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Department of Engineering and Communication

All news from the department Engineering and Communication

News (3734)

Günter-Walraff-Preis 2024 Haarkötter

Tue, 28. May 2024

Günter-Wallraff-Preis für Pressefreiheit und Menschenrechte verliehen

Auch in diesem Jahr hat die Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung (INA) e.V., die mit vielen Aktivitäten im Fachbereich Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung aktiv ist, zusammen mit dem Namensgeber, Investigativjournalist Günter Wallraff, den Günter-Wallraff-Preis für Pressefreiheit und Menschenrechte vergeben.

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Verleihung der Promotionsstipendien am 19.1.24

Tue, 28. May 2024

Apply now: PhD Scholarships 2024

The Graduate Institute (GI), the Institute for Safety and Security Research (ISF) and the Department of Computer Science of the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg are announcing several PhD scholarships for academic staff, teaching staff and graduates of the H-BRS. Applicants with an excellent degree which generally entitles them to study for a PhD are welcome to apply.

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Dekanat FB05 Richard Jäger und Johannes Steinhaus

Tue, 28. May 2024

Department of Natural Sciences: Deanship confirmed in office

Department of Natural Sciences: Deanship confirmed in office. Prof. Dr. Richard Jäger extends his term of office as Dean of the Department of Natural Sciences. Prof. Dr. Johannes Steinhaus remains Vice Dean.

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BildungsMehrMut_Rexrodt-Christian_web_foto-privat.jpg (DE)

Mon, 27. May 2024

Neuer Dekan und Prodekan am Fachbereich 06

Neuer Dekan und Prodekan am FB06

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RO-MAN 2024 logo

Sun, 26. May 2024

Papers by the Autonomous Systems Group accepted at RO-MAN 2024

The work presented in the papers was conducted in the context of the now-completed MigrAVE project

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Wed, 05. June 2024

Department of Computer Science: Dean's office confirmed

Prof Dr Sascha Alda extends his term of office as Dean of the Department of Computer Science. Prof Dr Matthias Bertram remains Vice Dean.

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Diversity Donnerstag_ADHS

Thu, 23. May 2024

Diversity Thursday: ADHD

With ‘Diversity Thursday’, we (the Diversity Management Team at H-BRS) regularly focus on diversity aspects and anti-discrimination issues on Thursdays. Today's Diversity Thursday addresses ADHD.

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Screenshot CPNU Danke fuer Spenden 20240523 yt

Mon, 27. May 2024

Die Polytechnische Universität Tschernihiw sagt Danke!

Students and employees of our partner university in Chernihiv (CPNU) thank us with a video message for equipping their MakerSpace, for which the participants donated at the 2023 graduation ceremony.

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The Life Cycle Initiative

Thu, 23. May 2024

How does biogenic carbon affect the climate? Professor Meilinger appointed Co-Chair of the Biogenic Carbon LCA Group

How does biogenic carbon affect our climate? This central question is at the heart of the work of the Biogenic Carbon LCA Group, which began its activities this week as part of the International Life Cycle Initiative (UNEP/LC). Prof. Stefanie Meilinger was appointed Co-Chair of Working Group 1 "Temporal Aspects".

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20170522_colourbox10721356_evaluation_liz (DE)

Thu, 23. May 2024

23.05.-04.06.2024 - Evaluation von Lehrveranstaltungen

Was gefällt euch gut, was könnte noch besser werden in der Lehre? Gebt euren Profs doch auch mal Noten!

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Screenshot Analytische Chemie und Qualitätssicherung 20240522 yt

Fri, 07. June 2024

Analytical Chemistry and Quality Assurance (MSc) in video

The former Master's student Klara Engel gives a tour of the laboratories in Rheinbach Campus, reports on job prospects after graduation, application-orientated teaching, the facilities on campus and her employer.

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Logo GTPF - Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung e.V.

Fri, 24. May 2024

Strong together: IZNE joins the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF)

The International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE) at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences recently took a significant step towards promoting transdisciplinary research by joining the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF e.V.). The GTPF e.V. was founded in March 2023 as an association of transdisciplinary and participatory researchers in German-speaking countries.

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2024-5-17-Prof-Althaus-quer Wissenschaftsnacht Foto Flüter-Hoffmann

Tue, 21. May 2024

What whales reveal about high blood pressure - lecture by Professor Mike Althaus

Although it was already approaching 21:00 on Friday evening, the lecture theatre in Bonn's "Haus der Bildung" was well filled at the Science Night.

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