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Department of Engineering and Communication

Prof. Dr. Marco Jung (DE)

Prof. Dr Marco Jung

Professorship for Electromobility and Electrical Infrastructure with a focus on Power Electronics


Department of Engineering and Communication, Graduate Institute, Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)

Research fields

  • Bidirektionale Batterieladegeräte (AC, induktiv und DC) Elektrofahrzeuge
  • Stationäre Speichersysteme
  • PV-Wechselrichter und deren Netzintegration
  • DC/DC-Wandler für die unterschiedlichsten Applikationen
  • Einsatz von SiC- und GaN-Halbleitern
  • Magnetische Bauteile
  • Gleichrichterkonzepte für die Elektrolyse
  • Inselnetze/MicroGrids und stromrichterdominierte Netze
  • Power Hardware in the Loop
  • Netzbildene Stromrichter für Inselnetze und das Verbundnetz


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+ 49 2241 865 316



  • Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik
  • Vertiefung Elektrotechnik
  • Netzanbindung und Smart Grids
  • Effiziente Verkehrssysteme / Leistungselektronik
  • Elektrische Energiesysteme
  • Innovative Development Chain Lab Course (Digital Twins, Rapid Prototyping and Hardware-in-the-Loop)
  • Control of grid-connected power inverters


Dr. Ron Brandl
Prof. Dr. Jean Patrick Da Costa

Curriculum vitae

Berufliche Laufbahn:

seit 08/2019 Professur für Elektromobilität und elektrische Infrastruktur, Schwerpunkt: Leistungselektronik

seit 09/2017 Abteilungsleiter Stromrichter und elektrische Antriebssysteme (Fraunhofer IEE, früher IWES Kassel)

08/2012 – 08/2017 Gruppenleiter Leistungselektronik (Fraunhofer IWES Kassel)

05/2010 – 07/2012 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fraunhofer Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik IWES in Kassel

05/2014 – 12/2016 Doktorand am Institut für elektrische Antriebe und Leistungselektronik der Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Titel der Arbeit: Optimiertes multifunktionales bidirektionales Ladegerät für Elektrofahrzeuge
Abschluss: Dr.-Ing.

09/2008 – 05/2010 Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Universität Kassel, Studienrichtung: Energietechnik,
Titel der Arbeit: Inselnetzwechselrichter für USA-Netze
Abschluss: Dipl.-Ing., M.Sc.

09/2004 – 08/2008 Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Technischen Hochschule Mittelhessen Gießen, Studienrichtung: Automatisierungstechnik,
Titel der Arbeit: 24 V-Versorgung als Bestandteil eines Brennstoffzellen-Wechselrichters
Abschluss: Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

08/2000 – 06/2003 Berufsausbildung zum Kommunikationselektroniker bei der Firma Moba Mobile Automation AG in Offheim, Fachrichtung: Informationstechnik,
Abschluss: Facharbeiter

Research Projects

GREATER - Growing Rwandan Energy Awareness Through Higher Education

The GREATER project aims at supporting Rwandan country in the energy transition which is needed for sustaining its social and economic growth. In order to fill the energy gap and to enable equal access of the Rwandan population to electricity, widespread exploitation of renewable energy sources is planned. According to Governmental strategies for energy development, low-power, off-grid, distributed power generation will play a key role, this calling for both the training of a new generation of skilled professionals and for the widest diffusion of green awareness in the national community.

Project management at the H-BRS

Prof. Dr Marco Jung Prof. Dr Stefanie Meilinger Prof. Dr Tanja Clees Derk Gonschor
WireLife - Lifetime of new aluminum wires of power electronics

Wire or ribbon connections made of aluminum are usually used to transmit electrical power in control units and power electronics modules. Since the connection points of the wires and ribbons are usually located on substrates made of different materials and the components are frequently exposed to external temperature differences, cracks can form in the material during operation and lead to complete failure of the component, which cannot be remedied by simple design modifications.

Project management at the H-BRS

Prof. Dr Christian Dresbach

The field of photovoltaics has been subject to enormous price pressure for many years, as falling feed-in tariffs worldwide make low component prices necessary to be able to manufacture and operate a PV system economically. At the same time, the demands on the functional diversity of the devices continue to increase (e.g. universal use in PV and battery applications, grid feeding, self-consumption and island operation, provision of grid services).

Project management at the H-BRS

Prof. Dr Marco Jung

In the HyLeiT joint project, research is being conducted into a new generation of electrolysis converters and electrical system technology for the energy supply of hydrogen electrolysis. The aim is to halve the system costs of electrical engineering from the grid connection point to the DC connection at the electrolyzer, taking into account associated operating costs and effects on H2 generation costs.

Project management at the H-BRS

Prof. Dr Marco Jung
Curriculum - Designing university curricula for the digital world

The potentials and effects of digitalisation today encompass all areas of human and social activity. Universities are therefore responsible for enabling their students to develop competences that not only include the competent use of digital technologies, but also the ability to assess the potential and effects of digitisation in society and the world of work, to actively and reflexively shape digitisation processes and to keep pace with the rapid dynamics of change. In 2019/2020, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia developed the Curriculum funding line, which is intended to support the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in exploiting the opportunities of digital teaching, among other things. In the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism, this funding line will be used to further develop the Master's programme in Sustainable Engineering Sciences, which addresses the funding line's thematic areas such as technical innovation and digitalisation.

Project management at the H-BRS

Prof. Dr Marco Jung
LEITNING - Power converters for robust and reliable energy supply through integration of "green" generators

In the LEITNING project, a novel battery inverter with high mass power density is being researched and field tested to provide a highly-available and modular AC grid and grid-supporting functions using advanced circuit topologies based on innovative SiC MOSFET power modules, magnetic devices and control strategies.

Project management at the H-BRS

Prof. Dr Marco Jung

Further Information

Masterprojekte 2021:

- Power Electronics (

- Power Systems (


Masterprojekte 2022:

-Entwicklung eines Schaltzellen-Prüfstandes zur Charakterisierung von Hochstrom-Halbleiter-Modulen (…)


-Konzeptentwicklung und Spezifikation eines Stromrichters für die Wasserstoffelektrolyse (…)


-Konzept und Realisierung einer niederinduktiven Prüflings-Anbindung (…)


-Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Kalorimeters zur Verlustleistungsbestimmung der magnetischen Komponenten im Projekt HyLeiT (…)


-Entwicklung einer Bestromungseinheit für ein Kalorimeter zur Charakterisierung von Drosselverlusten (…)