Language Centre

Current students

Welcome on the pages of the Language Centre.

What are my required courses?

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Required language courses in the Department of Computer Science

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Required language courses in the Department of Engineering and Communication

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Required language courses in the Department of Natural Sciences

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Required language courses in the Department of Management Sciences

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Required language courses in the Department of Social Policy and Social Protection Studies

What else is offered?


Intensivkurse Englisch (only available in German)


Elective Courses of the Language Centre

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German Courses for international students


Language tests

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Tandem language learning

Moreover App

Moreover – free language-learning app for academic English

Where can I get advice?

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DSH (German Language Proficiency Test for University Admission) Information

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Writing Centre

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Language Centre - Sankt Augustin office

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Language Centre - Rheinbach office

Teaser Placeholder

Support Internationales

Dies ist ein Platzhalterbild und darf nicht ersetzt werden!!!!!!

Support E-Learning

What projects are there?


Digital International General Studies


International projects of the Language Centre


Support E-Learning


Sankt Augustin


E 003


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Opening hours

dienstags: 16:00 - 17:00 (bitte Terminabsprache per E-Mail)

Support Internationales


Sankt Augustin


E 003


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Opening hours

dienstags, 16.00 - 17:00: Terminabsprache per E-Mail

Zeiten gelten ausschließlich während der Vorlesungszeiten