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International Office

Information for Exchange Students

Every semester we are happy to welcome students from our partner universities! Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences fosters a large number of partnerships with universities world-wide. Students have the possibility to study for one or two semesters at our University, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, or also within the framework of bilateral agreements. In some departments it is also possible to study for a double degree.
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The University offers a wide spectrum of study courses: Departments and Programmes. An overview of the courses available in English can be found in the course lists of the respective departments (see "related documents" and "related links").

If you are studying at one of our partner universities and are interested in attending our University, please first contact the International Office of your university. They will provide you with information about the application procedure. In addition, you can find more information in our “Partner Institution Information“ and the "Information for Incoming Students from Partner Universities". If you are interested in attening our university via the Erasmus+ Programme, you can find more information here:

Exchange students must be nominated by their home universities by 15th October for the following summer semester, and by 15th May for the following winter semester.

They must then apply at H-BRS until 30th October and 30th May respectively.

Please note that we only accept online nominations and applications via Mobility Online.

The Welcome Centre ( offers all exchange students information and advice about studying at our University and supports them in finding accommodation


portraet_stefanie_fey_2018.jpg (DE)

Stefanie Fey (on maternity leave)

Counselling International Students in Sankt Augustin


Sankt Augustin


E 59


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 671
Maria Massoni

Maria do Carmo Massoni

Coordination Welcome Centre


Sankt Augustin


E 057


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Birgit Henn (DE)

Birgit Henn

Counselling International Students in Rheinbach






Egermannstr. 1

53359, Rheinbach