Graduate Institute

Prof. Dr Rainer Herpers
Scientific Director of the Graduate Institute/Professor for Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Multimedia Applications /Director of the Institute for Visual Computing/Director of the Department of Informatics and Data Science at PK NRW
Department of Computer Science, Graduate Institute, Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)
Research fields
- Computer Vision (Maschinensehen)
- Face and Gesture Recognition
- Computergrafik
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Robotik, Echtzeitsysteme
- Medizinische Informatik
Sankt Augustin
F 427
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 217Location
Sankt Augustin
C 275
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 217Profile
Skills and Services
- Project Coordination, Project Management
- Expert and consulting activities in the above-mentioned research areas
- Planning and implementation of training courses and seminars
International Cooperations
Preservig cultural heritage digitally - DAAD T'aziz Projects
ToFi - Take off 4 internationalization
DAAD-Projekt „YURL – Remote Lab at Yarmouk University Jordan“
Yarmouk University Project Site
News Project Final 2023
Research Projects
The objective of this research project is to develop a user-friendly and cost-effective interactive input device that allows intuitive and efficient manipulation of 3D objects (6 DoF) in virtual reality (VR) visualization environments with flat projections walls. During this project, it was planned to develop an extended version of a laser pointer with multiple laser beams arranged in specific patterns. Using stationary cameras observing projections of these patterns from behind the screens, it is planned to develop an algorithm for reconstruction of the emitter’s absolute position and orientation in space. Laser pointer concept is an intuitive way of interaction that would provide user with a familiar, mobile and efficient navigation though a 3D environment. In order to navigate in a 3D world, it is required to know the absolute position (x, y and z position) and orientation (roll, pitch and yaw angles) of the device, a total of 6 degrees of freedom (DoF). Ordinary laser-based pointers when captured on a flat surface with a video camera system and then processed, will only provide x and y coordinates effectively reducing available input to 2 DoF only. In order to overcome this problem, an additional set of multiple (invisible) laser pointers should be used in the pointing device. These laser pointers should be arranged in a way that the projection of their rays will form one fixed dot pattern when intersected with the flat surface of projection screens. Images of such a pattern will be captured via a real-time camera-based system and then processed using mathematical re-projection algorithms. This would allow the reconstruction of the full absolute 3D pose (6 DoF) of the input device. Additionally, multi-user or collaborative work should be supported by the system, would allow several users to interact with a virtual environment at the same time. Possibilities to port processing algorithms into embedded processors or FPGAs will be investigated during this project as well.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Rainer HerpersPublications
Alexander Lysek, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers:
Reasoning of Intelligent Virtual Agents with Exceptional Behavior in Rare Scenarios.
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Heather Jenkin, Michael Jenkin, Laurence R. Harris, Rainer Herpers:
Neutral buoyancy and the static perception of upright.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1038/s41526-023-00296-x PMID urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-73889
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Nils-Alexander Bury, Michael Jenkin, Robert S. Allison, Rainer Herpers, Laurence R. Harris:
Vection underwater illustrates the limitations of neutral buoyancy as a microgravity analog.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1038/s41526-023-00282-3 PMID urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-73286
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Alan Gomez, Stefan Rilling, Rainer Herpers:
Superquadric Indoor Scene Representation for Orientation and Navigation Tasks.
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Nils-Alexander Bury, Laurence R. Harris, Michael Jenkin, Robert S. Allison, Sandra Felsner, Rainer Herpers:
The Influence of Gravity on Perceived Travel Distance in Virtual Reality.
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Nils-Alexander Bury, Laurence R. Harris, Michael Jenkin, Robert S. Allison, Sandra Felsner, Rainer Herpers:
From Earth to Space: the Effect of Gravity and Sex on Self-Motion Perception.
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Laurence R. Harris, Michael Jenkin, Rainer Herpers:
Long-duration head down bed rest as an analog of microgravity: Effects on the static perception of upright.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.3233/VES-210016 PMID urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-59877
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Maximilian Johenneken, Ahmad Drak, Rainer Herpers, Alexander Asteroth:
Multimodal Segmentation Neural Network to Determine the Cause of Damage to Grasslands.
