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Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)

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Demonstrations in our Showrooms
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Professor Hinkenjann as a guest on WDR Local Time Bonn
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Infosys visits the IVC showroom
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Review of gamescom 2023
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Topics and projects
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The Institute of Visual Computing (IVC) is a research-oriented institute that focuses on the design and development of key technologies in the areas of computer graphics, human-computer interaction, computer vision, visualization, and augmented/mixed/virtual reality. The institute conducts both basic and applied research, thus creating the basis for successful knowledge and technology transfer and practice-oriented, high-quality teaching.


Björn Franken IVC

Politics shows interest in games as a driver of innovation

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The IVC invites you to gamble in the Game Studio

Alexander Marquardt verteidigt seine Doktorarbeit

Congratulations Dr.-Ing. Alexander Marquardt!

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H-BRS establishes itself as a player in the games sector

Press releases

Bluedot FM  No. 13

Mon, 21. October 2024

Neue Bluedot FM Podcast-Folge: Prof. André Hinkenjann über die Zukunft der Computerspiele

In der 13. Ausgabe von Bluedot FM berichten die Reporter von der Gamescom über die Welt der Computerspiele und die zunehmende Bedeutung der Branche. Im Gespräch mit Prof. André Hinkenjann diskutieren die Moderator*innen über die Entwicklung der Games, den Master-Studiengang Visual Computing & Games Technology sowie die gesellschaftlichen Einflüsse, die Computerspiele heute haben.

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Wed, 02. October 2024

Herzlich Willkommen Studierende WiSe 2024/2025

Herzlich Willkommen am Fachbereich Informatik! Das sind unsere neuen Bachelor- und Masterstudierende im Wintersemester 2024/2025. Wir wünschen allen ein erfolgreiches Studium!

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Gemeinsamer Erfolg in der Informatik: Polytechnische Universität Tschernihiw und H-BRS vertiefen Beziehungen durch DAAD-Praktikumsprogramm

Tue, 01. October 2024

Collaborative Success in Computer Science: Chernihiv Polytechnic University and H-BRS Strengthen Ties through DAAD Internship Program

For the second time, Mariia Dorosh, professor of Software Engineering at Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (CPNU), is visiting the Department of Computer Science at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) as part of the DAAD internship program. Her visit is a testament to the ongoing academic collaboration between the two institutions.

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KI Workshop bei der 5. Dr. Hans Riegel-Akademie

Mon, 30. September 2024

From algorithm to virtual AI avatar - how generative AI and AR change teaching and learning spaces

As part of the scholarship programme for high- performing MINT students (‘MINT TANK’), the Hans Riegel Foundation organises a congress every two years with an exciting and interdisciplinary programme. On 21 September 2024, H-BRS researchers Daryoush Vaziri, David Golchinfar and Alexander Marquardt gave a workshop at this congress in Brühl near Cologne on the topic of ‘From algorithm to virtual AI avatar - how generative AI and augmented realities are changing teaching and learning spaces’.

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Projektgruppe „d!nternal audit“

Thu, 26. September 2024

Examiner meeting at the Department of Computer Science: Focus on the opportunities and risks of digital innovations

In mid-September, the ‘d!nternal audit’ project group met for its biannual meeting on the Sankt Augustin campus. The meeting was hosted by Prof Dr Petra Haferkorn and Christopher Healey from the Department of Computer Science at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. The invited experts, including mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers, hold management positions in the internal auditing departments of well-known German companies. The meeting focussed on the opportunities and risks of digital innovations for their companies' business models.

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Fachbereichsratssitzung im FB Informatik Oktober 2024

Der Fachbereichsrat lädt zu seiner Sitzung ein.

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Zock 'n Friday

Every last Friday of the month, the IVC invites you to gamble in the Game Studio.

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Fachbereichsratssitzung im FB Informatik November 2024

Der Fachbereichsrat lädt zu seiner Sitzung ein.

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Christmas Party in the Department of Computer Science

This year, the Department of Computer Science is once again celebrating its traditional Christmas party together with the students, professors, staff and alumni of the Department of Computer Science.

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Weihnachtskugel mit Ö-Team Informatik



Save the Date: Cyber Security & Privacy Symposium

Symposium for invited guests. Join us as we present and discuss current research impulses from the field of cyber security.

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Publications IVC

At the Institute for Visual Computing (IVC), we are proud of our extensive collection of scientific publications resulting from numerous research projects funded by the institute itself and by external partners.

The IVC has produced a wealth of scientific publications stemming from a wide range of research projects. These publications are the fruits of our commitment to advancing knowledge and understanding in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer interaction, computer vision, visualisation and augmented/mixed/virtual reality.

Our research outputs are a direct result of both Institute-funded initiatives and projects supported by external funding sources. These projects form the backbone of our academic contributions, fostering innovation and contributing to the wider scientific community.

Explore our extensive library of academic publications that demonstrate the breadth and depth of our research endeavours. From ground-breaking developments in medical imaging to interactive virtual reality applications, the IVC is dedicated to shaping the future of visual technologies.


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"Hochschulperle" for the new game studio

IVC Workshop Showroom Visualisierung

Transfer workshop in the Showroom Visualization

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Games Technology Network (GTN) Workshop

GTN Workshop Kultur

GTN meets culture “Games for future experiences”

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IVC presents showroom at nationwide Digitaltag 2022

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fringe ensemble meets IVC

Drummerin am Gig-Simulator

Usability-Tests on Mixed Reality at drummer's focus Köln




Contact Institut of Visual Computing (IVC)


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin
