Forschungsimpuls – CytoTransport

CytoTransport - Mechanisms and Modulation of Cellular Transport Processes

The DFG-funded research cluster "CytoTransport" combines expertise in biomedicine, computational modeling, structural biology, chemistry and materials science to investigate cellular transport mechanisms in health and disease. To this end, 9 working groups from two university research focuses are working together, represented by the two research institutes IFGA and TREE. An overarching goal is to bundle the institutes' overlapping interests and expertise in the long term.

About Us

Ziele und Aufaben

Research Focus and Aims

TdF2023 Tag der Forschung Hochschulstrasse StA 20230621 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher 060.JPG

Persons and Institutes

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Latest News

News and Events


Major success for research in the life sciences

DFG-Projekt Althaus Preller Sass 120724 2 Foto Daniela Greulich

Better understanding of diabetes and high blood pressure: Biomedical research at H-BRS strengthened

CytoTransport Konferenz StA 20240927 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher 94_0.jpg

"A successful day focussing on research"

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The latest news on our CytoTransport activities can be found on our Linked Account! Come follow us!

Fields of Research

Research Outputs

Colourbox Nr. 22834568 Papier, Bücher, Publikation

CytoTransport - Publications

TdF2023 Tag der Forschung Hochschulstrasse StA 20230621 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher 155.JPG

CytoTransport - Student Theses

Verleihung der Promotionsstipendien am 19.1.24

CytoTransport - Seminars

CytoTransport Konferenz StA 20240927 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher 94_0.jpg

CytoTransport - Research Retreats

Related Research Projects

Forschungsprojekt Analyseplattform

Analysis platform for molecular mechanisms and cellular functions

Forschungsprojekt Automatisierte funktionale Analytik von Ionenkanälen und Transportern

Automatisierte funktionale Analytik von Ionenkanälen und Transportern


Utilization of Molecular Modelling for Bio-Chemical Application Scenarios (UMMBAS)

Forschungsprojekt AStaBak

Atomare Strukturaufklärung von Biomolekülen durch automatisierte Kristallisation (AStaBaK)


Ketone bodies: More than just energy carriers! (KETOplus)

bmbf_biopolymermodell_graphical_abstract.png (DE)

BiopolymerModell - Neuer Zugang zur Analyse von Biopolymeren: Kombination experimenteller Methoden mit chemometrischer Modellierung

Contact - Spokesperson of the Research Cluster

althaus_mike_portraet_2020.jpeg (DE)

Mike Althaus

Professor in Biology, particularly Physiology and Neurobiology

Research fields






von-Liebig-Straße 20

53359, Rheinbach


02241 865 9541
Avinash Gupta Profilfoto

Avinash Gupta

Project Coordinator of the DFG Research Impulse "CytoTransport"




E 108


Von-Liebig-Straße 20

53359 Rheinbach

Contact hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00


+49 2241 865 546