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Ch Pomrehn, A. Kolb, R. Herpers:
Global Gradient Estimation of Hyperspectral Images for Registration Refinement in Multimodal Microspectroscopy.
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Sven Seele, Luisa Pätzold, Rainer Herpers:
Gone But Not Forgotten: Evaluating Performance and Scalability of Real-Time Mesoscopic Agents.
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Mirela Kundid Vasić, Ahmad Drak, Nediljko Bugarin, Josip Music, Christoph Pomrehn, Maximilian Schöbel, Maximilian Johenneken, Ivo Stancic, Vladan Papic, Stanko Kruzic, Rainer Herpers:
Deep Semantic Image Segmentation for UAV-UGV Cooperative Path Planning: A Car Park Use Case.
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Maximilian Johenneken, Ahmad Drak, Rainer Herpers:
Damage Analysis of Grassland from Aerial Images Applying Convolutional Neural Networks.
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Britta Sennewald, Rainer Herpers, Marco Hülsmann, Kenneth B. Kent:
Voting for Authorship Attribution Applied to Dark Web Data.
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Kay Boldt, Kenneth B. Kent, Rainer Herpers:
Investigation of Encrypted and Obfuscated Network Traffic Utilizing Machine Learning.
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Sandra Felsner, Rainer Herpers, Timur Saitov, David Scherfgen, Laurence Roy Harris, Michael Jenkin, Nils Bury:
Untersuchung der Selbstorientierung bei veränderten Gravitationsbedingungen (kurz: SelfOG).
PDF Download doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-078-0 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-48264
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Christoph Pomrehn, Daniel Klein, Andreas Kolb, Peter Kaul, Rainer Herpers:
Multiresolution Analysis Pansharpening for the Fusion of Raman and Conventional Brightfield Microscopy Images.
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Sandra Felsner, Rainer Herpers, Michael Jenkin, Laurence Harris, Timur Saitov, David Scherfgen, Nils Bury:
"Untersuchung der Selbstorientierung bei veränderten Gravitationsbedingungen" (kurz: SelfOG) : Abschlussbericht zum Vorhaben : Laufzeit: 1.10.2016-31.12.2018.
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Rainer Herpers, Laurence Harris, Meaghan McManus, Thomas Hofhammer, Alexandra Noppe, Timo Frett, Michael Jenkin, David Scherfgen:
The somatogravic illusion during centrifugation: sex differences.
PDF Download (Meeting Abstract, CC BY 4.0) doi:10.3389/conf.fphys.2018.26.00025 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-43915
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Christoph Pomrehn, Daniel Klein, Andreas Kolb, Peter Kaul, Rainer Herpers:
Supervised classification of monomodal and multimodal hyperspectral data in vibrational microspectroscopy: A comprehensive comparison.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2018.11.013 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-43308
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Christoph Pomrehn, Daniel Klein, Andreas Kolb, Peter Kaul, Rainer Herpers:
Application of Pansharpening Algorithms for the Fusion of Raman and Conventional Brightfield Microscopy Images.
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Laurence Harris, Sandra Felsner, Michael Jenkin, Rainer Herpers, Alexandra Noppe, Timo Frett, David Scherfgen:
Gender bias in the influence of gravity on perception.
PDF Download (Meeting Abstract, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) doi:10.1167/18.10.793 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-41266
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Hossein Fani, Amin Mirlohi, Hawre Hosseini, Rainer Herpers:
Swim Stroke Analytic: Front Crawl Pulling Pose Classification.
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Jonas Schild, Sebastian Misztal, Benjamin Roth, Leonard Flock, Thomas Luiz, Dieter Lerner, Markus Herkersdorf, Konstantin Weaner, Markus Neuberaer, Andreas Franke, Claus Kemp, Johannes Pranqhofer, Sven Seele, Helmut Buhler, Rainer Herpers:
Applying Multi-User Virtual Reality to Collaborative Medical Training.
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Konstantin Wegner, Sven Seele, Helmut Buhler, Sebastian Misztal, Rainer Herpers, Jonas Schild:
Comparison of Two Inventory Design Concepts in a Collaborative Virtual Reality Serious Game.
