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Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL)

Recognition of Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP)

Teaching staff at H-BRS can receive credit for conducting a TAP.

Definition of TAP

TAP is a qualitative interim evaluation of your course so that you can effectively find out how students perceive their own learning process. With TAP you can optimally promote the exchange with your students about the teaching and learning processes. To conduct TAP, ZIEL staff members come to your course and discuss the students' learning experiences with them. For this, we only need 30 minutes of your course time. Information on the exact procedure can be found here. The facilitator briefly introduces him/herself and the method and asks the students to discuss the following 3 questions in small groups:

  • Which aspects of the course facilitate your learning?
  • Which aspects of the course impede your learning?
  • What suggestions do you have for improving the impeding points (and beyond)?

The results are then presented in plenum. The moderator writes down the points mentioned and by voting of the students a majority opinion is formed.

Afterwards, the moderator prepares a report of the results, which is discussed with the teacher in a personal meeting. In addition, initial ideas are developed together on how the students' suggestions can be implemented. In the next course, the teacher discusses the results with the students in order to jointly consider how to deal with the results and, if necessary, who can contribute to potential changes and how.



Learning objectives

The combination of guided small group discussion of the students, evaluation discussion with the staff of the ZIEL as well as feedback discussion with the students and subsequent written reflection enables the teachers to achieve the following learning objectives:

  1. Learning Goal 1: Analysis of aspects that promote and hinder learning.

    • Teachers critically compare their own view of their course with that of their students by analysing the aspects of their teaching that facilitate and hinder learning in order to be able to make a conscious decision about suggested improvements. Learning Goal 2: Promote reflective competence in student

  2. Learning Goal 2: Promote reflective competence in students

    • Teachers actively involve students as shaping agents in teaching by fostering students' reflective capacity and discussing the results of the TAP with students in order to create the best possible teaching and learning environment.

  3. Learning Goal 3: Reflecting on one's own teaching

    • Teachers reflect on their own teaching by combining the results of the TAP with the suggestions from the feedback discussion in order to be able to decide where changes in teaching might be useful.

  4. Learning Goal 4: Promote teaching/learning success

    • Teachers further develop their teaching by using the TAP process as a starting point to promote student learning not only in the current semester but also in future semesters.

The results of a TAP can also be used as a starting point for other higher education didactic formats, such as consultations or workshops.

Recognition procedure

Teachers can receive credits for the implementation of a TAP in the hdw nrw certificate programme in higher education didactics. The following steps must be completed: