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Games Technology Network (GTN)

Projektlogo GTN Games Technology Network
Establishment of a network of academic and industry partners to promote research and development in game technology in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).
GTN Workshop Kultur


  • Networking in teaching and education
  • Networking with the games industry
  • Development of game technology demonstrators
  • Establishment of a collaborative innovation cluster - Games Technology Center

The GTN creates the conditions to greatly accelerate the transfer from basic research to industry and society. It represents a holistic value chain that ranges from the bundling of expert knowledge to the transfer into concrete applications (e.g. demonstrators / applications).

A consortium of four research-intensive universities in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The involved partners are recognized experts in the fields of computer graphics, interaction, simulation, computer vision, and entertainment computing research.

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

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The topic of games is an integral part of the strategic research orientation at H-BRS. With the establishment of the Institute for Visual Computing, the university has made a commitment to the ongoing support and promotion of visual computing. Visual computing technologies (such as computer graphics, interaction, computer vision) form the foundation of many games and gaming platforms. Simultaneously, Visual Computing is one of the university-wide research focal points at H-BRS, and its support is enshrined in the current university development plan.

One of the key focal points of the IVC is the translation of research outcomes into practical applications through close collaboration with regional and national industries. This process has been notably bolstered by the establishment of the "Visualization Showroom," a demonstration laboratory for innovative interactive visualization systems. The IVC is a member of game - the German Games Industry Association.


RWTH Aachen University


Die Forschungsgruppe "Computer Animation" am Visual Computing Institute der RWTH Aachen etwickelt neue effiziente und stabile Verfahren für die physikalisch-basierte Simulation von Starrkörpern, deformierbaren Körpern und Flüssigkeiten. Im Bereich der interaktiven Anwendungen, wie z.B. Computerspielen, werden hohe Anforderungen an die Geschwindigkeit und Stabilität gestellt. Eine Simulation muss in solchen Anwendungen in Echtzeit ablaufen und darf auch bei beliebigen Benutzerinteraktionen nicht instabil werden. In diesem Gebiet wurden in den letzten Jahren, u. a. in Kooperation mit der Forschungsgruppe für Physiksimulationen bei NVIDIA, neue positionsbasierte Simulationsverfahren entwickelt. Diese Verfahren sind speziell für den Einsatz in interaktiven Anwendungen geeignet. Dabei sind neue Methoden für die Simulation von elastischen Stäben, Kleidung, dreidimensionalen Weichkörpern und Starrkörpern entstanden. Weiterhin wurde auch die interaktive Simulation von Starrkörpern mit klassischen Methoden untersucht und ein GPU-basierter Löser für die benötigten linearen Gleichungssysteme entwickelt. Erst vor kurzem konnte auch im Bereich der Finite-Elemente-Simulationen ein großer Fortschritt erreicht werden. Durch eine neue Methode kann eine Simulation mit über 350 Tausend finiten Elementen in Echtzeit auf einem Standard-PC durchgeführt werden. Schließlich beschäftigt sich die Forschungsgruppe auch mit der Entwicklung einer effizienten Kollisionserkennung mit sogenannten Signed Distance Fields.
Insgesamt verfügt die Forschungsgruppe damit über viel Erfahrung im Bereich der Simulationsverfahren für interaktive Anwendungen und Computerspiele.

Technische Hochschule Köln


The Computer Graphics Group at TH Köln boasts several years of research activity in the fields of material acquisition, realistic and color-accurate real-time rendering, virtual and augmented reality, as well as clothing simulation (e.g., in funded projects such as SkEtch3D, ParSim 3D, Spindle 3D, and commissioned research for companies). In the recently successfully concluded BMBF project Retail 4.0, a system for collaborative clothing visualization in VR was developed. Currently, the CGG is working on a project supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW) in cooperation with HAW, which is exploring a collaborative VR training system for emergency responders and disaster preparedness (KoViTrek). A central aspect of such systems is the realistic representation of virtual environments, including a credible reproduction of the material properties of all surfaces. The CGG has been continuously developing solutions for the capture and reproduction of real surfaces and their reflection properties for years (e.g., in funded projects like Realtex and REALMAT).

The Cologne Game Lab (CGL) at TH Köln is a key player at the intersection of research and knowledge transfer in the gaming industry. Apart from providing academic education for future professionals in areas such as Game Design, Game Art, Game Informatics, and Game Studies, the CGL promotes a sustainable exchange between research and the industry. Events like Clash of Realities or the Global Game Jam are regularly organized to bring together different interest groups. The CGL is also actively engaged in gamification, training, and applied games research, and has participated in various international projects (such as the Antura Initiative, The Migrants’ Chronicle).

The GTN receives active support from the research group, which aims to develop interactive systems for innovative digital media to create relevant and sophisticated experiences accessible to people. Such systems encompass social and educational interactive experiences that generate cognitive and affective responses by eliciting emotions and inviting reflection on learning arrangements. Learn more about the program here:


Hochschule Düsseldorf

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The Mixed Reality and Visualization research group led by Prof. Dr. Christian Geiger is one of the most prominent third-party funded entities at Hochschule Düsseldorf. This interdisciplinary team is dedicated to advancing methods and technologies for user-centered interaction between humans and technology. One of their focal points is motion-intensive interfaces that engage the entire body (e.g., based on body, facial, and eye tracking, as well as biosensors), as well as the comprehensive development of empathic systems (Empathic Computing). The overarching objective is always to design, implement, and validate the best possible user experience.

A particular emphasis of their application of Mixed Reality technologies lies in the realm of Entertainment Computing (including games, moving images/film, art, and culture) and digital health. For several years, the team has been increasingly leveraging knowledge-based methods and AI technologies.

Their goal is to create a holistic user experience that integrates technology seamlessly into human interaction and behavior, enhancing both creativity and practicality. Through their research and application, they contribute significantly to the ever-evolving landscape of Mixed Reality and its diverse applications.

The idea is to increase value creation in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) by utilising the exceptional expertise of partners from research, technology, design and society in an interdisciplinary manner. The initiative aims to enhance the games landscape in NRW through new, creative business models and forward-looking solutions and to position it in relation to companies from the USA and Asia. The aim is to promote growth, innovation and competitive advantages in the gaming industry in NRW and to establish the state as a hub for pioneering developments and unique projects.

The GTN creates the conditions for significantly accelerating the transfer of basic research to industry and society. It embodies a comprehensive value chain that extends from the consolidation of specialised knowledge to its implementation in concrete applications (such as demonstrators or applications). This framework ensures a seamless transition from idea to practical implementation and promotes the rapid translation of research results into real-world solutions that benefit different sectors and stakeholders.

2. Networking

With the Games Industry

The Games Technology Network focuses on harnessing synergies and expanding research and development capacities for game development.

Through workshops, the GTN bridges the gap between research and the game development industry in the NRW region, thus advancing innovative core technologies for game development that enable new or enhanced player experiences.

With the Cultural Sector

We aspire to integrate games into museum practices from various perspectives, thereby initiating an exchange between academia, game studios, and cultural institutions. This collaboration aims to enrich both the gaming landscape and the cultural sector, fostering new forms of engagement and interaction for diverse audiences.


IVC Strategiemeeting

Thu, 05. September 2024

Jährliches IVC-Strategiemeeting: Weichenstellung für die Zukunft

Am 2. und 3. September 2024 fand bereits zum achten Mal das Strategiemeeting des Instituts für Visual Computing (IVC) der H-BRS statt. 23 Mitarbeiter des Instituts nutzten die Gelegenheit, um gemeinsam auf das vergangene Jahr zurückzublicken, aktuelle Herausforderungen zu analysieren und neue strategische Ziele zu formulieren.

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Neandertaler Avatar IVC

Mon, 03. June 2024

Virtual encounter with a Neandertal avatar

Bonn, 15 - 16 May 2024: The Institute for Visual Computing (IVC) at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences was a hit at this year's Bonn Science Night.

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Björn Franken IVC

Fri, 17. May 2024

Politics shows interest in games as a driver of innovation

On 29 April 2024, politician Björn Franken (MdL), digital policy spokesperson for the CDU parliamentary group in North Rhine-Westphalia, visited the Institute for Visual Computing (IVC) in Sankt Augustin. As a former student and alumnus of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Franken has shown an ongoing interest in the developments at his former educational institution.

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Partizipative Insektenforschung durch kreative Bürgerbeteiligung in Museen (PInBiM)

Tue, 02. January 2024

Partizipative Insektenforschung - Bürger forschen mit

Die Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg leitet Projekt "Partizipative Insektenforschung durch kreative Bürgerbeteiligung in Museen (PInBiM)" mit Museum Koenig Bonn und der Stiftung Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels (LIB).