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Sven Seele, Sebastian Misztal, Helmut Buhler, Rainer Herpers, Jonas Schild:
Here's Looking At You Anyway!: How Important is Realistic Gaze Behavior in Co-located Social Virtual Reality Games?.
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Sven Seele, Tobias Haubrich, Jonas Schild, Rainer Herpers, Marcin Grzegorzek:
Augmenting Cognitive Processes and Behavior of Intelligent Virtual Agents by Modeling Synthetic Perception.
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Sven Seele, Tobias Haubrich, Tim Metzler, Rainer Herpers, Jonas Schild, Marcin Grzegorzek:
Integration of Multi-modal Cues in Synthetic Attention Processes to Drive Virtual Agent Behavior.
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Rainer Herpers, Salem Al-Agtash (Hg.):
2015 International Conference on Open Source Software Computing (OSSCOM), 10-13 September, 2015, German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan.
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Helmut Buhler, Jonas Schild, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers:
Integration von Panorama-Bilddaten in eine Echtzeit-Game Engine für Virtual Reality Szenen.
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Stepan Pazekha, Darius Gerlach, Uwe Mittag, Rainer Herpers:
Partially Rigid 3D Registration of Flexible Tissues in High Resolution Anatomical MRI.
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Petra Wollseiffen, Argang Ghadiri, André Scholz, Heiko K. Strüder, Rainer Herpers, Theo Peters, Stefan Schneider:
Short Bouts of Intensive Exercise During the Workday Have a Positive Effect on Neuro-cognitive Performance.
doi:10.1002/smi.2654 PMID
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R. Herpers, L. R. Harris, M. Jenkin, T. Hofhammer, A. Noppe, S. Felsner, H. Hecht:
Perception of Upright under Created Gravity - Wo ist Oben? Messung der Wahrnehmung des Perceptual Upright (PU) mit Hilfe des OCHART-Tests unter den wechselnden Gravitationsbedingungen in einer Zentrifuge.
PDF Download urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-319 doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-021-6
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Steffen Kampmann, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Peter Becker, Christian Bauckhage:
Automatic mapping of human behavior data to personality model parameters for traffic simulations in virtual environments.
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Tobias Vogt, Rainer Herpers, Christopher D. Askew, David Scherfgen, Heiko K. Strüder, Stefan Schneider:
Effects of Exercise in Immersive Virtual Environments on Cortical Neural Oscillations and Mental State.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1155/2015/523250 PMID urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-16798
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Tobias Haubrich, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Christian Bauckhage, Peter Becker:
Modeling Sensation for an Intelligent Virtual Agent’s Perception Process.
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Rainer Herpers, Peter Becker, Sven Seele, David Scherfgen, Timur Saitov:
Agentenbasierte Verkehrssimulation mit psychologischen Persönlichkeitsprofilen (AVeSi).
PDF Download urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-15912 doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-022-3
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David Scherfgen, Rainer Herpers, Timur Saitov:
A robust inside-out approach for 3D interaction with large displays.
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Tobias Vogt, Rainer Herpers, David Scherfgen, Heiko K. Strüder, Stefan Schneider:
Neuroelectric adaptations to cognitive processing in virtual environments: an exercise-related approach.
doi:10.1007/s00221-015-4208-x PMID
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Tobias Haubrich, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Martin E. Müller, Peter Becker:
A Semantic Road Network Model for Traffic Simulations in Virtual Environments: Generation and Integration.
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L. Harris, R. Herpers, T. Hofhammer, A. Noppe, M. Jenkin:
Is gravity on other planets adequate to provide self-orientation cues?.
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Rainer Herpers, Timur Saitov,
6-MIG Project: Multi-User Interaction System for CAVE-type VR Environments.
PDF Download urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-266 doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-016-2
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Rainer Herpers, David Scherfgen, Sandra Felsner, Timur Saitov:
Entwicklung eines Fahrradfahrsimulators zur Verkehrserziehung und zum Verkehrssicherheitstraining für verschiedene Altersklassen.
PDF Download urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-216 doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-013-1
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Tobias Haubrich, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Christian Bauckhage, Peter Becker:
Synthetic perception for intelligent virtual agents.
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Tobias Haubrich, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Peter Becker:
Integration of road network logics into virtual environments.
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Fabian Krueger, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Christian Bauckhage, Peter Becker:
Dynamic Emotional States based on Personality Profiles for Adaptive Agent Behavior Patterns.
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David Scherfgen, Rainer Herpers:
Camera-Based 3D Pointing Technique Using Dynamic On-Screen Markers.
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Sergey Alexandrov, Rainer Herpers:
Evaluation of Recent Approaches to Visual Odometry from RGB-D Images.
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Fabian Krueger, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Peter Becker, Christian Bauckhage:
Adaptive Decision Making in Microsimulations of Urban Traffic in Virtual Environments.
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Laurence R. Harris, Rainer Herpers, Thomas Hofhammer, Michael Jenkin:
How Much Gravity Is Needed to Establish the Perceptual Upright?.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0106207 PMID urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-12240
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Martin Koch, Sven Schmidt, Harold Boley, Rainer Herpers:
Grailog KS Viz: A Grailog Visualizer for Datalog RuleML Using an XSLT Translator to SVG.
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Konstantin Nasartschuk, Kenneth B. Kent, Rainer Herpers:
Visual exploration of changing FPGA architectures in the VTR project.
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Laurence Harris, Michael Jenkin, Thomas Hofhammer, Alexandra Noppe, Rainer Herpers:
The effect of gravity on the perceptual upright: centrifuge experiments.
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Martin Koch, Sven Schmidt, Rainer Herpers, Kenneth B. Kent:
Improved tree-based strategies for a Connect6 threat-based hardware design.
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Evangelos Zotos, Rainer Herpers:
Distributed Rendering for Interactive Multi-screen Visualization Environments Based on XNA Game Studio.
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Fabian Krueger, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Peter Becker:
Dynamic Emotional States based on Personality Profiles for Adaptive Agent Behavior Patterns.
PDF Download urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-169 doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-011-7
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Rainer Herpers, David Scherfgen, Moritz Vieth, Timur Saitov, Sandra Felsner, Thomas Hofhammer, Michael Schaefer, Michael Huelke:
Vr-Based Safety Evaluation of Automatically Controlled Machine Tools.
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Thomas Dettmar, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Peter Becker, Christian Bauckhage:
Efficient Mesoscopic Simulations for Persistent Agents in 3D-Applications and Games.
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Peter Samarin, Timur Saitov, Rainer Herpers, Kenneth B. Kent:
Data Traffic Reduction in Vision Applications using On-Board FPGA- based Image Preprocessing.
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Konstantin Nasartschuk, Kenneth B. Kent, Rainer Herpers:
Visual Exploration of Changing FPGA Architectures in the VTR Project.
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Tobias Haubrich, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Martin E. Müller, Peter Becker:
Semantic Road Network Models for Rapid 3D Traffic Scenario Generation.
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Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Christian Bauckhage:
Cognitive agents for microscopic traffic simulations in virtual environments.
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Sven Seele, Thomas Dettmar, Rainer Herpers, Christian Bauckhage, Peter Becker:
Cognitive Aspects of Traffic Simulations in Virtual Environments.
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Tintu Mathew, Jochen Zange, Joern Rittweger, Rainer Herpers:
A Computer Game Based Motivation System for Human Physiology Studies.
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Markus Goffart, Gerhard W. Dueck, Rainer Herpers:
A Comparison of Fixed and Variable Block Allocation in two Java Virtual Machines.
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Marcel Dombrowski, Kenneth B. Kent, Yves Losier, Adam Wilson, Rainer Herpers:
Analyzing Bus Load Data Using an FPGA and a Microcontroller.
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Matthias Bremser, Uwe Mittag, Tobias Weber, Jörn Rittweger, Rainer Herpers:
Diameter Measurement of Vascular Structures in Ultrasound Video Sequences.
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Alexander Bochem, Kenneth B. Kent, Rainer Herpers:
FPGA Based Real-Time Tracking Approach with Validation of Precision and Performance.
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Konstantin Nasartschuk, Rainer Herpers, Kenneth B. Kent:
Visualization support for FPGA architecture exploration.
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Evangelos Zotos, Rainer Herpers:
Interactive Distributed Rendering of 3D Scenes on Multiple Xbox 360 Systems and Personal Computers.
