Digital International General Studies

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Course offer from summer semester 2024

Please note that no courses are currently offered via the Digital International General Studies programme.
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With its digital courses, the Digital International General Studies offers you the opportunity to gain international and intercultural experiences right from your couch.

The courses are generally open to all interested students from Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and our partner universities. In the descriptions you will find further information about possible admission requirements, registration, assessment as well as the possible receipt of ECTS.

Some of the DISG courses are eligible for H-BRS students to receive credit toward the "Studium Verantwortung (Study Responsibility)" certificate program as well as the international certificate programs in the departments (international computer scientist certificate, intercultural certificate). If you have any questions about this, please contact us at

If you would like to have your course included in the course catalogue of the Digital International General Studies, please send an e-mail to

In particular, lecturers from our partner universities are invited to list their courses with the programme Digital International General Studies. 

Digital International General Studies (DISG)


Courses and lectures in the winter semester 2023/2024

You will find detailed information about the courses and lectures offered below.

International Career Building

Lecturer: Jens Andreas Faulstich (

Dates: Thursday, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM (CEST), online12 October 2023 – 25 January 2024

Frequency: 2 hours per week

Language: English (CEFR level B2 or higher)

ECTS: number of ECTS points students receive depends on the examination regulations (Prüfungsordung) of the respective programme that the student is enrolled in. However, the amount of time spent on the course usually corresponds to 3 ECTS.

Target Group: H-BRS students from all departments and study programmes and interested students from partner universities. 

Assessment: Active participation in 80% of the synchronous class sessions. Active participation in scheduled small-group meetings in order to prepare for project-based assignments. Five individual online submissions (one per sub-topic, 20% each) as described in class and via online platform.

Registration: H-BRS students will register through LEA. Students from other universities will either register at their respective university or should write an email to; registration period: 21 August 2023 from 12 PM (CEST) till 17 September 2023 at 11:55 PM (CEST).

Course Description:

  • Strategic planning of international projects and activities in academic contexts (short-term/long-term; student exchange or internship; thesis projects in other countries and cultures)
  • Effective job search methods in different regional and cultural environments (CV / resume writing; anti-discrimination policies in the HR sector; the role of social platforms and internship/job search engines in international career development)
  • Interview practices and simulated job interviews
  • Selected assessment centre tasks
  • Culture at work (hierarchies; written and unwritten rules of conduct; formal and informal communication styles)


After completing this course, students:

  • know about job search methods in selected countries and cultural environments
  • are able to write convincing letters of motivation, CVs and resumes
  • are familiar with typical interview questions and are able to answer them in English
  • are familiar with selected assessment centre tasks
  • are aware of some cultural differences they need to expect and know some strategies for successful integration in an international work environment.

Presentation and Rhethorical Skills (PARS)

Lecturer: Daniel Seibert 

Dates: Tuesday, 1:45 PM - 4:15 PM CEST, online, course starts on 10 October 2023

Frequency: 3 hours per week, depending on number of participants, class usually finished after two thirds of term

Language: English

ECTS: number of ECTS points students receive depends on the examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung) of the respective programme that the student is enrolled in. However, the amount of time spent on the course usually corresponds to 3 ECTS.

Target Group: H-BRS students from all departments and study programs and English B2 or comparable knowledge. 


  • Formal and informal introductions
  • Impromptu talks
  • Dramatic reading and voice recording
  • Group presentations (informative, persuasive or entertaining)
  • Analyze speeches & presentations
  • Offer constructive oral and written peer feedback
  • Reflect on own language usage and communication skills in an international context
  • Complete all content review quizzes on LEA


Students are required to attend all sessions to pass the course as well as completing all assigned tasks (impromptu talk, mp3 recording and voice power speech, slides, mini presentation, final presentation, online quizzes as well as peer feedback and self-reflection).

Registration: H-BRS students will register through LEA. Students from other universities will either register at their respective university or should write an email to; registration period: 21 August 2023 from 12 PM (CEST) till 17 September 2023 at 11:55 PM (CEST)

Course Description:

Effective oral communication skills and use of rhetorical techniques are important in business communication. The goal of this course is to offer the basis for using language effectively to inform or persuade an audience using English as a lingua franca. Special emphasis is given to language usage for an international audience. Hands-on exercises to practice different communication situations are offered in this workshop-style course.



  • Introduction to the communication process
  • Verbal and nonverbal communication (English in an international context)
  • Body language and voice training
  • Opening and closing a presentation
  • Planning and structuring a presentation
  • Impact techniques (Great speakers)
  • Informative and persuasive presentations
  • Visuals and use of appropriate media (PowerPoint, Prezi, video, audio)
  • Bringing it all together: delivering a presentation
  • Learning to give constructive, peer feedback
  • Learning to cope with anxiety and language issues


Competencies to be acquired


  • demonstrate confidence in speaking English in different communication scenarios
  • learn to prepare, organize, and deliver an impromptu talk
  • learn to conduct professional presentations. Work in teams and to prepare spontaneous informative short presentations.
  • prepare a presentation for an international audience using English as a lingua franca.
  • analyze great rhetorical speeches and techniques
  • reflect on own work and offer constructive, peer feedback.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Lectures from instructor and students, short presentations, and rhetorical exercises; group presentation, oral and written peer and instructor feedback as well as student reflection.

Quality Control

During class the students receive feedback from peers and the instructor on the different assignments as well as guided reflection based on different feedback, discussions, and personal reflection. Each student has their own personal learning goals and can reflect on the overall performance. A feedback questionnaire offers opportunities to reflect on the group dynamics, content, teaching style and overall rating of the course, which is offered as the basis of the final feedback.

