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Administrative unit 2: Human Resources

Training at the H-BRS

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Since 2006, the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg has not only been training students, but also apprentices.

In Sankt Augustin, IT specialists specialising in system integration and media and information services specialists are trained in the library (also at the Rheinbach site), as well as office management clerks in administration. The two apprenticeships offered at the Rheinbach campus are biology laboratory technician and chemistry laboratory technician.

The vacancies are advertised at the turn of the year via the usual web portals, the local press and the current vacancies at H-BRS.

Training at the H-BRS


Ausbildung zur Chemielaborantin/zum Chemielaboranten

Studentin und Student in der Bibliothek (DE)

Professional training as a specialist for media and information services, specialising in libraries

Büro Blumen Colourbox  1137736 (DE)

Ausbildung für Kaufleute für Büromanagement

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Ausbildung zur Fachinformatikerin/zum Fachinformatiker

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Ausgezeichnete Ausbildung an der H-BRS

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Ausbildung zur Biologielaborantin/zum Biologielaboranten


Nina Schug

Team Salaried Employees, Recruiter


Sankt Augustin


G 241


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9739