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Laurence R. Harris, Rainer Herpers, Michael Jenkin, Robert S. Allison, Heather Jenkin, Bill Kapralos, David Scherfgen, Sandra Felsner:
The relative contributions of radial and laminar optic flow to the perception of linear self-motion.
doi:10.1167/12.10.7 PMID
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Rainer Herpers, David Scherfgen, Michael Kutz, Jens Bongartz, Ulrich Hartmann, Oliver Schulzyk, Sandra Boronas, Timur Saitov, Holger Steiner, Dietmar Reinert:
Multimedia Sensory Cue Processing in the FIVIS Simulation Environment.
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Matthew S. Roscoe, Paul G. Plöger, Kenneth B. Kent, Rainer Herpers:
Determining the Viability of the Kinect as a Research Tool.
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Sven Seele, Thomas Dettmar, Rainer Herpers, Christian Bauckhage, Peter Becker:
Cognitive Aspects of Traffic Simulations in Virtual Environments.
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Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Christian Bauckhage, Peter Becker:
Cognitive Agents with Psychological Personality Profiles for Traffic Simulations in Virtual Environments.
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Thomas Dettmar, Sven Seele, Rainer Herpers, Peter Becker:
Multi-Level Traffic Simulations for Virtual Environments.
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David Scherfgen, Timur Saitov, Rainer Herpers, Enes Dayangac:
An Optical Laser-based User Interaction System for CAVE-type Virtual Reality Environments.
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Konstantin Nasartschuk, Kenneth B. Kent, Rainer Herpers:
Visualization Support for FPGA Architecture Exploration.
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Rainer Herpers, David Scherfgen, Michael Kutz, Sandra Felsner, Ulrich Hartmann, Jens Bongartz, Oliver Schulzyk:
The FIVIS Project: An Immersive Bicycle Simulation System.
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Marcel Dombrowski, Yves Losier, Kenneth B. Kent, Rainer Herpers:
Monitoring Bus Load of an Open Bus Standard-based Prosthetic Limb System.
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Alexander Bochem, Kenneth B. Kent, Rainer Herpers:
FPGA based Real-Time Object Detection Approach with Validation of Precision and Performance.
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Michael Schlosser, Rainer Herpers, Kenneth B. Kent:
Accelerating the MMD algorithm using Multi-core Environments.
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Gernot Goebbels, Martin Göbel, André Hinkenjann, Wolfgang Heiden, Marco Winzker, Rainer Herpers, Robert Scholl, Dietmar Reinert:
Institute of Visual Computing at the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.5753/jis.2011.574 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-8151
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Hartmut Ihne, Reiner Clement, Rainer Herpers:
Graduierteninstitut an Fachhochschulen als Nukleus wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchsförderung.
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Srdjan Stanković, Igor Djurović, Rainer Herpers, LJubiša Stanković:
An approach to the optimal watermark detection.
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Karsten Engel, Rainer Herpers, Ulrich Hartmann:
Biomechanical Computer Models.
PDF Download (CC BY 3.0) doi:10.5772/23817 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-23072
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Michael Schlösser, Rainer Herpers, Kenneth B. Kent:
Acceleration the MMD Algorithm using the Cell Broadband Engine.
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David Scherfgen, Rainer Herpers, Timur Saitov:
Single webcam 3D tracking for video games.
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Barbara Krausz, Rainer Herpers:
MetroSurv: detecting events in subway stations.
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Laurence Roy Harris, Rainer Herpers, Michael Jenkin, Bill Kapralos, Heather Jenkin, David Scherfgen, Sandra Boronas:
The perception of linear self motion induced by a virtual reality display while viewing eccentrically.
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Alexander Bochem, Rainer Herpers, Kenneth B. Kent:
Hardware Acceleration of BLOB Detection for Image Processing.
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Janis Blank, Rainer Herpers, Heinz Otten:
Zentrale Archivierung und verteilte Kommunikation digitaler Bilddaten in der Pneumokoniosevorsorge.
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Robert Scott Allison, Jens Schumacher, Shabnam Sadr, Rainer Herpers:
Apparent motion during saccadic suppression periods.
doi:10.1007/s00221-009-2120-y PMID
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Rainer Herpers, Manfred Kaul, Simone Bürsner:
Why Don’t Young Adults Choose Computer Science Study Programs?: Self-Perception and Gender Aspects in Computer Science Education.
