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Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)

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Demonstrations in our Showrooms
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Professor Hinkenjann as a guest on WDR Local Time Bonn
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Infosys visits the IVC showroom
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Review of gamescom 2023
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Topics and projects
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The Institute of Visual Computing (IVC) is a research-oriented institute that focuses on the design and development of key technologies in the areas of computer graphics, human-computer interaction, computer vision, visualization, and augmented/mixed/virtual reality. The institute conducts both basic and applied research, thus creating the basis for successful knowledge and technology transfer and practice-oriented, high-quality teaching.


Björn Franken IVC

Politics shows interest in games as a driver of innovation

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The IVC invites you to gamble in the Game Studio

Alexander Marquardt verteidigt seine Doktorarbeit

Congratulations Dr.-Ing. Alexander Marquardt!

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H-BRS establishes itself as a player in the games sector

Press releases

Rudolf Berrendorf 25 Jahre Dienst mit Praesident 20240722 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher 04

Wed, 24. July 2024

Professor Rudolf Berrendorf honoured for 25 years of service

Dr Rudolf Berrendorf, Professor of Computer Science, received the certificate for his anniversary from President Hartmut Ihne on Monday, 22 July 2024.

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Tue, 23. July 2024

Mitmachen bei der Online-Studie: Emotionale Erfahrungen in virtuellen Szenen

Einladung zu einer spannenden Online-Studie, die in Kooperation mit dem Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan und der German Jordanian University durchgeführt wird. 

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Medien in der Bibliothek

Fri, 19. July 2024

Department of Computer Science: Exam administration now only with Apollo

The examination administration for the Department of Computer Science has been switched from SIS or DIAS to Apollo.(1) Students and examiners in the Department of Computer Science will therefore now only deal with examination-related matters using Apollo - and no longer with SIS or DIAS.

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Mon, 15. July 2024

Course enrolment for the winter semester 2024/25

The enrolment process for courses in the winter semester 2024/25 has begun. It ends on Wednesday, 31 July 2024, at 23:59.

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Data Saturday #50 - 2024

Fri, 05. July 2024

Data Saturday Rhineland 2024 a complete success

„Data Saturday“ was held for the ninth time at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Together with PASS Deutschland e. V. UG Rheinland, Professor Harm Knolle from the Department of Computer Science organised a varied programme for experts on the various data platforms from Microsoft and other manufacturers.

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H-BRS GameJam - Let the games begin!

Vom 15. August um 10.00 Uhr bis zum 18. August 10.00 Uhr habt ihr 72 Stunden Zeit, ein Spiel zu einem spezifischen Thema zu entwickeln - Drei Tage voller kreativem Chaos, Nervenkitzel und jede Menge Spaß.

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GameJam 2024



19. Free and Open Source Software Conference (FrOSCon)

The Free and Open Source Software Conference (FrOSCon), an annual summer conference for users and developers of FOSS, will take place from 17 August to 18 August at the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences on the Sankt Augustin campus.

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Gamescom 2024 - We are part of it!

This year, the university is once again taking part in gamescom. The Department of Computer Science will be presenting exciting projects and providing information about the various degree programmes.

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Fachbereichsratssitzung im FB Informatik September2024

Der Fachbereichsrat lädt zu seiner Sitzung ein.

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Publications IVC

At the Institute for Visual Computing (IVC), we are proud of our extensive collection of scientific publications resulting from numerous research projects funded by the institute itself and by external partners.

The IVC has produced a wealth of scientific publications stemming from a wide range of research projects. These publications are the fruits of our commitment to advancing knowledge and understanding in the fields of computer graphics, human-computer interaction, computer vision, visualisation and augmented/mixed/virtual reality.

Our research outputs are a direct result of both Institute-funded initiatives and projects supported by external funding sources. These projects form the backbone of our academic contributions, fostering innovation and contributing to the wider scientific community.

Explore our extensive library of academic publications that demonstrate the breadth and depth of our research endeavours. From ground-breaking developments in medical imaging to interactive virtual reality applications, the IVC is dedicated to shaping the future of visual technologies.


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"Hochschulperle" for the new game studio

IVC Workshop Showroom Visualisierung

Transfer workshop in the Showroom Visualization

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Games Technology Network (GTN) Workshop

GTN Workshop Kultur

GTN meets culture “Games for future experiences”

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IVC presents showroom at nationwide Digitaltag 2022

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fringe ensemble meets IVC

Drummerin am Gig-Simulator

Usability-Tests on Mixed Reality at drummer's focus Köln




Contact Institut of Visual Computing (IVC)


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin
