Graduate Institute
Become a Professor

You got a Ph.D.? The first hurdle on the way to a professorship at a university of applied sciences has thus been cleared.
Further formal requirements are at least five years of professional experience after graduation (including at least three years outside the university) as well as pedagogical aptitude (proven e.g. by experience in teaching).
Further prerequisites for appointment
In addition to the formal requirements, the technical requirements from the job description must (largely) be fulfilled. Further requirements may - depending on the job advertisement - concern social skills, research activities, publications, project experience, leadership experience, etc.
There is no uniform age limit; it varies from state to state and is between 45 and 55 years old. It is also always worth taking a look at the Higher Education Act of the respective federal state.
Before applying, it is advisable to contact the university's Women's Representative or Equal Opportunities Officer, the chairperson of the Appointments Commission or the Dean of the department that advertised the position.
Female professors - where are you?
The H-BRS Equal Opportunities Office also provides information on special programmes to promote women in management positions and addresses interested doctoral candidates who would like to become professors at an university of applied sciences.
Ten good reasons for a professorship at a university of applied sciences
- You pass on your knowledge and experience to young people.
- In addition to teaching, you will be responsible for designing and working on your own topics.
- Theory and practice are combined.
- A secure workplace with civil servant status awaits you.
- You will conduct research with a focus on applications.
- Work and family can be well combined.
- Career without risk: You apply from a position in industry and change to a professorship.
- The universities offer induction programmes and continuous further training.
- They work in manageable groups and enjoy a personal atmosphere on campus.
- Thanks to the increasing number of job advertisements, there are good career prospects.