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GTN meets culture – Technology in Art & Culture

Thu, 15. June 2023

GTN-Workshop: Technologie trifft Kunst & Kultur im MIREVI Lab

Am 12.06.23 fand der hochkarätige Workshop zum Thema "Technology in Art and Culture" im MIREVI Lab der Hochschule Düsseldorf statt. Das Event wurde vom Games Technology Network (GTN) organisiert, einer Kooperation der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein Sieg (IVC), Technischen Hochschule Köln (CGL, CGG, IREX), Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule (RWTH) und der Hochschule Düsseldorf (MIREVI). Der Workshop diente dem Austausch und der Erörterung der fortschreitenden Integration von Technologie in Kunst und Kultur.

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3. Development of Games Technology Demonstrators

The GTN encompasses exploratory research that informs the technology demonstrators utilizing gaming technologies in novel application areas. This serves as the foundation for innovative systems and applications for stakeholders in our region, such as cultural institutions (museums), healthcare organizations, and SMEs.

Ethical and social aspects of gaming technologies are also considered. The research into these technologies is based on the expertise of the involved partners and is refined as a result of collaborative workshops.


4. Development of Games Technology Demonstrators

The GTN encompasses exploratory research that informs the technology demonstrators using gaming technologies in novel application areas. These demonstrators serve as the foundation for innovative systems and applications for stakeholders in our region, such as cultural institutions (museums), healthcare organizations, and SMEs.

Ethical and social aspects of gaming technologies are also taken into consideration. The exploration of these technologies is rooted in the expertise of the involved partners and is refined as a result of collaborative workshops.



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Video Games

As part of the digital creative industry, video game development showcases high innovation potential. The GTN promotes research in fundamental technologies (computer graphics, human-computer interfaces, simulation in demonstrators) and new games, which also benefits other sectors of the economy (such as the film industry, architecture and construction, mobility, education, health, and caregiving).

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Gamified learning / training

New game technologies and methods have significant potential for the development of gamified learning and training systems that can be applied in new domains. These domains encompass SMEs in the region, as well as "new actors" – those who have expressed interest in the technologies through existing projects. These include schools or public institutions that disseminate knowledge to a broader audience (e.g., public organizations or government agencies), as well as specific professional groups like rescue and emergency personnel. These groups particularly benefit from training systems based on cutting-edge VR/AR technologies.

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Serious Gaming in the Healthcare Sector

Serious gaming is revolutionising healthcare by using interactive games to improve medical education, patient training and rehabilitation. It provides a dynamic platform for healthcare professionals to practice skills in realistic scenarios. Patients benefit from a better understanding of their conditions through interactive experiences, while customised games support rehabilitation and promote healthier lifestyles. Games also serve as therapeutic tools to manage stress and promote mental health. In addition, serious gaming contributes to research by collecting valuable data on user interactions. Serious gaming is expected to play a crucial role in the transformation of healthcare as technology evolves.


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Museum Applications

Serious gaming and interactive technologies have transformed museums, transforming static exhibits into dynamic, immersive experiences. These applications are rejuvenating cultural institutions and offering innovative ways to educate and entertain different audiences. Museums are utilising augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to transport visitors to different eras and locations, creating a deeper connection to the subject matter. Gamified learning through interactive challenges and quizzes makes education entertaining and memorable. Personalised tours, facilitated by mobile apps, allow visitors to customise their museum experience and access additional information and multimedia content according to their preferences. Interactive art installations blur the line between viewer and creator, while holographic displays bring historical figures and animals to life in 3D. Digital technologies such as 3D scanning are helping to preserve cultural heritage by reconstructing fragile artefacts for future generations. Museums are also integrating multi-sensory experiences by incorporating touch, sound, smell and tactile exhibits to provide a holistic sensory journey. Overall, the integration of technology into museums offers an exciting and innovative approach to education, storytelling and visitor engagement.

Logo Ministerium für Kultur und  Wissenschaft NRW
The project is initially planned for two years and is funded by the Zukunftsfonds NRW.

The topic of games is part of the strategic research and educational orientation at the H-BRS.

Series of lectures

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Eashwar Natarajan, Senior Solutions Manager bei Infosys Ltd., Gamification

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Akihiko Shirai, Direktor der GREE VR Studio Laboratory, Tokio Japan, "Human Being driven next-gen computer entertainment"

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Derrick Carter, Geschäftsführer des The Sawmill, Vancouver, Kanada, Motion Capture und seine Anwendung in den Medien

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Dr. Florian Daiber, DFKI in Saarbrücken, Interactive Sports Technologies and Exertion Games

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Thorsten Leimann, Ubisoft Düsseldorf / Prince of Persia

Space for new game ideas: The Game Studio of the H-BRS.


Do you still have questions?

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Nelli Eurich

Deputy Managing Director at the Institute for Visual Computing , Online editing and public relations , Games Technology Network (GTN)


Sankt Augustin


C 163


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9826