Research project at a glance

Departments and Instituts
Funding type
01.10.2020 to 31.12.2023
Project Description
In the MigrAVE project, the objective is to develop supporting technologies for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a disorder that leads to behavioural and social challenges for those affected, for instance difficulty recognising emotions, general inability to act appropriately in everyday social situations, or repetitive behaviours. Early treatment of ASD could mitigate the effects of the disorder and improve the quality of life of affected people. For that reason, MigrAVE focuses on treatment of young children who have been diagnosed with the disorder.
In particular, MigrAVE aims to develop two complementary tools to support both therapists and parents in the treatment of children with ASD:
- An online portal that provides a complete learning curriculum for children at different levels of the disorder and different stages of development
- A robot assistant that provides a unique learning opportunity for children by reducing the pressure of challenging social situations
Both the portal and the robot assistant are developed to be multilingual, as the project particularly aims to develop tools that are usable by families with a migration background and potential language barriers.
Cooperation partners
