International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE)

International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE)
Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Alle 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
After leaving, Dr Darya Hirsch changed to the City of Bonn.
Research Area:
Sustainable Business, Bioeconomics, Sustainable Food and Food Security
PHD Agricultural Sciences (Dr. Agr.)
Master degree in Agricultural Sciences (M.Agr.)
- Networked Rainland (german)
- NEIS - NEIS - Sustainable nutrition in everyday study life (german)
- Sustainability assessment of participatory production concepts and development of a qualitative assessment tool based on satisfaction (german)
- PROCINUT (german)
- Study on a sustainable and resilient urban food system in the city of Cologne (german)
- Food-Protects Knowledge Transfer (german)
- CSR communication put to the test (german)
- Regional Forum Responsible Business and Sustainable Food (german)
Research Projects
NEIS is a project of the consumer advice center of North Rhine-Westphalia, which is carried out in cooperation with universities at three locations in NRW. It is funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Iris GroßDoing business sustainably, measuring this and communicating about it is becoming increasingly important - regardless of the size of a company or business. Entrepreneurial/operational and social sustainability are equally important. In an agricultural business, planning security and development opportunities are key parameters, whereas for consumers and other stakeholders, ecology and social issues are of particular importance.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Wiltrud TerlauBy signing the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), the local government of the city of Cologne recognizes that a more actively oriented food policy is necessary. Such a rethinking of the current global food system seems timely and innovative. On a global level, similar examples can be seen, which already show first progress. Worldwide, 133 cities have signed the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact; following the signing, food councils or similar multi-stakeholder platforms have been established in some of these cities.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Wiltrud TerlauPublications
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Pulatov, A., D. Zavgorodnyaya. 1998. Economic analysis of agricultural sustainable development in Uzbekistan, TIIAME, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Pulatov, A., D. Zavgorodnyaya (Zavgorodskaya). 1998. Sustainable Ecological Development of Agriculture in Uzbekistan, BASIS CRSP Research in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Zavgorodnyaya, D. 2007. Contribution of international donors to the sustainable complex water resource management in Uzbekistan. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 5: 240-242.
Zavgorodnyaya, D. 2005. Phenomenon of WUA. Uzbek Agriculture, 5:25-26 (in Russian),…
Zavgorodnyaya, D. 2006. Basin principle of water management in Uzbekistan: Chance for optimal water use? Case from Amudarya River Basin Agriculture in Uzbekistan, 11:32 (in Russian)
Giordano, R., S. Liersch, M. Vurro, D. Hirsch. 2010. Integrating local and technical knowledge to support soil salinity monitoring in the Amudarya river basin. Journal for Environmental Management, 91: 1718-1729
Hirsch, D., G. Abrami, R. Giordano, S. Liersch, N. Matin, M. Schlüter. 2010. Participatory research for adaptive water management in a transition country – a case study from Uzbekistan. Ecology and Society 15(3): 23: 1-33 (online)
Schlüter, M, D. Hirsch, C. Pahl-Wostl. 2010. Coping with change: responses of the Uzbek water management regime to socio-economic transition and global change. Environmental Science and Policy, 13, 620-636
Terlau, W, D. Hirsch. 2015. Sustainable Consumption and the Attitude-Behaviour-Gap Phenomenon - Causes and Measurements towards a Sustainable Development. International Journal of Food System Dynamics (submitted for a peer-review).
Articles in Proceedings/Books
Zavgorodnyaya, D. 2004. The principles of combined use and management of natural resources: theoretical basis and their appropriateness under the conditions of Republic of Uzbekistan, SANIIRI. Collected theses of conference reports: The problems and ways of forming the economic links in agriculture and water management in conditions of market reforms development. 20-21 December, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 29-30.
Zavgorodnyaya, D. 2005. Farmers’ adaptation to the water resource use for irrigation under reforms of land and water sector in Uzbekistan. Bulletin of Karakalpak department, Academy of Science, Uzbekistan, 3:57-61 (in Russian)…
Hirsch, D. 2008. Problems and Perspectives of Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan, in: Wehrheim, P., Schoeller-Schletter, A., and Martius, C. Continuity and Change: Land and Water Use Reforms in Rural Uzbekistan. Socio-economic and Legal Analyses for the Region Khorezm. Halle/Saale: IAMO: 131-143.
Hirsch, D., R. Koshekov. 2007. Water resources management on the Basin Management Boards of Irrigation Systems (BUIS) level during the years of various water supplies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Adaptive & Integrated Water Management - Coping with complexity and uncertainty (CAIWA), 12-16th November, 2007, Basel, Switzerland
Schlüter, M., D. Hirsch, U. Abdullaev, E. Herrfahrdt-Pähle, R. Giordano , M. Khamirzaeva, G. Khasankhanova, N. Kranz, S. Liersch, N. Matin , A. Salokhiddinov, A. Savitsky, Ch. Siderius, R.Toryannikova. 2010. The Amu Darya Case Study, in: J. Mysiak et al. (Hrsg.): The adaptive water resource management handbook, Earthscan, London: 143-155
Hirsch, D. 2011. Drivers of Land Use Changes in the Amudarya River Basin, in: J. Bogardi, J Leentvaar, and H.-P. Nachtnebel (Hrsg.): River Basins and Change, GWSP, UNESCO-IHE, S. 41-50 (online)
Veldwish, G., P. Mollinga, D. Hirsch, R. Yalcin. 2012. Politics of Agricultural Water Management in Khorezm, Uzbekistan, in C. Martius, Rudenko, I., Lamers, J.P.A., Vlek, P.L.G. (Hrsg.): Cotton, Water, Salts and Soums. Economic and Ecological Restructuring in Khorezm, Uzbekistan, Springer, p. 127-140.
Hirsch, D. 2013. Institutional Dynamics of Khorezmian Water Management on the Farmer Level in Uzbekistan: From Ancient Practices to the Present Situation. V. I. Grover, G. Krantzberg (Hrsg.): Water Co-Management, CRC Press, p. 337–351
Terlau, W., D. Hirsch, 2014. Responsible Business and Sustainable Food – A Regional and International Network Model with Linkage between Science and Business, PFSD Proceedings in System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks 2014, 17th-21st of February, 2014: 487-490.
Reports &Theses
Zavgorodnyaya, D. 1998. Wirtschaftlichkeit des Produktionsmitteleinsatzes: Fallbeispiel am landwirtschaftlichen Bauunternehmen No 5 in Taschkent. Diploma thesis. Tashkent Institute for Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (TIIAME). pp. 30 [in Russian]
Zavgorodnyaya, D. 2002. Lokale Organisation des Wassermanagements in der Region Khorezm, Usbekistan. Master thesis. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University. pp. 88 [in German]
Zavgorodnyaya, D. 2007. Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan: Theory and practice, PhD thesis. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University. pp. 206 [in English]
Further links