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International Office

International Study Programmes

At Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences several international study programmes are offered. These are courses of study which are all checked and recognized by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with regard to maintaining the following quality criteria:
  • Internationally recognized degree
  • Accreditation or registration for accreditation
  • Language of teaching entirely or predominantly English
  • Internationally oriented curriculum, periods staying abroad, or international guest tutors
  • Guaranteed institutional responsibility for the care of international students 
You can find an overview of these courses of study on the pages of the individual course of study:
Studiengang Applied Biology (DE)

Applied Biology (BSc)

Studiengang Biomedical Sciences  COLOURBOX 23134180 (DE)

Biomedical Sciences (M.Sc.)

Teaser Placeholder

Untitled link

Studierende_International-Media-Studies_Foto-DW (DE)

International Media Studies (M.A.)

Studiengang MAS - Teasercut (DE)

Autonomous Systems (MSc)

Gruppenbild Social Protection Campus StA 20220517 foto eric lichtenscheidt 02 fs22.jpg

Social Protection (MSc)

Teaser Picture of the MBA Programme CSR and NGO Management.jpg (EN)

CSR & NGO Management (MBA)

Studierende Marketing

Marketing (MSc)

Darüber hinaus gibt es die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen von Doppelabschlussprogrammen mit bestehenden Partnerhochschulen auch einen Abschluss an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg zu erwerben.