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Alexander Bochem, Rainer Herpers, Kenneth B. Kent:
Acceleration of Blob Detection in a Video Stream using Hardware.
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R. Herpers, D. Scherfgen, M. Kutz, U. Hartmann, O. Schulzyk, D. Reinert, H. Steiner:
FIVIS – A Bicycle Simulation System.
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David Scherfgen, Rainer Herpers:
3D tracking using multiple Nintendo Wii Remotes: a simple consumer hardware tracking approach.
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Guido Noelle, Rainer Herpers, Daniel Hellmuth, Ramona Christ-Köhler:
Entwicklung eines elektronischen Mutterpasses.
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Rainer Herpers, Gerhard Dueck, Nadine Fröbel:
International Distributed Computer Science Degree - Cooperative Education Efforts between Canada, Poland, Greece and Germany.
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Wolfgang Heiden, Rainer Herpers, André Hinkenjann:
Visual Computing an der FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.
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Rainer Herpers, Wolfgang Heiden, Michael Kutz, David Scherfgen, Ulrich Hartmann, Jens Bongartz, Oliver Schulzyk:
FIVIS – Bicycle Simulator in the Immersive Visualisation Environment "Immersion Square".
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Rainer Herpers, Wolfgang Heiden, Michael Kutz, David Scherfgen:
Immersion Square - A Cost-Effective Multi-Screen VR Visualisation Technology.
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Manfred Kaul, Simone Bürsner, Rainer Herpers:
How Does Self-Perception Influence the Choice of Study? E-Portfolio and Gender Issues in Informatics.
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Alexander Bochem, Rainer Herpers, Kenneth B. Kent:
Acceleration of Blob Detection within Images in Hardware.
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Moritz Vieth, Oliver Zilken, Rainer Herpers, Dietmar Reinert:
Vision Based Hand and Finger Detection at Machines with Manual Operation.
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Moritz Vieth, Rainer Herpers, Michael Huelke, M. Schäfer, Deepak Chhabra:
A Low-Cost Based 6 DoF Head Tracker for Usability Application Studies in Virtual Environments.
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Oliver Schulzyk, Ulrich Hartmann, Jens Bongartz, Tobias Bildhauer, Rainer Herpers:
A Real Bicycle Simulator in a Virtual Reality Environment: The FIVIS Project.
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Michael Kutz, Rainer Herpers:
Urban traffic simulation for games: a general approach for simulation of urban actors.
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Barbara Krausz, Rainer Herpers:
Event detection for video surveillance using an expert system.
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Maxim Foursa, Gerold Wesche, David d’Angelo, Manfred Bogen, Rainer Herpers:
A Two-User Virtual Environment for Rapid Assembly of Product Models Within an Integrated Process Chain.
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R. Herpers, W. Heiden, M. Kutz, D. Scherfgen, U. Hartmann, J. Bongartz, O. Schulzyk:
FIVIS Bicycle Simulator - An Immersive Game Plattform for Physical Activities.
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Oliver Schulzyk, Jens Bongartz, Tobias Bildhauer, Ulrich Hartmann, Rainer Herpers, Bernd Goebel, Dietmar Reinert:
A Bicycle Simulator Based on a Motion Platform in a Virtual Reality Environment - FIVIS Project.
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Rainer Herpers, Norbert Jung, Dietmar Reinert, Oliver Schwaneberg, Stefan Hahne, Alexander Barth, Oliver Zilken, Moritz Vieth:
Hand and Finger Protection for Circular Saws.
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Alexander Barth, Rainer Herpers, Markus Greßnich:
Visual Quality Control in Heat Shrink Tubing.
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Alexander Barth, Rainer Herpers, Markus Greßnich:
Real-time Applicable Visual Quality Control in Industrial Line Production.
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Markus Lanser, Axel Hau, Wolfgang Heiden, Rainer Herpers:
GL-Wrapper for Stereoscopic Rendering of Standard Applications for a PC-based Immersive Environment.
