E365 Maverick - Linked learning paths in the digital education space
Research project at a glance
Departments and Instituts
Funding type
01.09.2022 to 31.08.2024
Project Description
The enormous flood of educational offerings can overwhelm learners as well as teachers. Assessing the relevance and quality of content for self-selected learning objectives is a challenge, especially when starting out on a new topic. Often, questions also arise as to which content must be learned first and which subtopics build on each other in which order. These challenges give the project motivation to support learners individually in the context of the National Education Platform in their search for educational opportunities and to accompany them continuously with recommendations for further topics.
Overall objective of the project
The overall goal of E365 Maverick is to provide value-added services to education providers, building on the results of the design phase. This includes
- the networking of educational content from different providers into overarching learning paths.
- the integration of free knowledge offerings from streaming platforms such as YouTube or online encyclopedias such as Wikipedia into learning offerings.
- the provision of individual recommendations for further educational opportunities in the educational area based on learning progress
We want to build, improve and organize the recommendations on learning paths by means of self-learning artificial intelligence methods. Due to the wide range of free learning offers on the web, these methods can submit recommendations in many life situations of the learners. The target group includes people of every educational phase: from elementary school students to pensioners, appropriate content is to be guaranteed. No own educational offers are produced. Instead, the focus is on logically grouping high-quality offerings from different providers according to the competencies conveyed and, depending on the quality of the predictions, classifying them into competency levels.
Every learner as well as teacher should receive a learning path tailored to their prior knowledge via our interfaces. In addition, the goal is that they no longer have to devote their limited time resources to independently searching for and merging learning content. Their concentration should be focused solely on the learning itself in order to achieve the best possible learning results.
Motivation and overall goal result in the following classification in the goal context of the National Education Platform initiative:
- The technical networking of modern learning path-oriented educational offers based on user-centered recommendations
- The content consideration of free content on the web in the generation of recommendations
- A support for the development of individually oriented and adaptive teaching/learning scenarios
Cooperation partners
Bechtle GmbH & Co. KG, IT-Systemhaus Köln/Bonn
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