Social Entrepreneurship: Creating value for society and environment

Lecturer: Kerstin Schickendanz 

Dates: Monday, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CEST), online, the course starts on 13 November 2023

13.11.2023: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

20.11.2023: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

27.11.2023: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

04.12.2023: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

11.12.2023: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

18.12.2023: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Christmas Break (25.12.2023 until 05.01.2024)

14.01.2024: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

29.01.2024: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM – Presentation Day

Attention: Please note these are Berlin times. Please check which time is correct for your location. For example starting time in Accra is 12:00 AM and in Dodoma is 3:00 PM.

Please make sure to join the class on time. Punctuality is essential to ensure that we can cover all the valuable material and engage in meaningful discussions. Attendance is mandatory. Anyone who does not show up on the first day will unfortunately be removed from the class roster.


Frequency: 4 lecture units every two weeks

Language: English

ECTS: number of ECTS points students receive depends on the examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung) of the respective programme that the student is enrolled in. However, the amount of time spent on the course usually corresponds to 3 ECTS.

Target Group: H-BRS students from all departments and study programmes and interested students from partner universities. 

Assessment: Attendance and Participation (30%); presentation of own social innovation and self-reflections (40%); Self-Reflections (30%)

Registration: H-BRS students will register through LEA. Students from other universities will either register at their respective university or should write an email to; registration period: 21 August 2023 from 12 PM (CEST) till 17 September 2023 at 11:55 PM (CEST).

Technical Requirements: Given the collaborative nature of the course and our extensive use of the Miro platform, which is digital collaboration platform, it's vital that you have the following equipment:

  • Laptop: Ensure you have a functioning laptop that can support Miro. Please note that smartphones or tablets may not be suitable for this purpose.
  • Headset: A headset with a working microphone is essential for clear communication during discussions and teamwork activities.
  •  Webcam: A functional webcam is necessary to facilitate effective interaction and enhance our overall learning experience.

Course Description:

The emergence of new social, environmental and demographic challenges, which are of a complex multidisciplinary character, has driven society's consciousness of the issue of social innovation worldwide. Social innovation is the creation and implementation of a novel concept or idea that benefits society through community, business, institutional and/or behavioural change.

This module will guide you in understanding how processes of social innovation work and how to develop yourself to play a role within them. You will learn how social innovation processes are used to address critical societal challenges. Social innovations have a significant role in overcoming and resolving these problems and challenges. International student teams collaborate and apply their education and expertise to address current global social challenges in this course.

Whether you want to change the world or help make your  neighbourhood a better place to live, this module will help you achieve your desire to make a difference. You will learn how to develop creative context-relevant innovations to address different sectors, such as employment, gender, poverty and the environment.
Learning and teaching approach:
In-class lectures will introduce students to the core theories, tools and approaches underpinning social innovation, and students will discuss and debate different strategies that might apply to featured social innovations.

Teamwork will focus on participants' engagement, creativity, and teambuilding. The workshop's output will result in presenting the team's social innovation idea and its implementation strategy. A final highly developed concept to share online.

Certificate Programme E-Tutor

LecturersLena Wiesler and colleagues from H-BRS E-Learning team 


19.10.2023: launch event (Thu, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM)
face-to-face session on campus in Sankt Augustin

Basic modules (1:00 PM - 4:30 PM CEST):

26.10.2023: Didactics & Presentation
10.11.2023: Conception & Interactive Learning Modules (Rise + LEA learning module)
23.11.2023: Course Design in LEA 

Advanced modules

30.11.2023 (Thu) 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CEST): Voice & Podcast (in presence in Sankt Augustin!)

07.12.2023 (Thu) 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (CEST): Test & Quiz in Teaching

14.12.2023 (Thu) 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM (CEST): Open Educational Resources & Copyright

15.12.2023 (Fri)    1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (CEST): Structure online teaching through video conferences

11.01.2024 (Thu, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM): Final session & presentation of results (in presence)

Frequency: 6 block sessions

Language: German

ECTS: number of ECTS points students receive depends on the examination regulations (Prüfungsordung) of the respective programme that the student is enrolled in.

Target Group: H-BRS students from all departments and study programmes and interested students from partner universities.
Assessment: Active participation in the online sessions (100 %), timely submission of self-prepared learning materials, possibly timely submission of learning materials revised on the basis of feedback.

Registration: H-BRS students will register through LEA. Students from other universities will either register at their respective university or should write an email to; registration period: 21 August 2023 from 12 PM (CEST) till 17 September 2023 at 11:55 PM (CEST).

Course Description

The acquisition of knowledge in the areas of media design, digital learning environments and media didactics strengthen the students' media competence and enable them to design and implement digital teaching-learning settings.

Students must complete the three basic modules (compulsory modules)
- Didactics & Presentation Workshop
- Conception & Interactive Learning Modules
- Course Design in LEA
as well as at least two advanced modules.

What competences can you acquire?
Structured and didactically sensible approach to the conception and production of digital learning materials as well as knowledge of the software presented (PowerPoint, ILIAS, Articulate Rise).

How do we want to work (teaching and learning methods)?

- Regular Webex meetings

  • Theoretical input
  • Group work
  • Working together with presented software
  • Use of digital tools for interaction & collaboration (Miro, Slido)

- Information and exchange in the LEA course

Further information:

Previous DISG courses and events

Click on the link below to find an overview of all previous DISG courses and events.


Foto Christine Freitag

Christine Freitag

Programme Coordinator, B.Sc. International Business


Sankt Augustin


E 120


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

monday - friday: by arrangement


+49 2241 865-9676