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Rainer Herpers, Dietmar Reinert:
Aus der Arbeitsschutzforschung: Hand oder Holz? Das ist hier die Frage! Videobasierte Detektion von Händen an Kreissägen.
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Markus Enzweiler, Richard P. Wildes, Rainer Herpers:
Unified Target Detection and Tracking Using Motion Coherence.
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Stefan Hahne, Rainer Herpers, Alexander Barth, Dietmar Reinert:
Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Human Body Parts in Real Workshop Environments.
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Alexander Barth, Rainer Herpers, Markus Greßnich:
Visual Inspection of Fast Moving Heat Shrink Tubes in Real-Time.
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Alexander Barth, Rainer Herpers:
Robust Head Detection and Tracking in Cluttered Workshop Environments Using GMM.
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Dietmar Reinert, Björn Klumbies, Michael Rabenda, Alexander Barth, Stefan Hahne, Frank Dücker, Rainer Herpers, Norbert Jung, Norbert Becker, Paul R. Melcher, Sven Ullmann, Wilfried Olbert, Dieter Kamin, Rudolf Kohler:
Finger and Hand Protection on Circular Table and Panel Saws.
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Alexander Kläser, Srdjan Stankovic, Rainer Herpers:
Enhancing motion trajectories in noisy video sequences.
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D. Schmitz, D. Seibt, R. Herpers, W. Heiden:
3D-Reconstruction of Microscopic Translucent Silicate-Based Marine and Freshwater Organisms.
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Rainer Herpers, Florian Hetmann, Axel Hau, Wolfgang Heiden:
The Immersion Square - A Mobile Platform for Immersive Visualizations.
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Srdjun Stunkovic, Rainer Herpers, Igor Djurovic:
Motion parameters estimation of moving objects and ego motion applying an active camera system.
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Jens Schumacher, Robert S. Allison, Rainer Herpers:
Using Saccadic Suppression to Hide Graphic Updates.
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Robert Scott Allison, Jens Schumacher, Rainer Herpers:
Saccadic suppression of motion of the entire visual field.
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Srdjan Stanković, Igor Djurović, Rainer Herpers, LJubiša Stanković:
An Approach to Optimal Watermark Detection.
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Rainer Herpers, Guido Noelle:
Aus- und Weiterbildungssituation in der Gesundheitstelematik - Stand und Perspektiven.
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F. Hetmann, R. Herpers, W. Heiden:
The Immersion Square - Immersive VR with Standard Components.
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James MacLean, Caroline Pantofaru, Laura Wood, Rainer Herpers, Konstantinos Derpanis, Doug Topalovic, John Tsotsos:
Fast Hand Gesture Recognition for Real-Time Teleconferencing Applications.
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Rainer Herpers (Hg.):
Proceedings IEEE ICCV Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems: (RATFG-RTS’01), 13 July 2001, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
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R. Herpers, K. Derpanis, W. J. MacLean, G. Verghese, M. Jenkin, E. Milios, A. Jepson, J. K. Tsotsos:
SAVI: An actively controlled teleconferencing system.
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Rainer Herpers (Hg.):
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems: (RATFG-RTS ’99), September 26-27, 1999, Corfu, Greece.
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R. Herpers, G. Verghese, K. Derpanis, R. McCready, J. MacLean, A. Levin, D. Topalovic, L. Wood, A. Jepson, J. K. Tsotsos:
Detection and tracking of faces in real environments.
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Jukka Heikkonen, Rainer Herpers (Hg.):
Special Issue: Neurocomputing Topics in Computer Vision Application.
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Markus Michaelis, Rainer Herpers, Lars Witta, Gerald Sommer:
Hierarchical Filtering Scheme for the Detection of Facial Keypoints.
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R. Herpers, L. Witta, M. Michaelis, J. Bruske, G. Sommer:
Detektion und Verifikation von charakteristischen Bildpunkten in Gesichtsbildern.
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R. Herpers, M. Michaelis, G. Sommer, L. Witta:
Context based detection of keypoints and features in eye regions.
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Heinz Handels, Arno Hiestermann, Rainer Herpers, Thomas Tolxdorff:
Automatische 3D-Segmentierung und Klassifikation von Gewebe in der medizinischen Diagnostik.
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