Professional Skills for the Future”. In total, students had a choice of ten different courses, each of which could be completed within a week. The professors and lecturers came from Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and our partner universities, the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, the RheinAhrCampus of Koblenz University of Applied Sciences and Shenzhen University of Technology in China.


The courses, spanning over five consecutive online days, not only offered students intensive discussions and team projects, but also the opportunity to make international contacts and experience diverse cultural perspectives. Additionally, preparatory and follow-up tasks were provided as part of the course program.


Behind the organization of the Summer School stood the dedicated project team led by Prof. Dr. Ralf Meyer and Project Coordinator Felix Wegen.


The positive feedback from over 250 participants from more than 24 countries confirms the program's success. Many particularly appreciated the diverse course offerings on current and relevant topics, often not included in regular study plans. At the end of the program, participants receive a certificate, and students from the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg could even have these courses recognized as supplementary subjects.


With such success, we look forward to hopefully continuing the offer next year.