Fachbereich Informatik

Partner project OPEN 3 with Morocco on the home stretch

Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2019

OPEN stands for Opportunity Platform towards transformative higher Education and innovative research Network. Since 2016, H-BRS has participated in the DAAD project "German-Arab Transformation Partnership" and maintains partnerships with Moroccan universities.

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In April 2019, the OPEN consortium met at the University of Cadi Ayyad in Marrakech. Prof. Dr. Rainer Herpers and Sabine Schüler represented H-BRS. One day was organized by Horst Herrmann, consultant and managing director of Professional Start.  Professors from both universities, employees and 2 invited entrepreneurs from Marrakech took part in the workshops titled "Business models and entrepreneurial skills" and "Leadership, Teamwork, Team-management and Teamleading".

At the same time, 20 Master students took part in a workshop on "Design Thinking", which was very well received. Director Yannis Beuke works as an expert for agile methods at Protostart GmbH. 

A student exchange is also part of the project: 
A Moroccan doctoral student from Marrakech, Uni Cadi Ayyad is currently doing research  at H-BRS from April to September 2019. From September to December 2019, two Master students from the University of Mohammed V in Rabat will be visiting.

The OPEN 3 project is on the home straight, but the cooperation with the Moroccan partners will not come to a standstill. Thus, the meeting in April also served toagree on further possibilities for cooperation. 


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